The most common causes that cause itching and irritation in a woman’s genitals


The most common causes that cause itching and irritation in a woman’s genitals
Vaginal dysbacteriosis is one of the most common causes of vaginal irritation and itching. Decreased local immunity causes an imbalance in the vagina under the influence of stimuli, and microorganisms such as candidiasis fungi, Escherichia coli and gardnerella begin to actively multiply. In dysbacteriosis, not only itching and irritation are disturbed, but also a large amount of discharge from the vagina, an unpleasant odor is also noted.
To eliminate the symptoms, it is necessary to determine what caused the imbalance of microorganisms, to eliminate this factor and take precautions so that the condition does not manifest itself in the future. In this case, the doctor prescribes antimicrobial and antifungal drugs for treatment, as well as means that restore the vaginal normroflora.
The second most common cause of itching and irritation in women is STIs - sexually transmitted infections. These include chlamydia, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, herpes, papillomavirus infection. These infections can cause itching, irritation, inflammation of the vulva. Effective treatment should be determined taking into account the cause of the disease and individual guidelines. In such cases, treatment with antibiotics is often required.
Allergic reactions can also cause itching and irritation in the area of ​​the labia. Contact with various allergens may cause the reaction.
Often, genital allergies are caused by hygiene products, intimate gels and oils, synthetic underwear, remnants of laundry detergent left on underwear, and even a sexual partner’s sperm. Antihistamines and sedatives are prescribed if the doctor has confirmed the allergic nature of the symptoms.
Itching and irritation of the labia may be caused by tight, tight underwear, wearing strings, constant use of daily pads, as this creates a favorable environment for the growth of pathogenic organisms.
These causes can also lead to increased itching and discomfort, although these symptoms may have initially been caused by other factors.
A number of diseases that are not related to gynecology can also affect the health and comfort of the female genitalia. For example, itching and irritation in the vulvar area can be observed in women suffering from diabetes, blood diseases, hepatitis with jaundice, impaired renal function and other pathologies.
In this case, treatment of vulvar itching, irritation and other symptoms is aimed at eliminating the underlying pathology that caused them, as well as maintaining a normal vaginal ecosystem.
Improper hygiene of intimate areas can also lead to discomfort, itching and irritation, redness of the skin, rash may be observed. Properly selected tools for intimate hygiene will help maintain a normal vaginal flora.
The cause of vaginal discomfort, dryness, itching and irritation can occur in women and girls due to changes in hormonal background in puberty, pregnancy, menstruation, menopause, stress and other disorders in the body. In this case, the doctor prescribes drugs to normalize the hormonal background. Special oils and gels are recommended as additional moisturizers.
Irritation often occurs in inflammation of the urogenital system (cystitis, cervicitis, endometritis, adnexitis, metritis). For treatment it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive examination, identify the infection and select the appropriate drugs.
@andrology_uz 🚑 🌏

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