Special menu


Special menu
- In my opinion, this type of service does not exist in Uzbekistan at all. Because it is a new service that is now mandatory in all food centers in the United States. You write information about the food you eat, its composition, and how many beneficial vitamins it contains.
💸 #Costs
- I don't think it would hurt to set aside $ 100 as a backup.
💰 #Income
- You can submit your offer to any restaurant, cafe, bar and other dining centers and agree with them. Usually the preparation of such special menus from 0 will be around $ 500. But if you just gather information about the meal, you get $ 50-200.
- Also, if you have a little experience in food and handling, sales will increase, of course 😉
Ps: You can also create similar recipes and menus for the most popular products by agreeing on supermarkets and large stores.

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