What do you know about Ligildak?


Mothers of newborns are well aware that their little ones will have lizards. Many mothers think that this area of ​​the baby is a delicate area and cannot be touched by hand. Is that really so? Why does a child need lizards? When should these lizards close? What happens if the size of the liqueur is too small or large? It is natural for young mothers to be interested in such questions.
In infants calla of the bowl to himself specific structure
Infantile liquefaction is one of the most important products that plays an important role in the birth process of children. During the birth of the fetus, during the passage of the female genital tract, the skull of the child bends (this is considered normal), reduces in size and takes the form of sexual ducts. This process takes place at the expense of the baby's head and it facilitates the birth process for both the mother and the baby. The peculiarity of the fetal skull lies in its anatomical structure.
Of course, the fetal skull is made up of the same bones as adults. However, the skull bones are more flexible and elastic than those of adults, are not fully fused together, and are not bony. Such products act as a shock absorber in the child's head. These include:
Forehead joint (metopic joint) - between the forehead bones;
Coronary junction - between the forehead and upper bones;
The sagittal joint is between the upper bones;
Upper (lambadosimon) junction - between the nape and upper bones;
The right and left lateral joints are between the upper and temporal bones.
Ball lizards
The anterior or large iliac crest is a rhombic-shaped product, the corners of its boundaries starting from the forehead and sagittal joints, and the lateral and right joints from the side;
The posterior or small iliac crest is the depth between the triangular axial joint and the occipital joint;
The right and left pons are at the border of the coronary junction and the lateral junction;
The right and left mammary glands are at the border of the coronary junction and the lambda junction.
All of the lizards listed above occur in babies born healthy in their due period, of which only the big lizard, in some cases the small lizard, can be open, and all other lizards and connections are closed.
In premature infants, however, side flaps and some joints may be exposed. The ligaments are covered with a membrane made of connective tissue. That's why it's very difficult to "break" the lizards. Bathe the baby comfortably, comb his hair, play with the child without fear, give him a light massage and do not be afraid to injure the lizards.
Of the lizards size va function
The front is reminiscent of the shape of a large rhombus. The size of this lizard is not measured by its diagonal size, but the distance between the boundaries (walls) that make up the lizard is measured. In healthy babies born on time, the size of a large lizard is 2 × 2 cm to 3 × 3 cm. in premature infants, the size of the large clitoris is wide and the compounds that make it up are also incomplete. Normally the height of the large pelvis should be in the same plane as the top and forehead bones, sometimes slightly sunken.
The pulsation in the liqueur is visible to the naked eye. When the baby cries loudly and is upset, it can be seen that the lump has swelled up. In the first year of childhood, the brain begins to grow significantly, and the skull does not have difficulty in the growth of the brain at the expense of the lizards. In addition, lizards also perform a thermoregulatory function in children, ie when the body temperature rises, the body transfers excess temperature to the external environment through the lizards. That is why it is not possible to wrap a very thick hat around the head of a child who has a fever.
In premature babies, a small lump is located on the back and is usually not noticeable, and can sometimes be felt to the extent that it can fit a finger.
Ligids when ends?
In healthy, premature infants, only the anterior or posterior lobe is exposed. however, over time, due to bone growth, the size of the lump decreases and it completely closes. The large lizard does not have the age to fully close. In most babies, large blisters close by 12 to 18 months of age. Don’t worry if the blisters close until the child is one year old, this may be normal for a healthy child. In such cases, you should seek the advice of a pediatrician.
A small rash is usually unknown at birth. By the time the large larynx begins to shrink, the small larynx will be closed, which corresponds to 1,5-2 months of age.
Ligildoq - organism signal
Mothers should always be aware of the condition of their children's lizards, if you notice any changes (strong pulsation, suspect its small size), inform your local pediatrician. For neonatologists and pediatricians, lizards are specialists who provide information about the state of the organism. The lizards are the first to signal any change in the head area. Lockies that close too early or too late can signal a serious illness. If the large lump in the newborn is small or absent altogether, microcephaly and craniostenosis are suspected in the first place.
In microcephaly, the baby's body parts are normal in size and the head and brain are small. This disease is caused by genetic chromosomal disorders, such as Patau syndrome, Edwards syndrome.
In craniostenosis, the ligaments are also closed due to adhesions between the skull bones. Deformation of the skull makes brain growth difficult, and intracranial pressure increases.
If a woman consumes products that contain a lot of the element calcium during pregnancy, the clots may close early or be small in size at birth. Calcium deficiency in the baby's body leads to late closure of the larynx.
If the baby is clearly aware of the large size of the larynx and the small (posterior) larynx, it is primarily suspected hydrocephalus and congenital hypothyroidism (thyroid insufficiency). In addition, factors that contribute to the large size of the uterus may include intrauterine hypoxia, birth trauma, and intrauterine infections.
Babies are a product that gives accurate information about the intracranial pressure. In cases of increased intracranial pressure, the cerebellum becomes swollen and tense. The reasons for the increase in intracranial pressure may be:
Congenital diseases (hydrocephalus);
Brain infections (purulent meningitis);
Tumors (hematomas, tumors) formed within the skull;
Perinatal encephalopathies;
Intracranial vein and sinus thrombosis.
If the ligaments are swollen and this condition is observed after any brain injury, seek immediate medical attention. In addition, the lower extremities also indicate that serious changes are taking place in the body.
For example, the body may vomit a lot as a result of intestinal infections, and dehydration in diarrhea can lead to the same condition as above. In this case, the child should be treated. In children with meningitis, the larynx first rises due to an increase in intracranial pressure, and then the larynx sinks due to dehydration.
At this time, doctors order an examination to measure the intracranial pressure, and based on their results, the children are prescribed treatment.
Ligids diagnostika for how routine will give?
Baby cramps are a reflection of the internal state of the brain. With this in mind, there are a number of diagnostic methods that can be used to check babies for leaks. They are:
Subdural puncture under local anesthesia;
Measurement of intracranial pressure using intraventricular fluid, information on the composition of cerebrospinal fluid;
Measurement of intracranial pressure without puncture using special tanometers;
Two-dimensional exoencephalography and sonography - UTT examination;
Radioisotope scintigraphy.

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