What to do when a baby has constipation?


✅ What to do when a baby has constipation?

To prevent constipation, every mother should follow the following tips:
♻️Breastfeed the baby so that he does not go hungry;

♻️Put the baby on his stomach often;

♻️It is necessary to move the child's body by holding his arm;

♻️Vitamins can be given to the baby in consultation with a doctor to improve bowel function;

♻️Gently rub the baby's abdomen clockwise.

Some mothers use Vaseline-filled tubes, matchsticks, or glycerin candles when the baby has constipation. These things will help the baby get diarrhea a little, but the baby may get used to it later.
Other same mothers rush to enema the baby. Because the baby’s skin is so delicate, the enema often causes unpleasant complications. That is, if a slight mistake is made in enema, then the child may develop paraproctitis (colon disease).

If a slight mistake is made in enema, then the child may develop paraproctitis (colon disease).

Therefore, using the simple method used by our grandmothers in ancient times gives good results. Take a fresh kirsov and scrape it on the tip of a knife, thin bundles will appear. Gently insert one of these into the baby’s rectum. But over time, the laundry soap bubble moves the intestinal wall and moves the bowel.
In general, in the first months of a baby’s life, it is necessary to feed the baby only breast milk to prevent constipation. Because breast milk contains all the vitamins and trace elements necessary for the baby's body.

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