Many parents are concerned about their children’s abilities, whether they have a trait that needs to be developed. Usually, what a child prefers is formed before they go to school, but in elementary school, even at an older age, a child’s abilities can emerge. Adults focus more on the arts, foreign language teaching, and creative ability in the field of literature and fine arts. They rarely pay attention to a child’s propensity to take tests, organizational and leadership skills. Often, creativity in this area is not encouraged by adults, and the child is perceived as cheerful, rebellious.

Every child will be talented, and they need support and the development of their abilities. One is physically strong, another draws a picture well, and a third weaves a poem.

A survey to determine a child’s ability
How to use the survey?

- Evaluate each feature of the child (5 points - the child has a strong expression; 4 points - the expression is above average; 3 points - the average expression; 2 points - a weak expression, 1 point - not expressed at all);

- Add points within each field, divide the result for each field by the number of questions in it;

- Try to create a graphical representation of the child's abilities, for this mark 8 areas of ability on the horizontal axis, and the average score obtained on each of them on the vertical axis; a profile (cross-section) of the child’s ability appears in the broken lines.

Ability to engage in individual activities.
1. Expresses ideas clearly and concisely (orally and in writing).

2. Reads books, scientific and popular literature 1-2 years earlier than his age.

3. Has the ability to understand abstract concepts, to determine generality.

4. Has good motor coordination skills (records what he sees perfectly and records what he hears perfectly).

5. Reads popular science books and magazines after classes.

6. Teachers of a project or a new idea will not be disappointed if the test fails without the support of the parents.

7. Attempts to determine the cause and content of events.

8. Spends a lot of time creating their own projects (construction, construction, assembly).

9. Loves to discuss scientific ideas, events, publications, thinks about them often, thinks.

10. Fluent in communication, accepts news. Loves to try new ways of solving vital tasks. He does not use the methods and options that have already been tried, he is not afraid to make new attempts, he always checks new ideas and can give them up only after passing the tests.

Musical ability

1. Rhythm, responds quickly and well to the melody, always listens attentively to the music.

2. Sings well.

3. Spends a lot of time playing musical instruments, singing, dancing.

4. Wants to hear as much music as possible.

5. Reflects emotions, his mental state in song and music.

6. Original creates his own melodies and songs.

7. Plays any musical instrument well.

Technical ability.

1. Performs manual labor well.

2. Interested in machinery and machines.

3. Interested in machines, equipment, trains and their construction.

4. Repairing broken equipment can use old details to create something new toys.

5. Understands mechanisms, likes to ask questions about faults.

6. Loves to draw drawings and sketches of mechanisms.

7. Loves to read magazines and articles about creating new machines and mechanisms.

Literary ability

1. Can write a good story.

2. Story writer.

3. It leaves out the most important, the most characteristic places, leaving out the unimportant details in the stories.

4. Able to rely on the plot without losing the main idea and without getting lost.

5. Can express the emotions and feelings of the heroes well, is good at finding the necessary words.

6. Delivers the event, details that are important for understanding the event, while not losing the main focus of the story.

7. Lively portrays the protagonists in their stories. They easily show their behavior, emotions, feelings.

8. She loves to weave poems in her stories.

Artistry ability

1. Easily enters the role of another person.

2. Understands the situation and is able to reflect well when there is an opportunity to play some dramatic situation.

3. Can express feelings through actions and gestures.

4. When trying to tell something, he tries to arouse excitement in other people.

5. Can convey his inner experiences and feelings to others.

6. Can mimic the voices of people and animals

7. Interested in the acting profession.

8. Loves to dance in public.

Ability to play sports

1. Makes an impression as a child who is energetic and able to carry a large load.

2. Loves to participate in sports games or competitions.

3. Achieve success in a particular sport.

4. Runs faster than his peers.

5. Light, walks beautifully, movements are very well coordinated.

6. Loves to travel, play in the open air.

7. Likes to spend his free time playing action games.

Intellectual ability

1. Learns everything easily and quickly in the classroom.

2. Applies knowledge in practice.

3. Thinks clearly, does not get confused by his thoughts.

4. Understands the connection between events, the logic between cause and effect.

5 Understands an unspoken idea until the end.

6. Understand the actions of others, the reasons why they behave in this way.

7. Quickly memorizes what he hears or reads without memorizing it separately.

8. He knows a lot of information and data that most of his peers don’t.

9. Loves books for adults.

10. Vocabulary is rich, easy to use new words, clearly express their thoughts.

11. Performs complex tasks that require the use of the mind.

12. Leaves behind peers in school for 1-2 years.

13. Asks many questions, listens carefully to the answers, draws conclusions.

14. Thinks in a unique way, offers unexpected answers and solutions to problem solving.

15. The mind is very sharp, observant, responds immediately to news and surprises.

Artistic ability

1. There is no uniformity in the plots he weaves.

2. His attitude to works of art is serious. He meditates when he sees a beautiful picture, a story, something decorated.

3. When choosing a plot, create unique compositions from flowers, stones and other things.

4 Always ready to use any new material in his work.

5. When he has free time, he happily draws and makes various toys from clay.

6. Drawing expresses their feelings by making something out of clay.

7. Interested in works of art. He tries to recreate what he likes.

8. Plasticine loves to work with clay.

"Do you know your child?" from the book.

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