When does a person's criminal record end?


🔴 When is a person's criminal record terminated?

❗️The person's criminal record is terminated within the following periods;

✅ for probationers - from the date of expiration of the probation period;

✅ after serving a sentence in the form of compulsory community service, restriction on service or transfer to a disciplinary unit;

✅ after the date of execution of the fine, as well as 1 year after serving a sentence of deprivation of certain rights or correctional labor;

✅ after serving a sentence of restriction of liberty - after 2 years;

✅ after serving a sentence of not more than five years - after 4 years;

✅ after serving a sentence of more than five years, but not more than ten years - after 7 years;

✅ After serving a sentence of more than ten years, but not more than fifteen years - after 10 years.

❗️A person whose conviction has been expunged or terminated shall be deemed not to have been convicted.

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