When is the contract payment deadline?


✅ As you may be aware, starting from the 2020/2021 academic year, students of higher education institutions were given the opportunity to pay the amount of payment-contract in four equal shares during the academic year.

According to the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education, students can pay the contract in the following terms:
👉 At least 25% of the prescribed fee for applicants recommended for students until September 15 (or until the deadline set by the State Admission Commission) and for students of the second and subsequent stages until October 1 (or until the deadline extended by the university administration);
👉 at least 50% of the established amount of payment until January 1, 75% until April 1 and 100% until July 1 (or until the deadline extended by the university administration);
👉 for foreign citizens up to the deadlines set by the university administration;
Asos️ Basis: Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan PF-5953. The decree can be found in detail on this page: https://www.lex.uz/docs/4751561).(18-band