Simple treatments to relieve sore throat


  • In order to relieve sore throat, a teaspoon of baking soda, four teaspoons of salt, four drops of iodine tincture (iodine tincture) are mixed in a glass of water and rinsed in the mouth.
  • Crush the roots of pepper and make a tincture from it. Then he rinses his throat with it.
  • When rinsing the oral cavity with mustard (mustard) juice, it relieves sore throat.
  • Even if you put a little bit of lily root in your mouth, you will get rid of sore throat.
  • Take 4 teaspoons of monkey leaves, put 2 cups of boiling water on it and infuse for an hour with the lid closed. When warm, drink half a cup of juice four times a day.
  • If a pinch is dissolved in bitter water and gargled with warm water, the sore throat will soon cease.
  • When the patient has a sore throat, prepare a thick tincture of a mixture of chamomile and chamomile, rinse the mouth warmly and gargle, the sore throat stops completely.
  • Even if you soak a clove of garlic in vinegar overnight and gargle with that vinegar, you will get rid of this pain immediately.
  • It is good to boil and gargle the leaves of the coral tree.
  • Take 3 teaspoons of crushed dry peel of onion, soak in 1 cup of boiling water for 4 hours, then strain, rinse mouth with juice and gargle to get rid of sore throat.
  • If the glands are on the verge of inflammation, soak a cotton ball in purified paraffin and rub it in the throat every half hour, it will be relieved in a day.
  • When figs are boiled in water and rinsed with water, the tongue loses swelling.
  • Drinking a decoction of figs gives an introduction to inflammation of the tonsils.
  • Dissolve 1 tablespoon of boric acid in 1 cup of water and gargle warmly, the sore throat will soon stop.
  • Boiling the sunflower and rinsing the mouth with water will heal the sores in the mouth.
  • If you have a bad odor in your mouth, crush the garlic and pepper and mix it with honey and eat it.

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