Youngest billionaires in the world 2024


Youngest billionaires in the world 2024

1.🇮🇹 Clemente Del Vecchio: $4,1 billion (Age: 19)
2. 🇰🇷 Kim Jong-yeon: $1,7 billion (Age: 20)
3.🇩🇪 Kevin David Lehmann: $2,5 billion (Age: 21)
4. 🇰🇷 Kim Jung-min: $1,7 billion (Age: 22)
5.🇮🇹 Luca Del Vecchio: $4,1 billion (Age: 22)
6. 🇳🇴 Alexandra Andresen: $1,5 billion (Age: 27)
7. 🇮🇹 Leonardo Maria Del Vecchio: $3,9 billion (Age: 28)
8. 🇳🇴 Katharina Andresen: $1,5 billion (Age: 28)
9.🇺🇸 Ryan Breslow: $1,1 billion (Age: 29)
10. 🇳🇴 Gustav Magnar Vitzor: $3,5 billion (Age: 30)


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