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What is credit history and how to determine it. Manual

What is credit history and how to determine it. Guide • Credit history provides information about where, from which credit organization, how much was borrowed and how it was subsequently paid. • To find out the credit history, you need to enter the Single portal ( and enter the words "Get credit history" in the search engine. After that, the service will open on the screen. • Press the button "Use the service" and follow the next [...]

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What will change from January 1?

What will change from January 1? ▫️Medical brigades will be given an additional 4 staff ➖ DETAIL ▫️The practice of taking a citizen to the internal affairs department for identification will be abandoned ➖ DETAIL ▫️Lawyership will be licensed through an electronic system ➖ DETAIL ▫️Tax for producers of poached products and customs privileges will be extended ➖ DETAIL ▫️The reward money given to honorary donors will be increased ➖ DETAIL

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Passport sections: ✔️addresses, ✔️contacts, ✔️working hours,

Passport sections: ✔️addresses, ✔️contacts, ✔️working hours, ✔️location and other information. PASSPORT DEPARTMENT OF BEKTEMIR DISTRICT has been on the site for 15 years. Activities of organizations / companies: Passport departments. Index: 100158. Country: Uzbekistan. City: TASHKENT. SINGLE WINDOW); SCHOOL NUMBER 41 see driving directions on the map View the address of the company / organization:

Passport sections: ✔️addresses, ✔️contacts, ✔️working hours, Read more "

️What is JSHSHIR (PINFL) and how to identify it?

What is JSHSHIR (PINFL) and how to identify it? Starting from June 20, the online application for higher education institutions will be started on the site. Photo or passport copy is not required for online registration. Just enter JSHSHIR, passport series and number. The passport series and number are clear. So what is JSHSHIR (PINFL)? And how to identify it? JSHSHIR - of a natural person

️What is JSHSHIR (PINFL) and how to identify it? Read more "

Admission for the 2022/2023 academic year

Registration of applicants for the 2022/2023 academic year will be carried out from June 20 to July 20 (including July 20) through the Unified Interactive State Services Portal and the official website of the State Test Center. From the 2022/2023 academic year: 7 trillion soums will be allocated from the budget annually to banks for 1,8-year interest-free loans to pay the contracts of women studying in higher education institutions, technical schools and colleges, part-time and evening education. will be punished; state

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Online Grade 1 Application - A Guide

Online application for the 1st grade - guide On June 20, online admission to schools in the city of Tashkent, the Republic of Karakalpakstan and regional centers began. "" presents a guide for parents on submitting documents to the school in electronic form through the platform. The Ministry of Public Education announced that the system of online admission of students to the 2022st grade for the 2023-1 school year - the electronic platform - has been launched. It's a no-brainer for parents

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When and in what order will the registration for the 2022 attestation take place?

When will registration for the 2022 certification take place and in what order? According to the regulations, to pass the certification, teaching staff must register every year from January 1 to March 1 and from August 1 to October 1 directly through state service centers, a single interactive state service portal, or on the official website of the Education Inspectorate. they will apply. Certification of pedagogues from January 2022

When and in what order will the registration for the 2022 attestation take place? Read more "

Procedure for filing appeals

The procedure for submitting appeal applications 🔰 Applicants who took part in the entrance tests for undergraduate courses of higher education institutions and are dissatisfied with the results can file an appeal through the website from 5:09 on September 00. . ☑️ Appeal applications will be accepted online for 14 days until September 10. 👨🏻‍💻 In this case, the applicant who wants to file an appeal must first visit

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What is a sports passport and which organization issues it?

What is a sports passport and by which organization is it issued? In Uzbekistan, on September 2015, 4, in accordance with the Law "On Physical Education and Sports", a sports passport for athletes was introduced in our country. Determining the operation procedure of the single system of issuing, maintaining, exchanging, and accounting of sports passport to the "Regulation on Sports Passport" (registered by the Ministry of Justice on November 2017, 22 with the number 2949)

What is a sports passport and which organization issues it? Read more "

Methods of state registration of business

Methods of state registration of business Do you want to engage in entrepreneurship and formalize your business? You can register your business in two ways. 1. In person I. State service center Contact the State service center in your district (city) to enter the required information II. Payment Once you have entered the required information, you will receive a payment identification number

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