Why did Hitler exterminate the Jews?


As the Nazis came to power, many anti-Jewish laws were enacted. As a result of the adoption of these bills, it was decided to expel all Jews from Germany.
First, the Nazis made every effort to expel Jews from the countries under their control. The Gestapo and the SS oversaw the process. Thus, in 1938, about 45000 Jews left Austria. Between 350.000 and 400.000 Jews left Czechoslovakia and Austria before the outbreak of World War II.
As Hitler's troops invaded Poland, anti-Semitic policies intensified. The last Jewish solution put forward by the German National Socialists was the mass extermination of Jews in Europe. Hitler considered the Jews to be a racially inferior people who had no right to live. Later, the Jews were not only arrested, but shot. Special ghettos were set up (complete isolation of Jews and closed spaces to control them).
After Germany invaded the USSR, SS units began to exterminate Jews with mass executions. In 1941, gas vans (Jews poisoned by carbon monoxide) began to be used for this purpose. Three concentration camps were set up (Belges, Treblinka, Sobibor) to immediately exterminate large numbers of people.
In early 1942, the Majdanek and Auschwitz concentration camps served as death camps. Up to 1,3 million people were killed in Auschwitz, 1,1 of whom were Jews. About 2,7 million Jews perished during the entire war.
According to historians, such a policy of the Third Reich was supported by the German people, because all the property taken from the Jews was distributed to ordinary Germans. So the Third Reich wanted to be stronger and have as many people as possible support it.
Algorithm for solving the Jewish question
Concentration of all Jews in certain areas (ghettos). Separation of Jews from other nations. Forcing them in all spheres of society. Confiscation of all property, expulsion from the economic sphere. Getting to a position where work remains the only way to survive.
Causes of genocide. Probably versions.
Hitler considered Jews and Gypsies to be the rubbish of a society that had no place in a civilized world, so he decided to clean up Europe as soon as possible.
The idea of ​​destruction is related to the Nazis ’idea of ​​dividing all nations into several groups: the first is the ruling elite (true Aryans). The second is slaves (Slavic peoples). Third are the Jews and the Gypsies (they must be destroyed, and the survivors are enslaved). Hitler accused the Jews of all sins, including the emergence of the Bolsheviks, the revolution in Russia, and so on.
Negroes were excluded from this hierarchy as a lower race.
The ruling elite, the fascist armies, already needed great victories to conquer the whole world, so they were allowed to kill Jews and Roma as unwanted and most vulnerable. Thus, the mood of the soldiers rose. Many historical sources do not provide a clear explanation of Hitler’s actions against the Jewish people.
Consequences of genocide for Europe
As a result of this policy, about 6 million Jews perished in Europe. Of these, only 4 million victims could be identified personally. The direction of these events had a negative impact on European civilization. Jewish culture began to wane, but at the same time, the self-awareness of Jews outside Europe increased significantly. With this, the surviving Jews began a new life, as a result of which Israel grew stronger (its historical homeland - Palestine).

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