The baby's eyes become cloudy


The baby's eyes become cloudy

Often, the eyes of a newborn baby move to the sides or to the middle. Then the parents are startled because their eyes become cloudy. It takes a few seconds for his eyes to wander in different directions.

This is normal because the eye muscles are not well developed in a newborn baby. The eye muscles need to be trained like all other muscles of the child. Of course, eye muscles develop quickly.

1. If the mother or the child suffers a certain injury during pregnancy or childbirth, then some blood vessels in the child's brain that respond to the eye muscles may burst, and the child's eyes may be blurry at birth. If over time this complaint does not change in a positive direction, then see an ophthalmologist. But most of the time, this kind of innate grumpiness goes away by itself.

2. Another reason why a baby's eyes seem to be squinting or shifted to one side is that the facial muscles are also slightly different (not sufficiently developed) from those of adults. This condition also does not require any treatment, and as the child's face grows, the swelling disappears by itself.

3. When a two-month-old baby brings a toy close to his eyes, his eyes move towards the nose. This condition is also transient and does not require to be disturbed. It usually takes 3-4 months.

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