Nishalda - How to prepare!


Nishalda - How to prepare!

To prepare 1 kg of starch you need 900 g of sugar, 10-12 egg whites, 1 g of citric acid, 0,1 g of vanillin.
The root is washed, crushed, boiled in more water. The finished decoction is passed through a sieve and the water is extracted. Therefore, the cooled decoction is poured into the same pot and whipped with egg whites. In this process, confectioners use quince twigs, you can use special foaming agents at home. To prepare sugar syrup, 1 ml of water is added to 300 kg of sugar. Stir constantly until the sugar dissolves, then add citric acid and cool to a temperature of + 55–60 C, then add a little foam to the stomach. It takes 2 hours to foam. Cool the prepared icing and stir again, only then will the icing be ready.

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