Bukhara State Medical Institute entrance points, admission quotas


Bukhara State Medical Institute entrance points, admission quotas

Official site:


Bukhara region, Bukhara city, Navoi ave., 1, postal code: 200118

Bukhara State Medical Institute was established in 1990 by the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers. In March 1991, the institute was named after the great scholar Abu Ali ibn Sina.

In 1991, the medical faculty, and in the 1992-1993 academic year, the dental faculties began to operate.

If we look at the formation and development of the institute, in 1991, the university taught only one area - medical work, and then achieved the training of higher education in 4 areas of education. Since 1992 he has been working in the field of dentistry, in 1999 in the field of higher nursing, in 2001 in the field of medical and pedagogical work. Pediatrics from 2017, medical prophylaxis and medical from 2018. Currently, 7 bachelors, 11 masters and more than 40 clinical residencies are being trained in the field of education.

During the historically short history of the institute, more than 8500 people were trained, including 5448 in medical work, 2510 in dentistry, 507 in medical pedagogy and 322 in higher nursing.

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