Ecological education


Environmental education and training
  1. The nature of ecological education.
  2. The purpose and tasks of environmental education.
  3. Directions of ecological education.
  4. Carrying out environmental education in educational institutions.
  1. The nature of ecological education. Many decisions issued by the leadership of the Republic of Uzbekistan envisage the expansion and improvement of work related to nature protection and the training of specialists in this field to meet the requirements of scientific and technical development. The solution to these problems is to preserve our mother nature, which is a part of the universe, to use its natural resources in a planned and economical way, living beings; including clean air, water and soil, plant and animal habitat for humans.
For the development of material and spiritual forces in science and technology, production in our country, the presence of educated environmental educators, environmental pedagogues, environmental technologists, environmental engineers, environmental instructors has become a requirement of the present time.
We need educated, experienced ecologist-agrochemists, ecologist-entomologists, ecologist-agrobiologists in various fields of the national economy, who use ecological measures to solve various problems that arise in the work process and protect the environment. environmental education and training on protection should be carried out continuously in families, kindergartens, schools, higher and secondary special educational institutions, various enterprises and organizations. As a result, together with specialists with secondary and higher education, they work in agriculture, heavy and light industrial enterprises of various directions, and transport enterprises, observing environmental cleanliness.
Future ecologists in various fields will receive information from modern sciences, get acquainted with scientific and technical achievements. They improve their practical skills by passing production experience in kindergarten, school, and enterprises. Being high-level young professionals, they thoroughly study the laws of nature and society, and positively solve environmental protection.
Theoretical basis of ecological education - environmental protection education in kindergartens, schools, large and small educational institutions, higher educational institutions, based on specific curricula and programs, and training of qualified specialists. Collected experiences are summarized and presented in a pedagogical form, curriculum and textbooks are compiled.
  1. The purpose and tasks of environmental education. The main tasks and goals of environmental education are to make people interested in nature and the realities that occur in it, to determine the causes of problems between people and nature, to find ways to solve them, and to have sufficient environmental knowledge. implementation of environmental protection. The tasks of ecological education are as follows:
  2. development laws of society and nature; in-depth training of the relationship between them and preparation of a person who can think modernly;
  3. preparing a generation that knows the ecological condition of various natural areas and prepares an ecological plan for the future in the direction of socio-economic planning and production forces;
  4. every person, society and various groups, categories, classes within the society, the nature in which they live, the cultivation of young people who serve to preserve its resources;
  5. to explain the beauty of the place where they live, valleys, hills, mountains, their importance in human life and health to the members of the society in the development of their social, cultural, religious views and traditions.
In the implementation of the above tasks, kindergarten teachers, school and educational students, through various games and movies, connect natural and social sciences to the natural reality and ecological conditions in the place where they live. should carry out educational work and attend classes.
When such things are done, every kindergartner, schoolboy and student will not be indifferent to the withering of a plant, the inability of a bird to fly, the burning of a hill or forest, and the useless flow of water. He feels sorry for nature, its creatures, the water he drinks, and a sense of inner desire to improve the situation arises. This is a new biological force in man. The revolution of his new intelligence will be the victory of ecological education.
On the basis of ecological education, people and members of society should behave correctly and rationally in the preservation and economical use of nature and its resources, devote practical work to solving environmental problems, environmental education, upbringing and culture of the individual. is indifferent.
  1. Directions of ecological education. One of the main directions of ecology education is to organize continuous environmental education in our republic regarding the preservation of nature, the economical use of its various resources, and general education in this field, starting from kindergarten, among the employees and managers of various enterprises. .
For this, it is necessary to do the following:
  1. In order to strengthen and properly implement environmental education related to nature protection, it is necessary to conduct pedagogical experiments and observations, as well as to create educational textbooks, to train sufficiently highly educated specialists;
  2. It is necessary to continuously carry out ecological education among different groups of the population everywhere, to instill in students love for nature, to improve their skills, to cultivate young people as ecological economists in terms of preserving and saving natural resources;
  3. To learn the reality, to protect the environment, from kindergarten and school children, to create endurance, patience, and tolerance skills for environmental education and education in senior leaders, and to teach them about the environment in short and long-term It is necessary to organize annual courses;
  4. People who have received ecological education should be aware of the ecological situation of the places where they live, teach young people, and know how to inform the necessary organizations if any ecological change occurs in nature.
  5. Carrying out environmental education in educational institutions. Ways of conducting environmental education in kindergartens and schools. Starting from carrying out activities related to the preservation of nature, its beauty and natural resources among families, kindergarten children and schoolchildren, to teach the young and growing generation to love the environment, its plants, animals, water and soil. it is necessary to raise them as compassionate, nurturing and enriching souls.
  6. To achieve these goals, it is necessary to educate kindergarten children on the basis of special programs such as "Ecological education-education methodology", "Getting to know nature" and to inculcate the elements of environmental education related to nature into children's minds with the help of various games;
  7. Work on instilling love and affection for nature in children is carried out in simple, simple and understandable forms on the basis of special methodical manuals, recommendations, educational and game materials such as "The world around us", "Nature around us", "Natural science". should be conducted;
  8. Educators and methodologists who provide environmental education to children must be experienced specialists who have completed special courses;
  9. On the basis of the "Ecological education and nature style" program, it is necessary to organize retraining courses for educators, lectures, experience exchange seminars, to increase the knowledge and levels of employees, and work skills;
  10. In schools, concepts such as "environment", "nature", "environmental protection", "ecology", "ecological conflicts" are taught in schools based on the textbooks "The world around us", "Natural science", botany, zoology, literature, chemistry, physics, and especially , must take a special place in passing "General Biology" subjects;
  11. When taking schoolchildren to nature, agrocenoses, excursions, the state of the environment, its protection takes a special place, the nature of the place where students live, its ecological state, negative and positive factors affecting it they should return from the excursion with the knowledge, skills and thinking ability to take measures to preserve and enrich natural resources;
  12. School and lyceum students are "young naturalists", "Green patrols", "Enthusiasts who care for animals", "Mother-land patrols", "Clean air", "Blue water" patrols, "Nature and fantasy" organized in the wellness lane, "Young ecologists" specially trained in "Young phenologists", "Nature protection" circles, "Young ecologists" specially trained in "Nature protection" circles study environmental problems in a comprehensive manner based on the curriculum need;
There is no doubt that the XNUMXst century will be the century of ecology. Everyone should contribute to the sacred task of changing the nature of our mother planet without harming it, using its natural resources wisely and preserving the living environment.
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