Improving sperm quality with medications


Improving sperm quality with medications

Medications, analgesics, antibiotics, steroids to treat allergic reactions - all of these have a negative effect on the condition of the male sperm. Even a drug like Viagra reduces sperm motility. To increase sperm motility, your doctor may prescribe hormone-specific medications. However, spermograms and other tests will be required to prescribe such medications.

How can the spermogram be improved?

If it is not possible to fertilize for a very long time (more than a year), both couples will have to undergo a thorough examination in the presence of specialists, and the future father will have to submit for analysis for a spermogram. During this laboratory analysis, the amount of motile sperm in a given amount of sperm and their viability are calculated. Spermogram analysis determines the true possibility of infertility. This analysis only helps to identify pathologies. The most common pathology that causes infertility is a lack of sperm count or low sperm motility. But this diagnosis is actually a condition, not a disease, and often it is temporary.

@andrology_uz 🚑

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