U23 Asia Cup. Uzbekistan - Saudi Arabia - 0: 2. Game statistics


Here are the statistics of the match between the national teams of Uzbekistan and Saudi Arabia in the final of the U23 Asian Cup.

U23 Asia Cup, final
Uzbekistan - Saudi Arabia - 0: 2

Ball control: 53% - 47%
Strokes: 10 - 9
Net hits: 1 - 4
Blocked strokes: 5 - 5
Shots from outside the penalty area: 3 - 5
Shots from inside the penalty area: 7 - 4
Singles: 40% - 60%
Fights in the air: 34% - 66%
Possession of the ball: 5 - 5
Offsides: 3 - 1
Corner shots: 5 - 4
Extensions: 351 - 319
Long passes: 62 - 77
Accuracy of extensions: 73.8% - 69.0%
Accuracy of passes on the opponent's field: 60.4% - 55.5%
Wing extensions: 19 - 9
Accuracy of wing passes: 21.1% - 33.3%
Violations: 17 - 11
Yellow cards: 2 - 4

Source: stadium.uz

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