Diathesis treatment


Diathesis treatment

🔴 Nonmedicomentose treatment of diathesis
✅ child care,
✅correcting the diet and diet,
✅ Physiotherapy treatments are included.
✅ Babies with diathesis should be fed with mother's milk, and older children should follow a diet and avoid harmful products.

🔴For local use in diathesis:
✅ It is recommended to take baths with chamomile, oak root.
✅ Anti-inflammatory non-hormonal ointments are applied to the damaged skin area.
Treatment with general ultraviolet rays also gives good results. Hyposensitization procedures are carried out under the supervision of an allergist.

❗️ Suffering from diathesis
It is necessary to strictly limit purine-rich products from children's diet.
👉🏻 Such products include cocoa, chocolate, peas, liver and fatty products.

🔴As a complex treatment:
✔️ antipyretic drugs and sedatives,
✔️Vitamins of group B and gymnastics are prescribed.
✔️Protection of women from genital diseases and toxicosis during pregnancy,
✔️ they should choose a hypoallergenic diet.
✔️Breastfed children should only be fed with milk,
✔️adult children should avoid allergic products.
✔️ Children with diathesis are also vaccinated on the basis of a separate schedule.

🔴 If diathesis is correctly diagnosed and the right treatment measures are taken, the outcome will be positive. In most cases, diathesis passes by itself during puberty.

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