Helpful Hint - Sex TOP 10 Secrets
While sex is not the most important thing in a couple’s relationship, it is very important. Harmony in the family also depends on the fact that sex is not a problem.
Sadly, years later, a couple who have lived together for 10-15 years lose their wealth, passion, power and romance. How can this be prevented?
Even if sex isn’t basic, it’s not good not to have it.
The couple does not have to have sex every day or every two days. In general, it is not how many times a week the relationship should be, it is important that it is enough for the couple. As a result of physical intimacy, mental intimacy also increases. If the couple is in less and less physical contact, a mental distance between them will begin to radiate, which in turn will lead to more physical coldness.
Do not forget to pamper each other not only at night but also during the day.
Corneal couples perform physical intimacy only before sexual intercourse. If there is no opportunity for sexual intercourse in the next few minutes, then it seems impossible to touch, caress, caress each other.
According to psychologists, even if the result of the day is not sexual intercourse, the couple's caressing each other leads to an increase in physical intimacy between them.
Reconciliation after any offense should end with sex.
As a result of a bitter disagreement, the couple is upset, but their love for each other is not extinguished. Then sex can be the same as this expression of love.
Sex is not a commodity in the market.
Some women market sex for some purpose. “If so” will be, otherwise “no”. A man endures such a transaction for 1 year, and then it can be the other way around.
Don’t believe in relationships like movies or romance books.
Having sex with beautiful lingerie, great lunches and shaggy looks very romantic and pleasurable. Such a night is sure to be memorable. But it must be very difficult to organize that night when you have 3 children, work, housework and unwashed dishes. Don’t get depressed at times like this, even if it’s not romantic, but sex between a couple who love and understand each other will also be very pleasurable.
The romance mentioned above happens sometimes.
Not every day, not even every week, sometimes it’s helpful to experiment with a romantic setting or any unconventional look to light up a relationship a little.
Adults also need the moon.
A couple of years later, they forget the games and jokes of their youth. As the language ages with age, it becomes easier to keep the relationship warm.
Look into each other's eyes.
Sometimes, though, both look into each other’s eyes with pleasure. According to the Taoist philosophers, all that love and passion can be seen in the human eye. Then you can't forget those eyes that stared at you for a long time.
The dishes are waiting.
Thoughts about daily activities may not leave us with even a sex wright. Such thoughts and thoughts do not allow us to enjoy ourselves fully spiritually and physically. Forget it. You can't do anything right now anyway. Enjoy, and a new day begins tomorrow.
Fast sex is the solution to problems.
It is not right that fatigue and work, daily stress, lack of time cancel out sex between a couple. Urgent whale fast sex will be pleasing to both men and women. Overcomes accumulated stress.
It is said that women are required to have a long caress before intercourse, but a tired sex, short sex rich in love and passion than nothing at all can leave any woman indifferent.