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Philosophy of society.
The Uzbek model of independence and development
1. The essence and content of the concept of society.
2. Different theories of social development.
3. The Uzbek model of development.
4. The tasks of building a civilized society and forming a well-rounded person.
What is society? Humanity has lived as a community since time immemorial. Planet Earth is his eternal space, common Homeland. It is customary to call the family of people living on this tiny planet in the solar system a society. So, in the universal sense, the society expresses all the changes and processes of all the times, places and boundaries of the human life.
At the same time, this concept is also used for the life of people in the territory of a country, life in certain periods of civilization. In any case, it is a general concept, and some people and individuals are called members of society.
There are different definitions that society is a part of nature, that is, a social entity, a special form of human association, a set of many relationships between people. Society is a complex system that is constantly developing and improving. In every new era, there is a need to know the essence of society. Due to national independence, there was an opportunity for a new understanding of the essence of society. In a number of works of President Islam Karimov, methodological foundations for a new understanding of the essence of society were created.
Society consists of a unity of material and spiritual factors. Until now, material and spiritual life were sharply distinguished from each other in literature. Pay close attention to the study of material life. However, the basic essence of society is an integral entity with the human essence that forms it. Just as the human body cannot be separated from its soul, it is illogical to separate the material and spiritual aspects of society and burn one of them above the other. In the writings of President Islam Karimov, it is emphasized that the maintenance of the material and spiritual interests of the society is the basis of social development. Economic development can be achieved only by improving human spirituality. Therefore, at the present time, great attention is being paid to raising the morale of the population, forming the foundations of the national Koya and ideology. After all, people do not become poor because they are poor from an economic point of view, but, on the contrary, they become poor because they are poor. Therefore, in our country, great attention is paid to ensuring economic well-being by raising the morale of the people.
The emergence of society. The question of what forced people to form a family and form a community has attracted the attention of great thinkers since ancient times. The religious understanding of this matter is to interpret it in connection with divine power, God.
Contrary to worldly views, people are used to living together and uniting as a community to satisfy their material and spiritual needs. Due to life experience, reason and thinking, people understood the joy, advantage and necessity of living as a society. In this process, people who entered into mutual relations achieved spiritual maturity by improving and further developing these relations. This brought people closer to each other and allowed them to satisfy their material and spiritual needs.
Historical forms of organization of people - family, state, community (village, city) were created in the process of implementation of social relations. All moral, religious, scientific, philosophical, legal, economic, ideological relations between people are called social relations. Social associations help to support material and spiritual needs of people. In essence, they are considered a necessary condition for the existence of a person and society. For example, a person and society will lose their essence without such factors as family, state, education, neighborhood, homeland.
The material needs of a person consist of food, clothing, housing, means of transport, self-protection, reproduction, etc. Spiritual desires include knowledge of the universe, understanding of continuity, worldview, pursuit of wisdom, knowledge, art, Koya, ideology with beauty, aspirations for spiritual perfection. The true nature of a person is clearly manifested in the expression of material needs in cultural forms. As a rational being, man tries to understand the essence of nature and society in order to satisfy his material needs in cultural forms, to domesticate the material and spiritual world, and to change nature and society in accordance with his goals. Science and technology serve as a weapon and an important tool for satisfying the spiritual and material needs of a person. Only because of high spirituality, a person has the opportunity to rationally and creatively express his needs in cultural forms.
This is the reason why special attention is paid to spiritual issues in our country. The material and spiritual life of the society came into existence as an integral entity with the material and spiritual needs of people.
The material life of society includes the following:
- economic conditions necessary for people to live and develop as individuals;
— food, clothing, accommodation, accommodation, means of communication;
— production, distribution, exchange and consumption of material goods;
— a set of economic relations between people in the production process;
— material resources, natural reserves.
The spiritual life of society includes the understanding of the world, views on society and human development, theories, teachings, beliefs, ideology, forms of social consciousness, education, media, culture, scientific institutions and others.
Various political institutions (the state, political parties, organizations, various associations) play an important role in managing the material and spiritual life of society, regulating relations between people. Political and legal aspects of community management are also important. In-depth integration of political and legal knowledge on the part of people is of great importance for sustainable living and development of society.
The social distribution of income, property, and income is of great importance in the development of society and the satisfaction of people's material and spiritual needs. As a result of the social division of labor according to the abilities of people, categories, groups, strata and classes are created that are engaged in certain professions, and they occupy a unique place in the structure of society and make a certain contribution to the development of society.
Theories of social development. In the history of philosophical thought, there are various theories about the nature and development of society. In particular, the German philosopher Hegel connected the reasons for the formation and development of society with the development of the absolute spirit, L. Feuerbach with religion, and sought the reasons for social development from the development of religious consciousness. The French thinker O. Comte explained the reasons for the development of society with three stages of human spiritual development (theological, metaphysical, positive stages). K. Marx attributed the causes of society's development to class struggle and revolutionary changes, and explained all social phenomena and processes from the point of view of class. He artificially made social conflicts absolutist and proposed the implementation of social revolution and the abolition of the property class as the main method of conflict resolution. Social practice has shown that such a theory is misleading and wrong.
The view that the development of society is a multi-stage process was put forward by the philosopher O. Toffler. According to the development of such societies, they are divided into agrarian society, industrial society, and post-industrial society. A civilized approach to the development of society is being promoted in the literature. According to this approach, each nation will create its own unique model of social development by creatively using the experiences of other nations, while preserving its unique, unique, unique and suitable way of life.
Social life is characterized by stability and instability. Just as every person needs peace and tranquility to achieve his goals, society needs social and political stability to fulfill its goals.
Stability is the gradual development of society, the ability of the social system to function at a certain level. It differs sharply from the concept of turKunlik. Socio-political type. The concept of everyday life is a symptom of the deterioration of the existing political, economic, and spiritual system in society.
In society, stability can alternate with instability, crisis with prosperity. After achieving certain achievements in the spiritual, economic, political and legal spheres of society, when social opportunities are realized, new problems arise in the course of its further development and the task of solving them appears. The moral wisdom of the members of the society, the national psychology, and the existing political system naturally apply the unique methods of managing people to life. In the history of human life, monarchical, aristocratic, totalitarian and democratic methods of ensuring social stability have won experience.
Instability arises as a result of internal and external processes and threats. Unemployment can be exacerbated during the transition from one socio-political system to another. Disruption of the stability of society is expressed in negative changes in the psychology of people, in the failure of laws, failure to fulfill social duties, deterioration of social ideals, intensification of indifference to Koya and ideology, emergence of various criminal groups, violation of social justice standards, weakening of the ability of government agencies to manage the population, and in the aggravation of various conflicts. finds
Global experience has shown that the right of each country and people to choose the path of further development is a guarantee of general security and social stability. After gaining national independence, Uzbekistan had the opportunity to strengthen the foundations of national statehood, choose a unique and suitable development path, and create an Uzbek model of development.
Uzbek model of development as a concept of gradual development of society. The Uzbek model of social development relies on ilKor's experience of human development, national statehood experiences and the mentality of our people.
In terms of social development, people usually followed two paths - revolutionary and gradual. The experience of mankind has shown that the way of social development with sudden revolutionary changes is unacceptable and unsuitable, and the gradual (evolutionary) development of society is a stable, natural way of development. ¤President of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov explains the essence of the gradual path of social development as follows: "Achieving a normal, civilized development with an evolutionary path, without false revolutionary leaps, is the main meaning and essence of the chosen path. It is necessary to move towards the market economy not by great leaps and revolutionary changes, but by persistence and persistence - step by step. How long each step lasts depends on the scope of the problems that need to be solved, how much external factors affect it, and the labor activity of the population.
The main principles of the Uzbek model are as follows:
— priority of economy over politics;
— that the state is the main reformer;
— rule of law;
— strong social protection;
- step-by-step, gradual approach to market relations.
The unique features of the Uzbek model are expressed in the restoration of the foundations of statehood, national human resources, awareness of continuity, the priority of universal human resources, the restoration and development of the characteristics of our national mentality, the development of democratic human resources, the guarantee of human rights, and others.
The vitality of the Uzbek model was recognized by the world community. The experience of Uzbekistan serves as an example for many countries, and interest in studying it is increasing. ¤The Uzbek way of development is clearly visible in the realization of spiritual life and economic development in an organic unity with each other, in the strengthening of the attention paid to spirituality, enlightenment, and culture. The strengthening of spiritual competence, the development of human intellectual and moral abilities creates a thorough ground for economic development. Mastering the basics of modern science, technology and technology is of great importance in the development of new economic thinking and entrepreneurial abilities in people.
Society and family. Society and family are in essence integral with each other. The basic essence of society is reflected in the family. In this sense, the family can be called a small society. Each member of society grows up in the family, reconciles social relations and shows human qualities. Forming a perfect person, preparing him for life and work is the sacred duty of the family. Strengthening the family is an important condition for the stability and strength of society. That is why the state protects the family.
The health of the spiritual and moral environment in society depends in many ways on family culture. As the family is, so is the society. The position of the husband and wife in the family, the character of family relations is different in different nations. The reforms implemented in the field of spirituality in our country during the years of national independence were primarily aimed at restoring family values and the most advanced traditions. The sanctity of mother and woman is an Uzbek virtue. Sayings about the sanctity of mother and woman in Hadith Sharif are of great importance in improving family relations.
Great thinkers have emphasized that the cultural level of the society is determined by the status and position of the woman in the society and family. The upbringing of a healthy, mature generation depends on a woman's spiritual competence, knowledge, perseverance and freedom in many ways. A number of measures implemented in our country in recent years are aimed at strengthening the position and role of women in the family and society.
The scientific-practical center of the Republic "Family", which aims to solve family problems on a scientific basis, shows that our country pays special attention to the improvement of family relations.
In the years of independence, the granting of the state language status to the Uzbek language, the acquisition of a new alphabet that matches the characteristics of our language, played an important role in increasing its position and further development. This, in turn, had a positive impact on social development.
The role and importance of the state in the life of society. The state is a separate institution aimed at managing, regulating, and ensuring social stability. The state is a universal human resource, an important achievement of the spiritual development of mankind.
The forms and methods of political management are also improving with the development of the spiritual wisdom of the society. In the changed historical conditions, there is a need to approach the essence, content and tasks of the state in a new way. In the years of independence, with the restoration of the traditions of national statehood, the state's organizational and general reform activities acquired a new meaning and importance.
The state plays a decisive role in the implementation of the concept of the Uzbek model of development developed by President IA Karimov. The fundamental reforms implemented in the political and legal life of our country are aimed at further improving political governance, establishing a legal democratic society in our country, and moving from a strong state to a strong society.
Various teams, organizations and associations also operate in the life of the society. They can be conditionally divided into state and non-state organizations. They include political parties, political movements, trade unions, youth associations, various societies, women's organizations, veterans' associations, neighborhood committees, and others. All the reforms being carried out in our country are aimed at further improving human rights and establishing a civil society in our country.
Establishing civil society is the main goal of Uzbekistan's development. Civil society is the highest stage of the development of a democratic society based on the high moral-political and legal culture of people. Such a society is a multifaceted network of free associations, a society based on the relative independence of the elements of the society that respects the laws of the state, and is based on the resolution of various conflicts and disputes within the framework of the law through mutual agreement, patience and negotiations.
Civil society decides on the basis of universal principles, features of national statehood, unique way of life and philosophy of life. From the first years of the national independence of Uzbekistan, he aimed to establish the foundations of civil society in our country.
In the civil society, a number of tasks of the state begin to be reduced to the ashes of the self-government bodies of the citizens, and the authority of the local authorities expands. Establishing the foundations of civil society relies on high political and legal culture of people, social and political activity. In our country, the organization of neighborhood authorities and strengthening of their authority is of great importance in the formation of the self-management and administration culture of our people. It is a school for developing good human qualities, self-management, and realizing democratic talents in the people of the neighborhood.
Building a civil society in our country requires the formation of a well-rounded human personality. In turn, the spiritually mature generation makes a significant contribution to the development of society. In the education of such mature people, the development of philosophical knowledge and views on the structure of society and their application to life are of particular importance.
Basic concepts
Society, social relationship, social union, state, civilization, development, national statehood, Uzbek model of development, structure of society, civil society, family.
Review questions
1. What do you mean by community?
2. List the characteristics of society.
3. What theories about the origin of society do you know?
4. What is civil society?
5. How does spirituality play a role in the development of society?
7. What do you understand by the gradual development of society?
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2. Karimov IA ¤Zbekiston towards XXI century T., "¤Zbekiston", 1999.
3. Karimov IA I believe in the strong will of our wise people. - "Fidokor" newspaper, June 2000, 8.
4. ¤Uzbekistan is striving for the 2000st century. - T.: Uzbekistan, XNUMX
5. Some issues of the philosophy course (edited by T. Sharipov). — "FarKona", 1994.
6. Philosophy. — T., "Shark", 1999.