How to inspire employees?


It is said that every great leader has a very talented and spiritually strong staff. The role of leaders is important for them to be at this level. Today Gooper.uzWe provide information on how to inspire employees.

Business group doing the high five

1. Ask the staff and call them by their name as you pass by (if you haven’t memorized their name yet, do so)

2. Write the words “thank you,” “life, greatness,” or something similar on a piece of paper and place it on his or her desk.

3. Reward employees by allowing them to leave home early on additional weekends or in the middle of the day.

4. In the hallway, in a large room set aside for waiting or relaxing, in the kitchen, post the results of each product, project activity of the company, weekly and monthly data to see the growth rate keep up to date.

5. Once a week or once a month, bring any delicious, say, cake, rogali, pizza, apples, candies, nuts, or popcorn for all employees.

6. Attach a board with the name and position of the worker to the top of each machine in production. People like to see their name and feel the humanity they need.

7. Make sure you have the opportunity to not only inform employees, but to hear them.

8. Introduce special rewards for employees whose activities are not so noticeable.

9. Arrange a meeting once a week or once a month with a number of employees you are unable to communicate with. Answer their questions, ask about problems.

10. Tell all employees about any important issue and ask them to give their suggestions on how to solve it.

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