Here are the statistics of the match between the national teams of Uzbekistan and Saudi Arabia in the final of the U23 Asian Cup.
U23 Asia Cup, final
Uzbekistan - Saudi Arabia - 0: 2
Ball control: 53% - 47%
Strokes: 10 - 9
Net hits: 1 - 4
Blocked strokes: 5 - 5
Shots from outside the penalty area: 3 - 5
Shots from inside the penalty area: 7 - 4
Singles: 40% - 60%
Fights in the air: 34% - 66%
Possession of the ball: 5 - 5
Offsides: 3 - 1
Corner shots: 5 - 4
Extensions: 351 - 319
Long passes: 62 - 77
Accuracy of extensions: 73.8% - 69.0%
Accuracy of passes on the opponent's field: 60.4% - 55.5%
Wing extensions: 19 - 9
Accuracy of wing passes: 21.1% - 33.3%
Violations: 17 - 11
Yellow cards: 2 - 4