How to tell if a baby is deficient in milk


How do you know if your baby is short of milk?

The main symptoms of breast milk deficiency are:

- The child does not gain enough weight in a month;

-Decrease in the daily amount of breast milk;

-Child's anxiety;

- Symptoms of "dry diaper" - a decrease in daily urine output. A few-month-old baby should urinate at least six times a day, in which case the urine should be colorless or pale yellow)

Methods of increasing breast milk 🍼

-Breastfeeding often, as required;

-Use as little as possible of rubber pacifiers (nipples): due to the ease of absorbing fluid from the bottles, the child is more likely to get used to it and not suck the breast well;

-Being closer to the baby leads to an increase in milk, try to spend more time with the baby;

-Do not breastfeed until the baby stops breastfeeding;

-Breastfeeding with different breasts at intervals of 3-4 hours;

-Sleep of the mother also has a positive effect on milk production.

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