Pegano diet in psoriasis


Pegano diet in psoriasis
This diet was developed by Lincoln College osteopath graduate John Pegano. In 1991, he published his book, The Cure for Psoriasis. According to him, psoriasis and eczema - the cause of severe skin diseases - are caused by problems in the intestines. Therefore, a special type of diet is needed.
Unlike other types of diets, it focuses on bowel cleansing. It starts with monodiet (only apples and citrus fruits are consumed) and in parallel, enterosorbents (a substance that binds toxins and removes them from the body) are taken.
After that, the diet itself begins. It is based on the coordination of acid-base balance in the body. Pegano emphasizes that acid-forming products (animal proteins, eggs, milk, seafood, cereals) should not exceed 20-30% of the daily diet. The main part of the diet should consist of products that create an alkaline environment (bar fruits and vegetables, greens).
How to eat on a pegano diet?
• drinking at least 1,5 liters of still water per day;
• It is necessary to drink fresh juices and teas from fruits and vegetables;
• from BAD to maintain an alkaline environment - the reception of granular lecithin;
• Drink a tablespoon of olive oil for lunch (on an empty stomach) (the best means of cleansing the intestines);
• consumption of products rich in fiber;
• Lean mutton, skinned poultry can be used.
• Do not mix dairy products with citrus, meat and starch preservatives, fruits with flour products!
Prohibited: fried, smoked, salted, canned, products containing large amounts of fat and sugar, as well as artificial colors and additives.
Eggs cooked in water can not be more than 2 times a week.
Follow this diet for at least 1 month!
Blacklisted products in the Pegano diet:
1. Berries: strawberries, groundnuts, plums, currants, cranberries, blueberries.
2. Vegetables: potatoes, tomatoes, perez, eggplant.
3. Seafood.
4. Pork and beef, duck, goose, sausage products.
5. Fatty dairy products, ice cream, butter and margarine.
6. Desserts, white rice with yeast white flour.
7. Coffee, alcohol, tomato juice, carbonated water.
Patients with psoriasis have been proven to heal faster when the intestinal microflora is restored!
Nutrition Science (

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