Coca-Cola damage


Coca-Cola damage

• One serving of a drink contains a high dose of caffeine. In large quantities this substance raises blood pressure, disrupts normal blood circulation.

• Large amounts of caffeine speed up blood flow, putting extra strain on the blood vessels and heart.

• Decreased vitamin K in the body leads to impaired blood clotting. Phosphoric acid only exacerbates the negative effect on this process. With such a defect, Coca-Cola cannot be drunk even in small amounts.

• Increased diuretic (diuretic) effect - significantly reduces the amount of calcium in bone tissue.

• Doctors have found that Coca-Cola is harmful to the baby's body with a sudden release of insulin. The syndrome is accompanied by an increase in acetone levels: gastric dysfunction, intestinal pain and vomiting.

• Coca-Cola contains carcinogenic additives such as Ye – 150, which stimulate the growth of cancer cells.


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