Pain during sex in men


Pain during sex in men


Tanosil herpes;

Shortness of the penis and its rupture;



Penile curvature (Peyronie's disease);

Penile injury;

Urinary tract injury.


Inflammation of the urinary tract is not the only symptom of urethritis during sexual intercourse. Additional characters:

Frequent urination;

Urinary incontinence;

In many cases, many bacteria and leukocytes are found in the urinary tract.

Tanosil herpes

In this case, the pain during sexual intercourse is caused by specific changes in the genitals. Later, many small blisters appear on the skin of the penis in the mucous membranes. The bubbles can also merge over time. Then the bubbles burst. Sensitive erosions occur at this time.

The shortness of the penis

If the penis is short, there is a feeling of tightness and pain in the area of ​​the penis during sex. In some cases, the knot may break or tear. This shows that the knot is short or torn

Prostatitis and vesiculitis

Pain during sex is less common for prostatitis and vesiculitis. But it happens.

Usually the pain intensifies after sex and ejaculation. In addition to pain during intercourse, there is also pain in the lower abdomen, groin area, and abdomen.

Interstitial cystitis

Against the background of interstitial cystitis, pain during sex is observed mainly in women. The more the bladder is filled with urine, the more intense the pain during sex. Frequent urination is also observed in the patient.

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