Cucumber diet


At a time when the market and store shelves are full of freshly picked cucumbers, we have a great opportunity for women to rejuvenate and get rid of excess weight. The cucumber diet is designed for 3 or 5 days. Although there are many types, you can lose 2-4 kg of weight after each diet. Cucumber is also the best tool for cleansing the stomach, joints and kidneys. This vegetable even effectively removes various spots on the skin. So, during a cucumber diet, you can get rid of several “enemies” with a single shot.

Why is it effective?
First of all, cucumber differs from other vegetables in that it contains natural fiber and 95% water. If you have noticed, many other diets recommend drinking 2-3 liters of water per day. Cucumber diet is an exception, because 2 kg of cucumbers contain 1900 ml of water. Now let’s talk about the second benefit. Cucumber improves the work of the stomach, rids it of toxins (slag) and toxins. In addition, cucumber has the property of driving urine. This means that you also get rid of excess fluid that has accumulated in your body for some time.

The easiest way.
3 kg per day for 5–1,5 days. It is recommended to eat cucumbers. In doing so, you can enrich your daily diet with a variety of salads made from cucumbers. Most importantly, do not add salt into salads prepared for the diet. One more thing: eat only between 12-13, 16-17, 19-20 hours. Breakfast, as always, tea, coffee and water in any quantity. Below you will find three different types of salads:

The first salad.
1-2 kg. cut the cucumber into large pieces. Then mix with 30 g of mayonnaise and various greens to taste. Divide the prepared salad into 3-5 pieces and eat throughout the day.

The second salad.
Mix the above amount of cucumbers with low-fat sour cream or kefir, add 1-2 boiled eggs and unsalted spices to improve the taste.

The third salad.
1,5 kg. crushed cucumber, 500 gr. Stir in tomatoes and add 1 teaspoon vegetable oil or sour cream into it. You can also add a little boiled lean meat to this salad to your taste. It is important not to add salt.

People with gastritis, high acidity and peptic ulcer disease are strictly forbidden to follow a cucumber diet!

By following the above diet for 7 days, you will gain 5 kg. you can lose weight. But a cucumber diet can be very dangerous for the health of some people! For this reason, be sure to consult your doctor before using this diet!

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