On what criteria is the class leader appointed?


The head of the class is appointed and dismissed from among the teachers by the director of the educational institution.

The employee who is appointed as the head of the class must have at least 3 years of pedagogical work experience and must be working as a full-time main worker in the school.

The teacher who teaches basic subjects (reading, mother tongue, mathematics) in the primary class is the head of the class.

In the upper grades, the class leadership is primarily given to teachers of subjects whose students are not taught in groups, and then to teachers whose students are taught in groups (specialized subjects, physical education, technology, foreign language, Russian language, o (Uzbek language, informatics and information technologies) are attached to the teachers.

The class teacher assigned to the primary class is the sole leader of students from 1st to 4th grade. The same procedure is followed from class 5 to class 11.

One teacher is assigned to lead only one class. Deputy principals, psychologists, class leaders cannot be.

Basis: Regulation "On Organization of the Activities of Class Leaders" approved by Order No. 2021 of the Minister of Public Education on February 22, 41 and Order No. 2021 of the Ministry of Education and Culture dated March 1, 52.

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