Doctor: Sweating can cause anxiety


Doctor: Sweating can cause anxiety

Sweating is a natural but not always pleasant physiological process. Through sweating, the body normalizes its temperature. For example, the body cools down through heat and sweat separation during training. But sometimes sweating can be a sign of a health problem.

Cold sweats from the body can be a cause for concern. According to therapist Lyudmila Lapa, cold sweats may indicate an inflammatory process in the lungs or an exacerbation of chronic disease. Do not be careless and consult a doctor when the temperature changes.

Excessive secretion of cold skin can also be a sign that viruses are attacking the body. Even at this time, as mentioned above, it is important not to delay going to the doctor.

“The fact that sweating is related to the endocrine system should not be ignored. When a tachycardia (rapid heartbeat) is observed, many people go to a cardiologist, but this is more of an endocrinological problem, ”said Lyudmila.

The body reports that it has a problem through various symptoms, and for this reason it is recommended to pay attention, not to deny the desired change.


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