The wise sayings of the American Indians


• Don’t walk behind me, I’m not your guide. Don't pass me by, I'm not a murid. I can't follow you. Stand by Me. Let me see you so we can be equal.
• If you want to hunt, hunt the weakest deer. Healthy offspring are needed.
• Peace and happiness are always there. Peace and happiness are at every step. There is no place for politics in matters of psyche.
• Look inside your own shoes before talking about someone else’s shortcomings.
• One enemy is more, a hundred friends are less.
• It is better to say "take this" once than to say "I will give" twice.
• Stop, listen. If you keep talking, you will not hear anything.
• Make my enemy strong and brave. I won’t be embarrassed if I beat him.
• If the shadow is longer than the human neck, then the sun is setting.
• If everyone helps one in need, there will be no need on earth. Help someone every day!
• If there are no tears in the eye, there will be no rainbow in the soul.
• Decide with your heart, not your eyes.
• Knowledge is the key, and wisdom is the future.
• Everyone dreams differently. There is wisdom in remembering this.
• Infidelity rusts the chain of friendship; and fidelity shines.
• Slowly press the ground in the spring because the soil is fertile for it.
• Inside a man, two dogs, one good and one bad, are always fighting. Whichever one you feed the most wins.
• The farther a person goes from nature, the harder his heart becomes.
• Language cannot pronounce the words spoken by the human eye.
• The eagle is shot down with an arrow decorated with its feathers.
• Prefer defeat to victory over ignorance. The first is painful for a while, and the second is lifelong.
Translated from the Turkish by Marufjon Yuldashev

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