Facial cleansing rules


Facial cleansing at home can save you a lot of money spent on a cosmetologist. Of course, cleaning the face at home requires extreme care, which can cause serious damage to the facial skin if the necessary instructions are not followed. There is a possibility of pus, inflammation or pitting as a result of improper actions. This means you will need a steam bath, salt, liquid soap and a disinfectant to clean your face at home. The facial skin is thoroughly cleansed and a steam bath or hot oil mask is applied. Then a cotton swab soaked in warm water with a salt peel (deep cleansing) is soaped and sprinkled with fine salt, and with this swab the most dirty areas of the face are carefully rubbed (this salt and soap mixture can also be rubbed by hand). . Leave the soap and salt foam on the face for 5-6 minutes, then wash off with cold water. If the facial skin is sensitive to salt, it can be replaced with cosmetic bura. The most responsible situation is to try to squeeze the comedones (blackheads) very carefully with two fingers. If the facial skin is dry and it is difficult to squeeze comedones, they are rubbed with heated vegetable oil before a steam bath. Add a little oatmeal to the soap and salt foam. Hands should be sterilized during facial cleansing at home. To do this, wrap your fingers in sterilized paper napkins. Once the facial skin is completely cleansed of excess dirt and blackheads, the skin should be thoroughly disinfected. It is recommended to postpone ultraviolet and water treatments after this procedure. Whenever possible you should avoid using creams as well - tonics are best.

Facial skin can be wiped with the following.

Kitchen vinegar.
Lemon juice.
Warm mixture of borax (0,5 teaspoon of borax in 1 cups of water).
A mixture of 3% hydrogen peroxide.
A mixture of lemon and glycerin (50 g. Glycerin, 30 g. Lemon juice and 100 g, water).

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