Can fever persist even after recovery from COVID-19?


In the "Ambulance" program, experts asked why the body is recovering from the coronavirus explained:

Researcher of the Institute of Virology Rano Kasimova:

“Patients may feel better, breathing, pulse, saturation may be in place, but the temperature may not drop. This process can record a temperature of 4 ° for up to 6 or 37 weeks.

No need to worry about taking fever-reducing medications. The temperature is slowly falling. ”

Immunologist-infectious disease specialist Aziza Khojayeva:

“Every organism works according to its own algorithm. Fever can be a universal reaction to all the processes taking place in the body. The brain has a hypothalamic gland that reacts to fever. When a virus enters the body, it tries to stimulate that gland.

Cells work even when the disease is asymptomatic. Therefore, even if the risk of the virus in patients is low or non-existent, the gland in the brain continues to command the body. In some patients, even if the disease subsides, the glandular reaction in the brain does not stop, and as a result, the fever can last up to 4 weeks.

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