Eating rules during pregnancy


Eating rules during pregnancy

An average of 85,000 kcal of energy is expended for the entire pregnancy period. If we do this in days, the daily energy expenditure is 85,000 kcal / 280 days = 300 kcal. This means you need to take an extra 300 kcal per day.

Protein is extremely important for the good development of the fetus. Need: Take at least 1 g of protein per 1,5 kg of body weight.

For the normal development of the nervous system of the embryo (child) during pregnancy, it is necessary to increase the consumption of long-chain fatty acids. Demand for them will increase, especially in the third trimester.
Products rich in long-chain fatty acids: fish, liver, egg yolk, soybean oil.

Products with a low glycemic index (GI) should be consumed. Consumption of products high in GI should be avoided as much as possible.

The concentration of vitamins in the blood decreases in the 2nd half of pregnancy. Causes: increased blood volume, increased liver filtration, increased demand for vitamins. This is normal. But this needs to be corrected. The main deficiency is felt in vitamins A, D, B6 and folate (folic acid). However, excessive intake of vitamin A has a teratogenic effect on the fetus. There is also no need to over-consume vitamins D and V6. Consumption of folate (V9) is doubled. The World Health Organization recommends that the fetus take 2 mcg of folic acid (folic acid) per day to prevent the development of defects in the nervous system.

Adequate intake of iron, calcium, zinc, and iodine is essential for normal fetal development.
Daily requirement:
• Iron - 20 mg
• Calcium - 300 mg
• Zinc - 5 mg
• Iodine - 0,03 mg

Not less than 2 liters per day. It is forbidden to drink coffee, caffeinated beverages, cola, carbonated and colored drinks! This leads to poisoning and hypoxia in the child.

Note: The tendency to obesity increases in pregnant women. For this reason, try not to exceed TMI ( = 25!

Nutrition Science (

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