"World War II and its aftermath"


"World War II and its results"
 Enter. World War II began when Germany invaded Poland on August 1939, 31, and Poland was briefly occupied. On May 1940, 10, the "Helb" operation, which aims to destroy three European countries, began. The invasion of German troops began with heavy air attacks on airfields, command posts, military depots and important industrial centers in the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg and France. On May 1940, 14, the Netherlands surrendered. Large Anglo-French and Belgian military forces were pushed into the sea near Dunkirk by German forces. Only a part of them was evacuated to the British Isles, Belgium surrendered on May 28.
            Dunkirk, the last major Allied-held seaport, was threatened. The British command decided to evacuate its troops and parts of Belgium and France. During the Dunkirk operation, which lasted until June 1940, 4, about 338000 people, including 123 French and Belgians, were evacuated. Heavy military equipment was abandoned in the evacuation zone and fell into the hands of the Nazis. During the evacuation, the British lost 224 ships and transports, as well as 106 aircraft. This is how the first military operation of the Wehrmacht in Western Europe ended. According to him, the Nazis surrendered the military forces of Holland and Belgium and crushed 28 French divisions. The German-Nazi forces made a series of blows against the French forces in the north, penetrating from the north of France to the south and south-west. The main military forces of France remained on the Franco-German border, on the "Magino line".
            On June 1940, 5, Germany launched an attack on Paris, and on June 10, Italy and England declared war on France and briefly occupied it.
            On September 1940, 27, in Berlin, Germany signed a tripartite agreement on military-political alliance with Italy and Japan. It was agreed to act together and divide the world into spheres of influence. Japan agreed to German and Italian dominance in Europe and Africa, and Germany and Italy to Japanese dominance in Asia. The Berlin Treaty was also directed against England and the USA.
             In the early morning of June 1941, 22, Hitler's Germany treacherously launched an attack on the USSR. Along with Germany, Italy, Romania, Hungary, Finland and Slovakia also started a war against the USSR. Germany and its allies put 65-70% of their armed forces against the USSR. From its 214 divisions and 7 brigades at that time, Germany had 152 divisions and 2 brigades, that is, about 5,5 million soldiers and officers, the Allies had 38 divisions, a total of 190 divisions, 35 tank and mechanized divisions (3,5, 5000 tanks), about 50 aircraft, more than 1941 cannons and mortars were thrown against the USSR. Fascist Spain participated in the war against the USSR with the "Red Division", and the Vichy government with the "Volunteer Legion". Tsarist Bulgaria was helping Germany. The scope of World War II was expanding. On December 7, 8, Japan did not declare war, but attacked the naval and air forces of the United States and England in the Pacific, causing serious damage. As a result of the attack on Pearl Harbor (Hawaii), almost half of the US warships in the Pacific were destroyed. The loss of the United States at Pearl Harbor was a very heavy loss: 316 Lincolns at this base were disabled, half of them were sunk; 3 aircraft were damaged and destroyed; About XNUMX thousand Americans died.
            Japan launched a rapid offensive and occupied Thailand, Burma, Hong Kong, Indonesian islands, Singapore and the Philippines in late 1941 and early 42. The United States and England occupied a number of islands in the Pacific Ocean (Guam, Wake, New Britain, part of New Guinea, etc.).
            After Japan started war in the Pacific Ocean, on December 1941, 11, Germany and Italy declared war on the United States, on December 8, the United States declared war on Japan, then on Germany and Italy, and England and its dominions declared war on Japan. . China officially declared war on Japan, Germany and Italy. On December 1941, 11, the three aggressive powers - Germany, Italy and Japan signed a new military pact in addition to the Tripartite Pact (1940): to wage war jointly and by all means against England and the United States, not to reconcile with them and not to conclude an armistice without mutual consent. took their obligations. They also defined the movement zones. The Battle of Stalingrad was a turning point in World War II, thwarting Japan and Turkey's plans to start a war against the USSR. In November 1941, British troops under the command of General Montgomery went on the offensive and occupied Cyrenaica in January 1942. On March 1943-20, 21, the Allies continued their offensive. The Italian-German troops retreated to the shores of the Mediterranean Sea after suffering a lot of casualties. The Anglo-American army occupied Tunisia, and finally, on May 1943, 12, the Italo-German forces in North Africa surrendered. This victory created an opportunity for the Allies to open a second front.
            On August 1944, 25, Paris was liberated by French patriots and the Provisional Government of the French Republic arrived in Paris from London. In September 1944, the Allied forces liberated France, Luxembourg, Belgium and part of the Netherlands, and crossed the German border. By the end of 1944 and the beginning of 1945, the balance of power had shifted in favor of the full Soviet army. But the enemy was still strong, 204 of his divisions were on the Soviet-German front, and only less than 70 divisions were on the Western European front. By mid-April 1945, the Nazis had 214 divisions and 14 brigades against the Soviets, and 60 divisions against the Allies. The Berlin operation began on April 1945, 16. On April 23, Soviet troops entered Berlin, and on April 25, Berlin was surrounded from all sides. Allied troops from the west crossed the Rhine and marched towards the Elbe River, and on April 25, Soviet troops met American troops. On April 1945, 25, a popular uprising in northern Italy ended the Mussolini regime, captured Mussolini was hanged on April 28 by the verdict of the partisan court. On May 1945, 8, in the presence of representatives of the USSR, USA, England and France, representatives of the German command (Keitel and others) signed the act of unconditional surrender of Germany. In the history classes of secondary special educational institutions, the teacher gives these information in the form of a lecture or a story, which does not create a complete picture in the students and they do not acquire sufficient skills and qualifications.
         The problem that will be solved within the framework of the project: After studying the topic of the Second World War and its results based on various sources and literature, they formed an idea, prepared slides, documentary films, interview samples about the socio-economic life, and gained detailed skills and competences about the historical period. to be
The purpose of the project: Creating new knowledge and skills by illuminating the topic based on the project method
Final result: A collection of resources illuminating the topic of the Second World War and its results, a slide on the topic, a documentary film describing the atmosphere of the time, and a visual information complex consisting of an interview.
Users: History teachers of academic lyceums and vocational colleges, students and students of history teaching methodology
Scope of the project:
  • due date: 1 months
  • number of participants: ten
Project structure and content
  • Introduction - the nature and function of informative information is revealed.
  • Information that illuminates the topic of the project.
  • List of sources used.
          The future history teacher was agreed to work on this topic with the group. Laboratory training with the participation of group members Introduction interview It begins with conducting. The introductory interview is on the topic of "World War II and its results", and during this interview, it prepares you to immerse yourself in the project activity through the topic. In the introductory interview, it is determined how much information the students have on the topic, how the topic can be studied in an interesting way. The future history teacher sets the problem of revealing the essence of the political events of the first half of the XNUMXth century, the policies of the countries of the world, the main battles of the Second World War and their results and consequences through the topic "Second World War and its results". . Students plan a project to study this problem. The basic content of the project plan requires a more vivid, detailed, interesting and in-depth study of the topic than the textbook topic. During the discussion, the future history teacher recommends to students the following literature on the topic "World War II and its aftermath":
  1. Lafasov M. World history 1918-2013. Textbook for academic lyceums and vocational colleges T. Turon-iqbal 2013.
  2. Hidayatov. G. World history. The newest era. The first part (1914-1945) Tashkent-2000.
  3. 3. The Newest History of the Western Countries of the Soviet Union (1939-1972) Book 2, Tashkent-1976.
  4. Vtoraya mirovaya voyna (1939- 1945) v 12-ti tomax. Moscow-1973-1982
  5. 5. Google.uz www. Zionet.uz
The future history teacher will bring excerpts from literature to further increase the interest of students in the topic "World War II and its consequences":
"I liked Adolf Hitler myself..."
   Erich Kempka, Hitler's personal driver, published his memoirs in 1950. His testimony is far from jokes. In his time, he left a name as "absolute stranger to politics". April 1945, 30, at noon.
* * *
Dr. Stumpfegter and Linge carried the body of Adolf Hitler, wrapped in a black military cloak. The chef's face was covered up to his eyebrows, his pale forehead was visible through his completely gray hair, and his left hand was hanging down from the cover. the deceased, dressed in a black dress, seemed to be asleep in his arms. His bell-haired head fell back. This scene shook me more than the corpse of the late chef. Hitler's corpse was still lying like a sickle, with his legs extended to the side of the bunker - that's how he was placed. The legs of his long black trousers were raised. Günshe and I placed Eva Hitler's body next to her husband. Russian shells were still around, as if the impact was twice as strong at the same moment. I went back to the bunker to catch my breath. Then I took a full tank of gasoline, ran out and put it next to the dead bodies. I immediately bent down and straightened Hitler's left arm and pushed it close to his body. The wind was playing with her white hair. I took the lid of the container.
      Shells exploded in our fire. We were covered in dust. The shrapnel flew everywhere. We returned to the bunker to save our lives. The nervous tension reached its last point. We waited impatiently for the shelling to subside in order to sprinkle gasoline on the corpses. Finally, I rushed to fulfill Hitler's last order and forced myself to pour gasoline on the corpses. My whole body trembled. There were moments when I couldn't understand myself. I often thought, "No, I can't do that!" But the sense of responsibility came to my aid. Along with me, Günsche and Linge were also fulfilling their duty to Hitler and his wife. The clothes of the corpses were blown by the wind until they were soaked in gasoline. It was clear that Guensche and Linge were going through an internal struggle as they carried out Adolf Hitler's last mission. The shells were still pouring. Forgetting about the danger of death, I took out bottles full of gasoline one after another from the bunker. I poured it on the corpses. A concrete wall blocked the path of the leaking gasoline. A puddle formed where the corpses were lying. Their clothes were still soaking in gasoline. We rushed into the bunker to take out more gasoline. But then the storm became so strong that it was absolutely impossible to get out. We survived only thanks to a miracle. Goebbels, Bormann, and Dr. Stumpfechter stood by our side as we pulled out of the bunker, performing this terrible task. We all felt like we were in hell. But how do we ignite gasoline? I refused the offer to throw a grenade and burn it. By chance, my eyes fell on a rag between the fire hoses lying on the threshold of the bunker.
"There is a rag!" I shouted excitedly.
Gunshe immediately brought it. He immediately poured gasoline on the rag:
"A match!" he shouted.
Goebbels took a matchbox out of his pocket and handed it to me. I set the rag on fire. Before the flames roared, I threw the burning rag over the gasoline-soaked corpses.
We all stared, gasping for breath. Less than a minute later, a huge bonfire appeared, black smoke billowed into the blue sky. In the burning capital, this huge and evil black bonfire became a very scary sight. Goebbels, Bormann, etc. 'xtir Stumpfegter, Linge, Günsche and I were still watching this tragedy as if frozen in stone. The fire was slowly consuming the corpses. We, oltovlon, all said our last goodbyes to the chef and his wife. Then, our hearts filled with the horror of these events, we went inside the bunker. The gasoline was about to run out. But the corpses were not yet completely charred. It was impossible to pour gasoline on the fire that had not completely died down, so we had to wait for some more time. But the Russian gunners did not stop firing. It seemed that we could not pour gasoline and set fire to the corpses until they were burnt to ashes. The burning of the corpses started at 14:00 and lasted until 19-30 minutes. In extremely difficult conditions, at the risk of death, we had to find a few hundred liters of gasoline. When we returned to the bunker, the entire staff was gathered there. Some went out once more to pay their respects to the Führer and his wife. The eyes of officers trained in battles, such as the commandant of the government district, Brigadier Führer Monke, police general Rattenguber, were constantly in tears. Although these events did not come as a surprise to most of us, the fact that the Führer was no longer with us was a shock to us. After the death of Adolf Hitler, not a trace remained of the peace that reigned in this residence. Everyone was in great agony, no one knew what was going to happen next. Everyone was afraid.
During the discussion of the plan, the following aspects related to "World War II and its consequences" will be distinguished:
-The beginning of the Second World War and the main battles
- The end of the Second World War
           In this case, students work on the project method to imagine the Second World War and its aftermath. In this way, the main work on the project - research and research activities began. At the very beginning of the activity, students begin to realize their capabilities in collecting new information, analyzing it, dividing it into structures, formalizing it, and most importantly, during research. This small group elects its own captain. The work of each participant is divided, and the meeting time is agreed with the teacher and the consultant.    
Groups of students of secondary special education institutions first read the topic "World War II and its results" from M. Lafasov's World History (1918-2013) textbook for academic lyceums and vocational colleges. they go out and collect information from the database of ARMs, internet sites, the literature recommended by the history teacher. Students prepare a slide based on the information they have collected. At this point, the teacher explains the slide preparation technique to the students. Power Point software is used for slide preparation. Power Point is a graphic software package that allows you to prepare electronic slides, organize presentations, and show slideshows.
The student is required to use the slides correctly when presenting and showing them. For example, when a student prepares a slide on the topic "Second World War and its results", to increase its effectiveness, the topic can be covered using sound, color, text and moving effects, etc. animations. A slide is a separate frame of a presentation that can contain text, headings, graphics, and diagrams. The reader should pay special attention to the design template when preparing a slide on a historical topic. Based on the topic, the student will be able to describe and design military actions during World War II, interstate mutual political pacts, contracts and agreements of various types, plans aimed at mutual military assistance), the directions of war increases the effectiveness of the topic.
On the slide, the reader should give the materials related to the topic in a simple and fluent manner: he should reflect the main causes of the Second World War, the main areas, historical figures, their place in history, the results and consequences of the war. The use of documentaries for a broader coverage of the topic "World War II and its aftermath" reveals the content of the topic in a wider way. The use of films in history classes may vary depending on the subject, the type of lesson, and other situations and circumstances. In the course of the lesson, films can be used in their entirety, their sections and parts or clips can be used. The film can be shown at different stages of the lesson. Before the movie starts, students explain the purpose of the movie, what it depicts, and what questions the audience will find answers to in the introductory conversation. During the screening of the film, the student should comment on the films being shown. It can deepen the knowledge by stopping the film showing in the appropriate places. Evidences, opinions, impressions presented in the film are compared with previously acquired knowledge. The connection between the knowledge gained in the film and the text of the textbook is revealed.
Films give the lesson its own characteristics, tabulate students' cognitive activities, allow to acquire knowledge through direct viewing, allow to observe the occurrence of historical events and events in the film.
If a lot of movies on a topic are collected, the movies are sorted and the parts related to the topic are extracted. Computer graphics (Ulead Video Studio, etc.) are used to combine parts of documentaries into a single documentary on the subject.
Ulead VideoStudio program can be activated as follows:
Agar  Ulead VideoStudio  If the icon is on the computer desktop, then the left mouse button is pressed 2 times by pointing the mouse to this icon. The result is on the screen Ulead VideoStudio  the desktop of the program will appear. We will download the necessary video or documentary to it. The necessary parts of the uploaded video are marked and cut using the scissors on the toolbar. A new documentary is created by merging the clipped video documents through the above program.
If the student approaches the topic with different views, then critical thoughts arise. From this point of view, if the student shares his opinions with a specialist in the field, if he exchanges opinions, new aspects of the subject can be opened. In this case, it is appropriate to use the interview method. The interview is carried out in 2 different ways: by recording the voice on a dictaphone, by recording on a camera.
In order for the student to get an interview, it is necessary to pay attention to the following aspects:
  • it is necessary to have general information about the subject and the studied period;
  • the interviewer should be an expert or a historian, because the topic revealed during the interview becomes clearer;
  • the interviewer should pay attention to the clarity, comprehensibility and concreteness of the questions he asks;
  • when interviewing, it is expedient to leave the conversational style and speak in the standards of literary language;
  • during the interview, one should not forget all the elementary things about the topic;
  • the interviewee should not interrupt the speaker's speech during the answer, otherwise it may distract him from his thoughts;
When giving an interview, you should pay attention to the following aspects:
  • first of all, the interviewer should correctly analyze the questions and answer them clearly and comprehensively;
  • must not provide any misleading and unclear information;
  • the information provided must be accurate and based on sources;
  • each piece of information should be provided in a comparative manner through examples as much as possible;
  • without deviating from the given question, it is necessary to answer it completely and based on concrete facts.
           The text of the interview: The text of the interview will be as follows: based on the topic, the student will interview the scientist by talking with R. Talibov, associate professor of NavDPI, tel.
The reader: Rozikul Nasimovich! Explain the main battles of World War II and their nature?
    R. Talibov, associate professor of "General history" department:
The Second World War is the most tragic period in human history. This war continued with extreme tension. In the Second World War, the Soviet-German front became the decisive front of the war. In November 1942, the number of divisions of Hitler's Germany and its partners on the Soviet-German front was 268, and in August-September 1943, it was 230. In August 1943, 294 of the 196 divisions of Hitler's Germany, 1945 of the 313 divisions and 32 brigades of 185 and 21 brigades were deployed against the USSR. However, 1941-10 German divisions operated on the Western Front in 11, 1941 German and Italian divisions operated in North Africa in 1942-15, and only 1945 divisions operated on the Western Front and Italy in January 108.
            In the summer of 1941, the troops of England and "Free France" attacked the subversive activities of the Nazis in Iraq, Syria and Lebanon, and the actions of the USSR and England in the territory of Iran.
The scope of World War II was expanding. On December 1941, 7, Japan did not declare war, but attacked the naval and air forces of the United States and England in the Pacific, causing serious damage. As a result of the attack on Pearl Harbor (Hawaii), almost half of the US warships in the Pacific were destroyed. The loss of the United States at Pearl Harbor was a very heavy loss: 8 Lincolns at this base were disabled, half of them were sunk; 316 aircraft were damaged and destroyed; About 3 thousand Americans died. Japan launched a rapid offensive and occupied Thailand, Burma, Hong Kong, the Indonesian islands, Singapore, and the Philippines in late 1941 and early 42. The United States and England occupied a number of islands in the Pacific Ocean (Guam, Wake, New Britain, part of New Guinea, etc.).
            After Japan started war in the Pacific Ocean, on December 1941, 11, Germany and Italy declared war on the United States, on December 8, the United States declared war on Japan, then on Germany and Italy, and England and its dominions declared war on Japan. . China officially declared war on Japan, Germany and Italy. On December 1941, 11, the three aggressive powers - Germany, Italy and Japan signed a new military pact in addition to the Tripartite Pact (1940): to wage war jointly and by all means against England and the United States, not to reconcile with them and not to conclude an armistice without mutual consent. took their obligations. They also defined the movement zones. At this time, that is, by the end of 1941, an anti-fascist coalition consisting of the USSR, England and the USA was formed.
            Knowing that the main task of the Soviet-German front was to go towards Moscow, the Hitlerites sent about 80 divisions and a large air force in this direction. At the end of November and the beginning of December, they came closer to Moscow to 23-25 ​​km. As a result of the counterattack launched on December 1941-5, 6, 50 divisions of the enemy were crushed, and by February 1942, 23, the enemy was thrown 120-400 km west of Moscow. The myth of the "invincibility" of the German-Nazi army, the "Barbarossa Plan" has completely failed.
            The enemy attacked again at the end of June 1942 with a large force. However, as a result of the new fierce battles of the Soviet troops, from November 1942, 19 to February 1943, 2, 330 armies of 2 German-Nazis were crushed. Of these, 147 were killed, and more than 91 were captured under the command of Field Marshal Pauls. Italian, Romanian and Hungarian divisions were destroyed, in total the enemy lost more than 800 thousand soldiers and officers, 2000 tanks, 3 thousand airplanes, 70 thousand vehicles. A general mourning was declared in Germany. Taking advantage of the fact that the second front was not opened, the Nazis gathered their 1943th division on the Soviet-German front in the summer of 257. Near Kursk, they dropped 900 soldiers and officers, about 10 cannons and mortars, about 3 tanks and self-propelled guns, and more than 2 aircraft to carry out the operation called "Citadel". On July 1943, 5, they launched an attack, but on July 12, Soviet troops launched a counterattack and crushed a large enemy force by August 23. The enemy has reached a point where he cannot recover. The Battle of Kursk was considered one of the greatest battles of World War II and marked a turning point. Only at the threshold of Kursk, about 30 divisions of the enemy were destroyed. The great defeat of the German-fascists on the threshold of Stalingrad and then near Kursk led to the beginning of the national liberation struggle against fascism in Europe. Such struggles grew in Yugoslavia, France, Italy, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Bulgaria, Albania, Greece, Romania, Norway, Holland and other countries. In Asia and the Pacific Ocean - in China, Korea, Indo-China, the Philippine Islands, Burma, Malaya and Indonesia, independent nations started a national-liberation struggle against the Japanese invaders. In the fall of 1941, the bulk of Anglo-American troops were in North Africa. The presence of the enemy's main forces on the Soviet-German front created an opportunity for Anglo-Americans to attack in North Africa. In the fall of 1941, Germany and Italy had a military force of 100 men, and England had a military force of 150 men in North Africa. In November 1941, Gen. British troops under the command of Montgomery went on the offensive and occupied Cyrenaica in January 1942. But as a result of the counterattacks of the German-Italian troops under the command of General Rommel, the British retreated back to Egypt to Al-Alamain. On October 1942, 23, British troops launched a counterattack, pushed the aggressors out of Egypt, occupied Cyrenaica and Tripolitania. On November 1942, 8, 700 British-American troops under the leadership of American General Eisenhower launched an attack divided into three groups and occupied the territories of North-West Africa, French Morocco and Algeria and entered the territory of Tunisia. On March 1943-20, 21, the Allies continued their offensive. The Italian-German troops retreated to the shores of the Mediterranean Sea after suffering a lot of casualties.
 The reader :How did the Second World War end?
        R. Talibov, associate professor of "General history" department:
At the Potsdam Conference, the issue of rapidly crushing militaristic Japan was also considered. On August 1945 and 6, 9, by order of President Truman, atomic bombs were dropped on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Hiroshima was completely destroyed. In total, about 300 people died, and about 200 people were injured and disabled. The power of the bomb dropped on Hiroshima was 12 kilotons. Considering Japan's anti-Soviet position during the war, the Soviet government announced on August 1945, 8 that it would start a war against Japan from August 9.
            The balance of forces on the Soviet-Japanese front (August 1945)
Military forces
Number of people
Cannons and mortars
Tank and self-propelled guns
            On August 9, Soviet troops launched a fierce offensive, and on September 1945, 2, Japan signed an unconditional surrender. South Sakhalin and Kuril Islands passed to the USSR. With the surrender of Japan, the Second World War ended. World War II lasted 6 years and involved almost all countries. 61 countries took part in the war, hostilities took place on the territory of 40 countries. 80% of the world's population was forced to actively participate in the war. In total, 110 million people were armed, about 60 million people were killed, and 35 million people were disabled. More than 12 million people died in prisons and death camps in Europe. In the war, USA 300 thousand, England 250 thousand, USSR 24 million, Germany 12; million, Poland lost 6 million people. The damages caused by the Second World War reached 3 trillion 300 billion dollars. Including military expenses, it equaled 4 trillion dollars. The damage suffered by the USSR was 2 trillion 600 billion. reached soum. All in all, 507 German divisions and 100 divisions of its allies were crushed on the Soviet-German front. Allies of the USSR - USA and England crushed 176 divisions of the enemy. The Eastern Front played a big role in defeating the enemy. Former US Secretary of State Stettinnus wrote in one of his works (1950): "The American people should not forget that they were on the brink of destruction in 1942. If the Soviet Union had not held their front, the Germans would have been able to conquer Great Britain. Also, after conquering Africa, they would be able to create a platform in Latin America." On August 1945, 8, a conference of representatives of the USSR, the USA, England and France took place in London, where the issue of creating an International Military Tribunal and developing its statutes was considered, and the creation of an International Military Tribunal to prosecute fascist war criminals was correct. concluded an agreement. in a short time, 19 countries joined this agreement. At the tribunal, a committee of detractors was formed, consisting of the main condemning countries, the USSR, the USA, England and France. On August 29, the list of the main Nazi culprits was published, which numbered 24 and consisted of Nazi politicians, military, diplomats, ideologues and industrialists. Including Goering, Hess, Ribbentrop, Bormann, Keitel, Ley, Krupp, Kaltenbrunner, Rosenberg, Frank, Frick, Streicher, Schacht, Funk, Denitz, Reder, Schirach, Zaukel, Jodl, Papen, Zeiss-Inquart, Speyer, Neurath and It consisted of fries. The Nuremberg process was conducted openly in front of the international community. 403 public hearings were held. 60 permits were distributed to the courtroom. Radio, cinema, press informed millions of people about the ongoing trial. For this, representatives of the mass media were allocated a large number of seats in the hall, 350 out of 250 seats were given to them. The Nuremberg trial produced 22 documentary facts against 2500 major German-Nazis, and their defenders were unable to do anything. Why we say 22 is because the Bormann case is seen in absentia because he is in hiding and sentenced, Krupp beats himself up in the cell and becomes paralyzed, so his case is dismissed. Leigh hangs herself in her cell after reading the incriminating document's summary.
 The reader : Rozikul Nasimovich! Thank you for your meaningful conversation.
Project folder (project portfolio)-Students prepare a report by summarizing the documents, data, visual aids collected during the implementation of the project and place them in the project portfolio
Work plan for the implementation of the project (plate)
The name and surname of the workers
The content of the work
Type of finished product
Performance moddata collected
All participants
Collection of received information
Collect information on the topic "The Second World War and its results", formalize the collected information in the form of text, tables and comments. Copy, collect the electronic version, use the scanner
Preparation of collected data in an electronic version, systematization according to design tasks
1 week
  preparing a slide based on sources
period documentary and
The reader to the historical topic
when preparing a slide about
paying attention to the design pattern,then
pre-made graphics, paints,
use of glosses, sounds design
Lecture on the topic
Day 6
finding documentaries related to the topic and sorting it, after finding the necessary sorted films, the parts related to the topic are separated. Computer graphics (Ulead VideoStudio program, etc.) are used to combine separated parts of documentaries and make one documentary on the subject. A new documentary is created by merging the clipped video documents through the above program.
documentary film,
Day 6
arranging an interview with an expert on the subject and preparing an interview
Arranging a conversation with a history specialist on the topic "World War II and its results" and preparing an interview with him
1 week
Report preparation
Prepare the report
Day 1
Completion of the report according to the guidelines for the preparation of the report on the work of the project
Report (latest version)
Day 1
Preparing the project for presentation
Development of the electronic version of the project
Electron option
Day 1
Preparation of the presentation
Presentation (last version)
Day 1
             After the deadline for completing the project, students will place the collected materials in a portfolio and prepare a written report on the completion of the project. On the day of the presentation, the classroom was decorated by the groups according to the theme "World War II and its aftermath". The class was divided into three groups and studied the topic based on the project method. Groups are divided into three parts of the classroom. In their parts, they organized a corner with a project report, a portfolio of materials on the topic, visual aids.
Forms of education: work in groups
Tools and equipment for laboratory work:
Lafasov M. World history (1918-2013). Textbook for academic lyceum and vocational colleges, project portfolio, project assignment, methodological instructions, computer, video projector, video camera, whiteboard, felt-tip pen, tape, paper
Course Outline:
Organizational part: (2 minutes):
Teacher: Takes the daily report, adapts the classroom to the lesson, announces the topic and determines the groups.
Groups: 1) Peace 2) World 3) Everest
Introduction stage (2 minutes):
Teacher: introduces students to the topic and its plans, informs about the conditions and rules of the project method
The main stage (35 minutes):
Students will present their prepared slides. Computers and video projectors are used for slide shows. The rest of the students write down the necessary information, ask questions, and discuss.
For a deeper understanding of the topic, documentaries prepared by groups are shown on the monitor.
An interview with a subject matter expert is featured.
The final stage (3 minutes).
The teacher counts the incentive cards, determines and evaluates the winning group.
Students report.
Homework: Writes down his thoughts from today's lesson.
Evaluation criteria and indicators
The following will be assessed in the group project
Individual (thematic) parts of the project completed by each student
Top 5 points
Top 5 points
Presentation of visual aids
Top 5 points
 project protection
Top 5 points

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