About vasonite 600


About vasonite 600

💊Vazonit 600💊

🔎 This drug contains 600 mg of pentoxifylline, which is the same composition as the twins: Trental and Latren.

🤷‍♂ So why and how is this drug used?
We will first talk about the importance of this drug. (So ​​we have to say more.)

🩸There are "green blood cells" in our blood called platelets.
It helps in blood clotting, that is, if there is a wound somewhere and blood begins to be lost, the "platelets" stop the bleeding by creating a natural barrier in that place by clotting the blood and create a wound.

⚠️ If for some reason these helper “platelets” proliferate, the blood circulation will be disrupted throughout the body.

☝️ The result can sometimes be false paralysis, loss of blood circulation in the eyes and ears, rapid frostbite, memory impairment and changes in blood pressure.

💊 Vasonite 600 prevents these platelets from clotting together and has a weak dilating effect on the blood vessels.

✅ Thus, this drug normalizes blood circulation.
When the blood circulation is good, our body is nourished and the temperature is always "normal".
The effects also start quickly.

‼ ️ Caution This drug should only be used as directed by a doctor.

👉 Reasons:
Used in blood transfusions to the eyes, brain, and various areas, it enhances mining.
Especially not possible in myocardial infarction.
🤰Do not use during pregnancy and lactation…