Aesthetic education, its tasks, means, threats and "popular culture"


Aesthetic education, its tasks, means, threats and "popular culture".
             Aesthetic education is an important element that helps to create a spiritual environment in society, it is a force that shapes and develops human taste and thereby brings people closer to social relations.
             Currently, the scope of aesthetic education is expanding. Accordingly, he set himself many important tasks. These are: - not only active assimilation of works of art, examples of artistic creativity, but also improvement of the ability to understand and evaluate their aesthetic essence;
    - to demonstrate the creative potential of the members of the society and instill a sense of confidence in being able to use them;
    — to develop the skills to relate to social processes of nature and society with a pure feeling and to actively work towards their development;
     — to awaken a sense of respect for our past spiritual heritage, to create a basis for the formation of feelings of national pride and national pride;
     - to face the world by developing all types of creativity and to encourage them to promote the aspects that benefit the interests of the nation.
        The main means of aesthetic education can include such areas as art, information technology, nature, work, and sports.
           Art is an important tool of aesthetic education. Today, in our society, rather than managing human activity, it is often said that this process should be organized by the person himself. In this process, art has always attracted people as an important tool capable of influencing the feelings of a person. Art penetrates into the world of human passions and feelings, makes them cry, laugh, and think. That's probably why art has accompanied people in all ages.
           Art is closely connected with the process of education in order to fully express its aesthetic potential. For example, the beautification of human thinking is considered the research object of aesthetics, and the subject of aesthetic education is determined by the aesthetic understanding of the spiritual world by a person.
           Information technology is a global tool of aesthetic education. Once upon a time, when students of higher education institutions that train specialists in natural and technical fields were asked, "In which fields is your ideal reflected?", most of them said that it is reflected more in the field of art, literature, and enlightenment. It also proves our points that they answered.
         It can be said that as a result of information and communication technology becoming an important tool of human and economic development today, people's way of life, interaction and even their appearance have changed radically.
          Neighborhood is an important tool of aesthetic education. The influence of neighborhood aesthetic education is extremely large. As long as the neighborhood is a small community within the society, today it is of great importance as a place that helps to increase the socio-political activity of the individual and to form his socio-legal culture. Also, the neighborhood is distinguished from other factors by the fact that it can closely influence the refined upbringing of a person. In this sense, the community, in turn, fulfills the noble goals it has set for itself and educates the modern man in a sophisticated manner.
          Nature is a necessary means of aesthetic education. It should be specially noted that as much as the family is considered to be the most important factor in the aesthetic development of modern human education, nature is no less important in this process. Because a conscious failure to compromise with nature prevents a person from becoming elegantly perfect. Therefore, it would not be appropriate to avoid this problem at the moment when the relationship between man and nature is on the brink of crisis and destruction.
            The importance of work as a means of aesthetic education.  Work becomes an important tool of aesthetic education by creating both material and spiritual beauty. This process occurs under the influence of the connection of social and useful work with art. This attitude ultimately reduces the harm caused by labor tools to people. In addition, the creative approach to work is a factor that determines the moral image of society.
            Sport is a modern means of aesthetic education. Sport, as a means of aesthetic education, has a special importance in the development of a modern person. Currently, the development of sports has risen to the level of state policy in our country. The main goal is to raise the generation to be physically strong, healthy, brave defenders of the motherland. Currently, many programs for the development of sports have been developed in our country, and they are actively involved in social relations. In recent days, Uzbekistan has become visible in the world community as a country that organizes and hosts world competitions in many sports. All this is aimed at improving the health of a person's sophisticated worldview and thinking in a certain sense. In a word, sport as an important tool of aesthetic education makes an important contribution to the realization of the goal "The future of a country whose children are healthy will be bright".                                  
           At the same time, external threats affecting national spirituality have a significant impact on the process of aesthetic education. This requires the purposeful orientation of aesthetic education in the system of socio-spiritual relations. It is worth noting that there are a lot of "healthy lifestyle promoters", "entertainment" and "feel-good" sites under the guise of aesthetics. What's more alarming is the increasing number of sites related to vampirism aesthetics and its promotion on the Internet. It's not difficult to find these promotional sites with a simple search command. It is time to fight against such threats by introducing beautiful values ​​to the world, creating characters that reflect the rich and unique aesthetic world of our people, which indicates the need for aesthetic education in the spiritual upliftment of young people. This is the first aspect of threats to aesthetic education.
           The second aspect of the threat to aesthetic education is determined by the need to study the relationship between the external and internal appearance of a person. This science is known today in biology and medicine as physiognomy. However, in the past, serious attention was paid to this area and a number of treatises were created. For example, the German classical philosopher I. Kant described this science as "the science that studies the inner world", while the scholars of the East wrote works such as "Risolai fil farosa" (XNUMXth century), "Farosatnoma" (XNUMXth century) in this regard. those who wrote it down.
            Usually, the concept of prudence is determined by aesthetic appreciation. We react when he is angry, inappropriate, does things that we don't like. That's probably why we rarely use the words "a shrewd person, shrewd, shrewd". However. Concepts such as taste, understanding, and insight belong to the science of aesthetics and are manifested through the attitude to understanding-truth, insight-goodness, and taste-beauty. At the root of all three phenomena is ability. In this sense, it brings out intellectual-mental, prudence-ethical, taste-aesthetic ability. Especially aesthetic taste and insight require a complex process of education. Because it is a combination of intellectual, moral and emotional education.
             Therefore, a person who is physiologically prone to evil can change his behavior under the influence of aesthetic education and become a person with beautiful morals. Therefore, it is not fair to judge a person who has changed his bad feelings to a good one and has reached spiritual maturity based only on his face.
             At this point, there are a few considerations that need to be emphasized about the third aspect of the threat to aesthetic education. Among them, the psychological aspects of influencing the aesthetic education of a person are of particular importance. This can be explained by a subconscious phenomenon.
        1. Feelings. It can be said that these 5 senses have the ability to develop subconsciously. A continuous process is continuously recorded by the senses in the memory. But we cannot separate them all. After all, despite the fact that there are millions of colors in the rainbow, we can distinguish only 7 of them.
        2. Observation. In this regard, advertising and its aesthetic nature can be cited as an example. That is why product advertisements are placed in crowded places (markets, streets, etc.), where direct observation becomes an important factor. At the same time, interest in the product increases due to devotion to the person shown in the advertisement.
         3. Propaganda. Subliminal propaganda can include influencing voices that are not naturally heard. Music played in supermarkets, cafe-bars, markets and entertainment venues also aims to attract customers.
          4. Influence through a hidden frame. Covert manipulation of the human subconscious, particularly the 25th frame, has been persecuted by most countries. According to experts, this kind of propaganda is not always used in a good way, and it can happen to many well-intentioned people. For example, in movies or series, "If a person is constantly told to 'Kill your neighbor!' Medical psychology proves that he can commit murder without hesitation if he is influenced by a hidden camera.
              Ignoring the above 4 aspects leads to the rise of "popular culture", which is recognized as a disturbing and threatening phenomenon today. In this regard, from the works of the President, "High Spirituality - Invincible Power", "Of course, under the guise of "mass culture", spreading the ideas of moral corruption and violence, individualism, egocentrism, if necessary, gaining wealth at the expense of other nations, how many thousands of other peoples There is a wisdom that says, "The disregard for the annual traditions and values, the spiritual foundations of the way of life, and the dangerous threats aimed at uprooting them."
               Now two heavy words about "popular culture". I would not be wrong to say that all the participants of this conference are aware of its origin, influence and threat. But one thing that is extremely threatening is that mass culture turns a person into a part of the "faceless" stream.
          This vice, in most cases, connects sacred concepts such as truth, beauty, and goodness with the need for general consumption, promoting the goal of consumerism and consumerism. This ultimately creates an opportunity for the "flourishment" of phenomena that threaten the spirituality of "market literature", "bozot art". Today, the market for various inexpensive romance or detective adventures is brisk. "Featured" films without taste, level, and no designation of "nationality" have also increased. When we think of "market art", the first thing that comes to mind is the kind of songs that are sung in such films and holiday scenes.
            Mass culture of the XNUMXst century appears in its modern form under the guise of integration into the developed cultural world. It is the need of the hour to be able to realize the sharp difference between the negative situations under these masks and the vices they can create and universal human values.
           Popular culture First of all, it is necessary to correctly understand that it is dangerous because it attacks the national morality and follows the ideological system of the society. In forming a person who can stand firm against this danger, it is necessary to carry out all forms of education in harmony. Ethical education remains an urgent task for this purpose, educating the young generation with high taste in the image of an aesthetic ideal that does not conflict with nationality.
           Since the main goal of "mass culture" is to create a world that can be tuned to any tune, it does not allow works that provide spiritual nourishment, are artistically high, encourage the reader to observe, and serve to expand the world of imagination. Therefore, the samples of "mass culture" have no artistic-aesthetic value. Popular culture, whether Western or Eastern, has a significant impact on his spiritual life. Year by year, it is becoming a phenomenon that strongly affects the personality of a person, his aesthetic thinking. This is especially affecting the public through art, which is the most important means of aesthetic education. This phenomenon is manifested in art in the form of obscene films and indecent music, and today the intelligentsia of our society understands that moral vices such as obscenity, violence, and cruelty are based on them.
           In this regard, in the 70s of the XNUMXth century, a number of American sociologists, philosophers, and art critics conducted a number of studies on the influence of "mass culture" on social development, especially on general cultural processes. In particular, the sociologist C. Reich in his book "Blooming America" ​​states that "rebellious youth are creating their own 'culture', which is based on clothes, music and drugs." Young "rebellious" people are creating their own values ​​and defending them, turning away from the philosophical, ethical, aesthetic significance of the social development, as well as the culture of behavior and communication. For such a "new man", the basis of the maskur's value is the ability to feel himself outside the existing system.

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