General information about the hydrosphere and water resources


Hydrosphere and water resources haqgeneral information
Importance of water in the biosphere and national economy
The shell of the Earth's surface, consisting of water, is called the hydrosphere. It includes all waters in the biosphere - oceans, seas, lakes, rivers, glaciers, groundwater and water vapor in the atmosphere.
  The total amount of water in the hydrosphere is approximately 1403 million km3 of which ocean waters are 1370 million km3, glaciers 24 million km3, underground water 8 million km3, lake waters 0,23 million km3, the water contained in the soil is 0,007 million km3, the water in the atmosphere is 0,014 million km3, river waters 0,002 million km3 constitutes water.
"We created life in water," says the Holy Qur'an. Indeed, there is no life without water! Water is fundamentally different from other natural resources as it is used in all areas of our daily life. Coal, oil, gas and other fuels can substitute for each other, or thermal energy, electricity, nuclear energy and solar energy can be used. But there is no other natural resource that can replace water in our daily life.
The importance of water in our daily life is as follows:
1. Water actively participates in all processes in the biosphere and, in particular, in the process of photosynthesis, exchange of matter and energy. For example, in the process of photosynthesis, 225 billion tons of oxygen are released per year, and about 300 billion tons of organic substances are created.
2. All water sources on the globe (oceans, rivers, seas, lakes, glaciers, reservoirs, etc.) regulate the temperature regime, i.e. climate, on our planet.
Water in the hydrosphere absorbs solar energy in summer and protects the environment from cooling in winter. Water vapor in the atmosphere is a filter of solar radiation.
  1. Water is a means of survival for all living organisms. Because there is a certain amount of water in the tissues of any living organism. For example, an adult's body is up to 70% water, while young babies are 97% water.
  Plant and animal tissues contain about 50-90% water, meat contains 50%, and milk contains about 85-90% water.
  1. Chemical and biochemical processes cannot take place without water.
5. Water also acts as a thermoregulator in the body of living organisms. Therefore, a person consumes 2,4-6,5 liters of water per day, depending on the temperature of the environment and the level of physical work.
  Amudarya, Syrdarya, Zarafshan, Kashkadarya, Surkhandarya, Ohangaron and Chirchik rivers are the main water sources of our republic.
Our republic has a total of 10-12 billion m3  there is running water, and the remaining 85-90 billion m3 water flows from other countries (in particular, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan).
Amudarya is higher than other rivers in terms of catchment area and annual water volume. The length of Amudarya is 1900 km, the water catchment area in the mountains alone is 2770 km2  is equal to About 83% of Amudarya waters are formed in the territory of Tajikistan, only 6% in the territory of Uzbekistan.
  The length of the Syr Darya is 2140 km, the catchment area is 150 thousand km2 and the annual water volume is 37,1 km3  amounts to About 80% of the waters of Syr Darya are formed in the territory of Kyrgyzstan, only 13% are formed in the territory of our republic.
  It should be noted that the Republic of Tajikistan has a special place in the formation of water resources of the Aral Sea basin. The volume of river water in the territory of Tajikistan is 52,7 km3or about 44% of the water flowing into the Aral Sea basin.
  An average person uses 150-450 liters of water per day for personal hygiene and household utilities. But this indicator depends on the type of service and the created conditions. If there are no water pipes and sewage pipes, then 30-50 liters of water will be consumed. If there are water pipes and sewage pipes, 180-230 liters of water will be consumed. In the central heating system, 275-400 liters of water are consumed per person per day.
  In developed countries, an average of 500-600 liters of water is consumed per person per day. But in developing countries, this indicator is 2-3 times smaller, and 200-250 liters of water are consumed.
  150 liters of water per person per day in cities for household needs (55m per year3 water), and in rural areas, 50 liters of water (18-20m per year).3  water) is consumed.
Currently, 200 km from underground sources and rivers are used annually to irrigate 2800 million hectares of land in the world.3 water is being taken. This is 7% of river water. 80% of the water taken for irrigation or 2300 km3 if water is used, 20% of it or 470-480 km3 the water is discharged into rivers and lakes as wastewater.
  3 thousand m to grow one ton of grain3 water, 7 thousand m to grow one ton of rice3, and for growing one ton of corn, 1500 m3 water is consumed. 1 m depending on the type of plant to produce 150 kg of plant mass3 from 1000 m3  water consumption up to 12000-20000m to irrigate one hectare of cotton3  water is consumed.
  The annual water consumption of our republic is 62-65 km3  is, so 25km3 11 km from Amudarya3 It is taken from Syr Darya, and the rest from rivers and underground water sources. 85% of the total water intake or 53-55 km3 to meet the needs of agricultural industries, 12-16 km3 water to industries and only 3% or 1,7 km3 water utility is used to meet the needs of enterprises.
  From the annual amount of water received for all sectors of the national economy (62-65 km3 from water) 23-25 ​​km3 water is returned to open water bodies through ditches. 5 km from it3 water to Amudarya, 10 km3more than to Syrdarya, the remaining 8-10 km3  water is discharged into small rivers and lakes.
The waters flowing through the territory of our republic are enough to absorb 4,8 million hectares of land and irrigate them. However, at present, 4,4 million hectares of land have been developed, and the coefficient of water use is 95-98%. That is why the need for drinking water and water suitable for irrigation is increasing in our republic. Problems of water shortage, waste water treatment and reuse are emerging.
Taking into account the conditions of Central Asia, experts estimate that 10 m per hectare of land is used for irrigation of crops.3 who justified the appropriateness of water consumption. In practice, during 1960-1990, 17,2 thousand m per hectare of cultivated area was irrigated in the farms of Uzbekistan.3 water consumed, i.e. 7,2 thousand m3 water has been used excessively.
  In 1993, 13,2 thousand m per hectare of irrigated land3 , 1994 thousand m in 12,63 and 1995 thousand m in 11,23 water is used up. This is an additional m every year3 saves water and allows to pour it into the Aral Sea.
  It should also be mentioned that the state of land reclamation is not the same in our region. Therefore, to irrigate 1 hectare of land, on average, 5-20 thousand m3 water is consumed.
Underground water sources are the natural wealth of our republic, which is widely used as drinking water, irrigation, industry and livestock farms.
  Groundwater occurs naturally mainly due to precipitation and irrigation water percolating through the soil. Currently 5,5 km per year3 water is taken from underground water sources. If this indicator is 17,6 km3 firstly, there will be no damage to the general reserve of underground water, and secondly, the drinking water needs of the rural population of Surkhandarya, Kashkadarya, Bukhara and Khorezm regions would be met at the expense of underground water. Because in our republic, only 85-95% of urban residents and 10-15% of rural residents have centralized drinking water supply.
2-4 m to extract one ton of coal3 water, 1-30 m to process 40 ton of oil products3 water, 1 m to produce 400 ton of silk3, 1 m for the production of 500 ton of copper, cardboard and paper3 water, 1 m to produce 600 ton of nitrogen fertilizers3 water, 1-1000 m per 1500 ton of yarn3 water, 1 m to get 3500 ton of synthetic fiber3 1-2500m to get 5000 ton of synthetic fiber3 water is consumed.
         The amount of water used per unit of production is called the water consumption coefficient and m3/t is measured in units of For example, in the production of 1 ton of nickel, 400 m3 water, 1 m for the production of 1500 ton of ammonia3 water, 1 m for the production of 100 ton of nitric acid3 water is consumed.
          In the chemical industry, water is used as a raw material and reagent, a heating and cooling agent, a solvent, a catalyst, and a substance that prepares raw materials for the technological process.
          The chemical industry consumes the most water, so such enterprises are built in places close to water sources.
         An enterprise producing kapron fibers consumes the water of one city with a population of 120. Large electro-chemical plants consume enough water for 800 people.
          It should also be remembered that water covers 70% of the earth's surface, its total volume is 1345 mln. km3 and fresh water is only 2% of it. Currently, only 12-15% of the water is used and discharged into open water bodies. Water consumption doubles every 12 years. Therefore, the population's need for fresh water is increasing day by day. At present, 2/1 of the world's population has a shortage of drinking water.
The use of water in different sectors of the economy has different indicators among the countries of the world. For example, if in European countries 48% of water is used in industry and 39% in agriculture, in Asian countries these figures are 5% and 88%, respectively. If in African countries 4% of water is used in industry and 72% in agriculture, in North America these indicators are 36% and 36% of water, respectively. If in Australia 36% of water is used in industry and 50% in agriculture, in the Commonwealth of Independent States these indicators are 28% and 62% of water, respectively.

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