Abstracts on the subject of literature for grades 10-11


Sana: .___________________________
Course Objectives:to expand the knowledge of literature. to increase the student's love for the Motherland through the science of literature; emphasizing that independence is a great blessing; formation of national pride. To increase students' knowledge and thinking, to increase their interest in learning, to teach them to think independently.
Literary-speaking competencies (listening comprehension, oral expression of thought, reading, written expression of thought).
Can expressively read examples of artistic creation (prose, poetry, drama), understand, comprehend and comprehend their social and artistic-aesthetic content;
Competence in working with information:                             
to use the available sources of information (books, mass media, the Internet, dictionaries, reference books (audio-video recordings), computers, e-mails, etc.) for educational purposes and to express a conscious attitude to the materials in them, draw conclusions, learn from them and apply them in their work;
Competences in FC science
FK1- Literary-speaking competencies (listening comprehension, oral presentation, reading, written expression)
FK2- Competence to analyze a work of art
Training turi: Practical, oral
Training device:
  1. 2. Pictures, puzzles and test questions on the topic
  2. 3. Blackboard, chalk, notebook, pen
Training process
1. Organizational part 4 minutes
2. Repetition (reinforcement) of the previous topic 12 minutes
3. Explain the new topic 10 minutes
4. Consolidation of a new topic 14 minutes
5. Assessment of students 3 minutes
  1. Homework 2 minutes
Of training go:
Organizational section.
  1. a) greeting.
  2. b) determine attendance.
Description of the new topic.
You are in class this day with a happy heart
You wait for the test queue.
The best child of a great country,
Know that the Motherland is waiting for you!
Ghafur Ghulam
   Today you are on the threshold of the tenth grade. Dreams are burning in your young heart, and good intentions are flowing in your mind. It is natural for you to get involved in the life of the society for days, months and years and talk to different acquaintances and strangers. When you set a certain standard and norm for everyday life events, such as finding a way to the heart, enjoying life, making loyal friends, good manners, respect for the elders, respect for the younger, it is really artistic. The literature will be a grateful help to you. Indeed, the role of fiction in socio-cultural life, in the formation of beautiful interactions and relationships between people is enormous. It allows people, especially young people, to understand the nature of phenomena related to the universe and people, to feel the color aspects of human emotions, to think about the essence of human qualities and shortcomings. Literature has coexisted with the concepts of "society", "spirituality", "culture" and "art" since ancient times. Fiction enriches the spiritual world of every human being with invaluable human qualities, immortal national values. A person with high spirituality can rise to the level of a real person. Being a loyal citizen of one's homeland, a worthy child to one's parents, and a close friend to one's relatives is a sign of one's spiritual maturity. In the way of such perfection, fiction will serve you dearly. The golden chest in the treasury of literature is full of priceless jewels; it contains an inexhaustible supply of national and spiritual values. The enjoyment of this spiritual treasure is in the mind of a wise and wise young generation like you, who is stepping on the threshold of a great life.  gives wings, expands the imagination. In the East, from ancient times the degree of harmony of the individual with society and the state has been in focus. Almost everyone  without denying the peculiar qualities of the nature of the individual, he is encouraged to be in harmony with society. Fiction helps an individual find his or her place in society. This process is based on reading the works read, drawing appropriate conclusions from them, being influenced by the artistic word, purifying the heart, enjoying the virtues that are pleasing to one's relatives, and most importantly, the person through the works of art.  occurs through self-perfection. Fiction, with its power and magic, fulfills the sacred task of bringing up young people as free-spirited, free-thinking, fair, impartial, and patient horsemen. Hazrat Alisher Navoi says: "The dry bread of the Qana '(satisfied) dervish is the Chinese khan (program khan) of the king's religion." In Nazm ul-Jawahir, the poet concludes, "Everyone has contentment and no sorrow."
Most of the heroes created by Navoi are spiritually rich people. The heroes of a number of stories in Hayrat ul-abror, Farhod and Shirin, Layli and Majnun, Sabayi Sayyar, Saddi Iskandariy and others have such a character. The events of life reflected in Babur's poems and in the "Boburnoma" are also thought-provoking, strengthen the belief in the power and faith of man, encourage him to develop such qualities in himself. shoots. Every reader who reads the works of all the writers included in this course will no doubt recognize in them the magic of words, the courage and bravery of the heroes, their unique skill in depicting human kindness and love.
REMEMBER. Mahmudkhoja Behbudi's proverbs that encourage freedom and recognition of human rights, such as "Truth is not given, it is taken" or Abdullah Qadiri's "Etiquette of speaking and writing" should be considered in the context of human spirituality. does a mat to nurture some aspect, of course. The literature glorifies the motherland of each nation, its soil, its unique national character, rituals and customs; universal feelings that are equally cherished for all are sung. In this sense, different nationalities
fiction that calls for mutual solidarity knows no geographical boundaries. A beautiful work in the literature of one nation can become the spiritual property of another nation. Accordingly, in this course, the best examples of folklore, ancient Turkic literature, Uzbek classical literature, modern Uzbek literature and world literature were selected and referred to the judgment of the saints.
At one time, the First President of the Republic said: “Only a truly spiritual and enlightened person should know human dignity, understand their national values, national identity, live in a free and independent society, and be worthy of our independent state in the world community. He can fight selflessly for the conquest of the world, ”he said. And for this, of course, fiction, in particular, the history of our literature with ancient and rich oral creations, unique magic and charm, our modern literature that helps to develop the unique world of images of our contemporaries, the diversity of world and human relations. Karimov I. High spirituality is an invincible force. - Tashkent: Manaviyat, 2008. Page 6. we are required to be closely and seriously acquainted with the rare specimens of world literature which describe each other without repetition. The concept of spirituality can be interpreted as a high integrity of all national and universal values. This quality manifests itself in the form of a holistic view of the material and spiritual phenomena of man in the universe. Everyone has their own inner world, which is determined by their consciousness, imagination, way of thinking, worldview. Whether he is called "good" or "bad" depends on the content and essence of this inner world. It can be called good if it meets the requirements of the relevant stage of society, the general moral and cultural views of the members of society, and vice versa. Everyone lives with members of the community. So he also feels the influence of those around him. Fiction plays an important role in such an impact. It should be noted that due to the connection of fiction with religion, in particular, the influence of mysticism on fiction, the ideas of humanity in it were expressed in a stronger, more attractive and brighter way. It pays special attention not only to the specific characteristics of man, but also to his involvement in the whole of humanity, society, nature, the universe and human relations. None of these images will leave anyone indifferent. They encourage the increase of good qualities in a person and, conversely, the elimination of bad qualities. To enrich human spirituality, it will be necessary not only any literature, but also works that can meet the requirements of high art. The work of art must be impressive and good, it must delight the heart of any reader, and it must strive to approach the path of good thoughts and dreams.
Questions and assignments
  1. How do you interpret the poem in the epigraph on this topic?
  2. Explain the role of fiction in your life.
  3. Can you explain the concepts of “society”, “spirituality”, “culture” and “art” by relating them to works read in previous classes?
  4. Why does literature know no boundaries?
  5. What other wisdom do you know about Alisher Navoi's human qualities?
  6. Explain the views of Behbudi and Abdullah Qadiri in more detail.
  7. Pay attention to the opinion of the First President of the Republic. How would you describe it?
  8. Remember the image of "high spirituality" and "low spirituality" heroes from the history of literature. Explain how their main symptoms manifested.
Students who actively participate will be evaluated.
Homework: Repetition
Date: “__” ___________ 201 __. .Teacher:
TOPIC 2: Orkhon-Enasay monuments
to give students new knowledge about the artistic depictions in the inscriptions; to teach students to believe in our universal and national values; to give students a sense of belonging to events, happenings and processes in society, to apply their knowledge to real-life situations. to be able to apply.
Competencies to be formed on the topic:
Competence in analyzing a work of art
expressively reads examples of artistic creation (prose, poetry, dramatic work), understands, comprehends and comprehends their social and artistic-aesthetic content;
Self-development competence:
increase their knowledge independently, follow the rules of language in everyday activities and correctly apply the knowledge acquired in the speech process;
Competences in FC science
FK1- Literary-speaking competencies (listening comprehension, oral presentation, reading, written expression)
FK2- Competence to analyze a work of art
Type of training: new concept.
Training style: traditional.
Training equipment: training, dictionary of literary terms, scientific literature on the subject, slides, booklets, handouts, a set of visual aids (audio, video, photographs, tables).
An integral part of the lesson
Allocated time (regulations)
Organizational part
5 minutes
A moment of spirituality
Repetition of the previous topic
5 minutes
Explain the new topic
25 minutes
5 minutes
Student assessment
5 minutes
Homework assignment
Organizational part: Greeting students, checking the readiness of the classroom for the lesson, determining attendance.
Spiritual moment: Organize a short conversation with students about the important economic, socio-political, spiritual, educational, moral and educational news of the day, listen to the independent approach of students to them, organize a discussion.
  Repetition of the previous topic: Repetition of the knowledge gained in the previous lesson with students on the basis of oral or handout materials - question-answer. Students will be asked to complete homework assignments.
New topic statement: Students will be given the following insights on a new topic. Most of the Toshbitiks are a unique artistic chronicle of this khanate. The monuments are being scientifically studied by Turkic scholars all over the world. After V. Thomson and V. Radlov, SE Malov, SG Klyashtorniy, IV Stebleva, H. Orhun, T. Tekin, Najib Osim, G. Aydarov, Uzbek scientists A. Qayumov, A. Rustamov, G. Abdurahmanov, N. Rakhmonov, K. Sodiqov studied. The monuments have been translated into modern Uzbek several times. Monuments in runic writing are not only inscribed in stone. They also have patterns written on paper, various items (silver glasses, wood, leather, glass, belt buckles). For example, the "Race Bitigi" ("Interpretation") is written on paper. Let's start with the inscription "Tonyukuk". Tonyukuk is the name of a person. He was an advisor and commander of the Eltarish khan, who founded the second Turkish khanate. Tonyukuk says, "I wrote this inscription in the Turkish Bilga Khanate." Bilga Hakan Eltarish was the son of Hakan. The events in the inscription are told in the language of Tonyukuk: “I am a wise Tonyukuk. I myself grew up in the Tabgach state. The Turkish people were subject to the Tabgach state. ”Then it is said that the reason for this horror is that the Turks lost their freedom:“ The Turkish people allow chaos, selfishness and indifference. He was not with his khan. "
The agony of colonialism and the humiliation of other peoples are briefly and succinctly expressed in the monument, but in a very moving way: "… God, die, apparently, the Turkish people died because they surrendered to Tabgach." q was over. There is not a single seed left in the land of the Turkish Sir people. " Tonyukuk unites seven hundred people and receives the title of "shad". It was one of the highest military ranks in the Turkish Khanate. Togyuk Bogu, along with Tarkhan and Eltarish Haqqan (father of Kul Tigin and Bilga Haqqan), fought tirelessly for the independence of the country, the well-being of the people, the peace of the country, and the inviolability of borders. He was at the forefront of these struggles. But the enemies did not sit still either. They sought to unite forces.
Throughout the image, one can observe an escalation of the situation, as a result of which the strong points in the personality of Tonyukuk are revealed more and more. In particular, the qualities of risk, courage, bravery, courage, and sometimes extreme toughness, cowardice, as well as temperance, which are characteristic of great commanders, are clearly seen in these images. He appears to have great experience. Tonyukuk is a symbol of a great patriot. His pride in his homeland, his king, his army, his people, and his happiness in their presence are deeply embedded in the text of the monument. There is even this spirit in the enemy's assessment that "the king is a hero and his adviser is a scholar." The serenity of Tonyukuk was expressed by the phrase "the people's throats were full." The fact that Tonyukuk, who heard of the enemy's evil intention to attack the Turks, said, "I did not want to sleep at night, I did not want to sit during the day," shows how integrated he imagined his destiny with the destiny of the people and the country.
The main point of Tonyukuk's pride is expressed as follows: "I did not bring an armed enemy to this Turkish people, I did not run a fiery horse." The Tonyukuk monument is an anthem about the homeland. Whether it is a work of art or a work of art, it reflects both the reality of life and the historical truth in an artistic way. Both the quarrels of the Turkic tribes and peoples, and the fierce struggles with the external enemy, are in fact historical facts. Eltarish, Bugu, Bilga khogans are also historical figures. The linguistic features of the monument are also noteworthy. It is an example of a literary language of the eighth century. Many words in the language of the work are used in modern Uzbek. Some words have undergone slight sound changes, while others have fallen out of use today. The use of words in figurative senses is evident in the monument. The use of metaphors, proverbs and sayings is also strong: “Tabgach, Oguz, Qitan - if these three are besieged, we will be under siege. Then we will be like a person who has given up the inside of his body - his wealth and his life. It is easy to break a thin assembly, it is easy to break a thin assembly. If it is thin and thick, it is a hero who makes it narrow, and if it is thin and thick, it is a hero who stretches it.
It once again confirms that the Tonyukuk inscription is an ancient rare work of art, imbued with a high patriotic spirit. The monuments provide an in-depth artistic analysis of issues related to the human personality and, in particular, his will.
Strengthening: In this part of the lesson, students will answer the following tasks and questions at the end of the lesson:
  1. Try to separate the main parts of the text. Find a title for each section.
  2. Mark the places in the monument where the idea of ​​national independence, inviolability of the motherland, personality and freedom are expressed. Notice what words they describe.
  3. Identify the means of artistic imagery encountered in the text.
  4. Write a short creative text at home on the topic "Tonyukuk - a great patriotic person."
  5. Whose names have survived from the earliest creators? What works did they create?
  6. Do you know any of the oldest literary terms that have come down to us? What are their alternatives now?
  7. Fill in the following table based on the text of the monument:
Modern Uzbek
exactly the words used in literary language
Words used with some modifications
Now out of consumption
3 ..
This is followed by a general review of the topic. In this case, general conclusions on the topic are made.
Student assessment: Students will be assessed on the basis of the assessment criteria set for their participation in the lesson. Grades are reflected in students ’diaries and class journals. Works with students who did not actively participate in the lesson.
Homework: students will be given a homework assignment to study the topic, find additional materials, and enrich their understanding.
                                                                                                   MMIBDO '___________
Date: “__” ___________ 201 __. .Teacher:
TOPIC 3: Devoni Hikmat
to provide students with new knowledge about Ahmad Yassavi's work "Devoni Hikmat" and its artistic value;.to teach students to adhere strictly to the rules of etiquette;.to enable students to emulate beauty and goodness, to hate evil, to apply their knowledge of the subject to real-life situations.
Competencies to be formed on the topic:
Literary-speaking competencies (listening comprehension, oral expression of thought, reading, written expression of thought).
Can expressively read examples of artistic creation (prose, poetry, drama), understand, comprehend and comprehend their social and artistic-aesthetic content;
Competence in working with information:                             
to use the available sources of information (books, mass media, the Internet, dictionaries, reference books (audio-video recordings), computers, e-mails, etc.) for educational purposes and to express a conscious attitude to the materials in them, draw conclusions, learn from them and apply them in their work;
Competences in FC science
FK1- Literary-speaking competencies (listening comprehension, oral presentation, reading, written expression)
FK2- Competence to analyze a work of art
Type of training: a new concept, a formative of knowledge.
Training style: traditional.
Training equipment: training, dictionary of literary terms, scientific literature on the subject, slides, booklets, handouts, a set of visual aids (audio, video, photographs, tables).
An integral part of the lesson
Allocated time (regulations)
Organizational part
5 minutes
A moment of spirituality
Repetition of the previous topic
5 minutes
Explain the new topic
25 minutes
5 minutes
Student assessment
5 minutes
Homework assignment
Organizational part: Greeting students, checking the readiness of the classroom for the lesson, determining attendance.
Spiritual moment: Organize a short conversation with students about the important economic, socio-political, spiritual, educational, moral and educational news of the day, listen to the independent approach of students to them, organize a discussion.
  Repetition of the previous topic: Repetition of the knowledge gained in the previous lesson with students on the basis of oral or handout materials - question-answer. Students will be asked to complete homework assignments.
New topic statement: Students will be given the following insights on a new topic. Interpretations of love are common in Uzbek classical literature. In particular, in the wisdom of Ahmad Yassavi, the theme of love and romance is described differently from other representatives of classical literature. Ahmad Yassavi believes that love for Allah is real. Chin focuses on the qualities of the lover. So who is the true lover? In the eyes of the poet, in order to be truly in love, it is necessary to fill "Allah debon ichga nur", to perform "Dhikr of Truth" while the veins and bones in the whole body are shaking, and to give up pleasant rest. The poet likens love to a priceless jewel. However, such a gem cannot be "sold to every nomad" without love and lust. At this point, it is appropriate to emphasize another feature that is characteristic of all the wisdom of Ahmad Yassavi. It is a matter of fighting lust. The poet always feels sorry for the person who has not been able to overcome the scourge of lust, and rebukes him. He who restrains his desires will have patience. If he is in love, such a patient lover will not have “harmony on the Day of Judgment”. Another verse of this proverb about the discussion of love states, "Kick the nafs and be worthy of it." This is also a reflection on the fact that only a person who overcomes his desires and satisfies his desires can rise to the rank of true love.
You fell in love, you fell in the fire, you burned to death,
You died like a butterfly,
Fill with pain, fill with sorrow, go mad,
There is no cure if you suck the pain of love.
In this verse, the condition of the true lover is further emphasized. A person in love will have a huge emotional change. Ahmad Yassavi likens him to a man on fire. Second, the candle resembles a butterfly with a burnt, ahgar (laxcha charcoal) circling around it. Most importantly, there is pain, sorrow and madness in the fire of love. But no cure has been found for this ailment. In the words of another classic and beloved poet, "this pain is called incurable" (Mashrab). Describing such features of love, Alisher Navoi writes in his book "Mahbub ul-qulub": "He who does not see it does not know, and he who does not reach it does not believe, hijran-u firaq consists of mundin…" You know that he wrote the epic "Layla and Majun". Ahmad Yassavi emphasizes that love is a man's "insane quality takes the mind and makes Layla," and he goes on to say, "By Allah, these words are not false." So, in order to know the theme of love in Yassavi's wisdom, the state of love, it is necessary to understand relatively broad concepts, as well as the specific mystical philosophy in the classical literature of the East. The wisdom of Ahmad Yassavi is a means to expand the mind, and by reading and understanding it, one can understand the spirit, the pain, the heart, the word of the wise poet. Yassavi always evaluates the nafs as an evil and evil force that hinders human perfection. The nafs is given the quality of "shum." The poet also uses such metaphors as "nafsi bad", "nafs yoli", "nafs ilgi". The writer directly advocates the struggle against lust, not following its lead. The lure of lust shows in very vivid expressions how much it can destroy a person.
In another poem, he emphasizes this:
He who enters the path of lust will be disgraced,
He will be lost, slipped, and lost.
If he lies down, he will be with the devil,
Kick the nafs, kick the nafs, O wicked one.
One of the main reasons for the popularity of Ahmad Yassavi's poetry and its popularity among the people is its extreme closeness to folklore. The proverbs are written mainly in the form of quatrains and squares.
Those who enjoy my work,
Those who toil in the morning,
Ho-yu havas, those who abandoned the monk
Chin is in love, his mother never lies.
Ahmad Yassavi views mysticism as an important factor in raising human spirituality. Spiritual education is the basis of mysticism. Spiritual education helps humanity to walk the right path. The right path should lead to understanding the truth. To understand the truth is to understand the self. To achieve this, man must fully fulfill the rules of the Shari'a and have love for the Creator in his heart.
The system of images in Ahmad Yassavi's poetry is closely connected with the teachings of mysticism and the traditions of folklore. Most, dervish, in love, monument, wise, a hermit, ishq, talib, ummah, rasul, the devil, faith such images are directly related to the religious-Islamic philosophy of the East, road, plane, caravan, bullet etc. are related to the traditions of oral creation.
Don't be a hermit, don't be a monk, be in love,
Work hard and be faithful to the path of love,
Kick your nafs and be worthy of it,
Lovers have no faith and no soul.
The repetition of words in such poems by Ahmad Yassavi greatly enhances the melody and gives the reader an aesthetic pleasure. The fact that the writer's proverbs are written in finger weight also brings them closer to oral creation.
Students will also be given theoretical insights into the art of simile from the series of poetic arts, examples will be given and written down.
Strengthening: In this part of the lesson, students will answer the following tasks and questions at the end of the lesson:
  1. Explain the concepts of love and affection in the work of Ahmad Yassavi.
  2. How did the writer use folklore? In what places does this seem more obvious?
  3. What features of Ahmad Yassavi are taken into account in Navoi's description?
  4. Tell us about the means of artistic representation that demonstrate the skill of the writer.
  5. Make a table of analogies and adjectives related to lust in the Wisdoms.
  6. Create a creative text on “My Impressions of Ahmad Yassavi’s Teachings”.
  7. What is the enlightenment and educational significance of Yassavi’s work?
This is followed by a general review of the topic. In this case, general conclusions on the topic are made.
Homework: students will be given a homework assignment to study the topic, find additional materials, and enrich their understanding.
                                                                                         MMIBDO '___________
Date: “__” ___________ 201 __. .Teacher:
TOPIC 4: Atoyi gazelles
to give students new knowledge about Atoi's poems and their art; to develop students' ability to understand the strategy of action and its stages;.to teach students to develop themselves, to be accountable in personal, social and economic relations, to be able to apply the knowledge gained on the subject to real-life situations.
Competencies to be formed on the topic:
Competence in analyzing a work of art
expressively reads examples of artistic creation (prose, poetry, dramatic work), understands, comprehends and comprehends their social and artistic-aesthetic content;
Self-development competence:
increase their knowledge independently, follow the rules of language in everyday activities and correctly apply the knowledge acquired in the speech process;
Competences in FC science
FK1- Literary-speaking competencies (listening comprehension, oral presentation, reading, written expression)
FK2- Competence to analyze a work of art
Type of training: shaping students ’knowledge, skills and competencies.
Training style: traditional.
Training equipment: training, dictionary of literary terms, scientific literature on the subject, slides, booklets, handouts, a set of visual aids (audio, video, photographs, tables).
An integral part of the lesson
Allocated time (regulations)
Organizational part
5 minutes
A moment of spirituality
Repetition of the previous topic
5 minutes
Explain the new topic
25 minutes
5 minutes
Student assessment
5 minutes
Homework assignment
Organizational part: Greeting students, checking the readiness of the classroom for the lesson, determining attendance.
Spiritual moment: Organize a short conversation with students about the important economic, socio-political, spiritual, educational, moral and educational news of the day, listen to the independent approach of students to them, organize a discussion.
  Repetition of the previous topic: Repetition of the knowledge gained in the previous lesson with students on the basis of oral or handout materials - question-answer. Students will be asked to complete homework assignments.
  New topic statement: Students will be introduced to the following concepts on a new topic:
He thinks he is sitting paritek by the water (v),
It is so delicate that it can be swallowed with water.
To magarkim salsabil obina javloni can,
The water of Kavsar sori hur came from the window of heaven.
He is thinner than water, and his mother is in water.
Maybe go with the marrow to keep the water clean.
Now I knew it was true, but I saw it with my own eyes.
Ulki says the mermaid appears from time to time.
Your eyebrows are single,
In the morning, he recites the Surah Yasin in the altar.
- V - - / - V - - / - V - - / - V -
activity / activity / activity / fail
Ramali musmuli mahzuf
Atoyi is a lyric poet. In his poems, he demonstrates a delicate imagination, a keen eye, and a high taste. Beautiful, memorable analogies create unexpectedly exaggerated images. In one of his poems, when a beautiful friend steps on the face of a humble lover, his leg hurts and he says, "If your face is not so rough as a knot." A "mat" is an item made of reeds that looks like a bucket. It is laid under the carpet, covered on the roof. Yor's leg is so thin and beautiful that the lover's face in front of him looks like a mat. In the second poem, he sees a river flowing, not tears in the eyes of a lover who misses his wife, and he swims in the river with his eyelashes. The poet's unique lines glorifying the wound and showing devotion end. For example, in the radifi poem "Begim" he is ready to sweep his eyelashes ("jorub"), to dust his face, to be hired. Even if the husband accepts her as a cleaner - a "slave", he considers himself happy. Atoyi raises the earth to such heights. The poet describes the height, face, eyes, eyebrows, hair, eyelashes, mouth, lips, and neck. By qualifying them, he draws an unparalleled representation of the beauty of the earth. Every minute he expresses his love and devotion to his mistress. By portraying himself as a "slave" and a "king", on the one hand, he expresses his love and devotion to the beautiful, and on the other hand, he emphasizes the inequality of love ("king" - "slave"). The lover is flawless in beauty, manifesting himself as a perfect figure in every way. Yes, there is no limit to the beauty of a lover. Even Joseph, described in many stories as a symbol of beauty, cannot be compared to her:
Gar husn budurkim, sanga var, kes bu tilimni,
If I do Joseph's word, it's a bit of a story.
In a number of the poet's poems one can see real love, worldly love, that is, man's love for man.
I think he sits paritek by the water,
It can be swallowed with water because of its tenderness.
there is no doubt that the byte depicts a delicate girl. In the poem, the mistress is portrayed as so delicate, so beautiful, that it is as if she could be swallowed with a spoonful of water. Atoyi knows folk expressions very well and can use them appropriately. The same can be seen in the text of the ghazal.
The poet quotes another analogy. The arrival of the lover at the stream in the garden is like the arrival of a hur-u pari near the Kawthar water (pool) in the Garden of Paradise:
To magarkim salsabil obina javloni can,
The water of Kavsar sori hur came from the window of heaven.
The beauty, clarity, and purity of the girl are such that she does not wash her hands in water, but cleanses the water by washing her hands:
She is thinner than water, her mother is in water,
Maybe go with the marrow to keep the water clean.
The lover, looking at the incomparable beauty sitting like a fairy on the water's edge, is amazed and believes in the "mermaid", that is, the "occasional sight" of the mermaid. In the praise of the ghazal, the poet states that his prayer is also a plea to see the beauty of a friend. Until this ghazal of Atoi, the image of the idol that had stirred the hearts of his companions was not so vivid, moving, and at the same time divinely depicted.
All this shows that Atoyi deeply felt the power and power of the Uzbek language, and put a lot of effort and effort into showing his grace. The same thing gives a complete picture of the writer's extremely high level of artistic skill.
Students will also be given theoretical insights into metaphors from the series of poetic arts, examples will be given and written.
Strengthening: In this part of the lesson, students will answer the following tasks and questions at the end of the lesson:
  1. Atoi said, "I have spent my life in your service, O ignorant of my servant, netti, what happened?" Explain the meaning behind the amazement and questioning of the style. Explain the essence of the art of shouting used in it.
  2. Nido is the object to which the poet refers in a poetic work. Read Atoi’s poems and pay attention to the application of this art. Try to identify the tasks they are performing.
  3. Some metaphors are used in the poem. Find them and try to show their artistic functions.
  4. Write a creative text on the topic “I love reading Atoyi’s lyrics”.
This is followed by a general review of the topic. In this case, general conclusions on the topic are made.
Student assessment: Students will be assessed on the basis of the assessment criteria set for their participation in the lesson. Grades are reflected in students ’diaries and class journals. Works with students who did not actively participate in the lesson.
Homework: students will be given a homework assignment to study the topic, find additional materials, and enrich their understanding.
                                                                                                 MMIBDO '___________
Date: “__” __________ 201 __. .Teacher:
TOPIC 5: The lyrics of Turdi Faragi
to give students new knowledge about the artistic significance of Turdi Faragi's lyrics; to teach students to adhere strictly to the rules of etiquette;.to be able to evaluate students' content of oral and written texts, to apply their knowledge on the topic to real-life situations.
Competencies to be formed on the topic:
Literary-speaking competencies (listening comprehension, oral expression of thought, reading, written expression of thought).
Can expressively read examples of artistic creation (prose, poetry, drama), understand, comprehend and comprehend their social and artistic-aesthetic content;
Competence in working with information:                             
to use the available sources of information (books, mass media, the Internet, dictionaries, reference books (audio-video recordings), computers, e-mails, etc.) for educational purposes and to express a conscious attitude to the materials in them, draw conclusions, learn from them and apply them in their work;
Competences in FC science
FK1- Literary-speaking competencies (listening comprehension, oral presentation, reading, written expression)
FK2- Competence to analyze a work of art
Type of training: a new concept, a formative of knowledge.
Training style: traditional.
Training equipment: training, dictionary of literary terms, scientific literature on the subject, slides, booklets, handouts, visual aids.
An integral part of the lesson
Allocated time (regulations)
Organizational part
5 minutes
A moment of spirituality
Repetition of the previous topic
5 minutes
Explain the new topic
25 minutes
5 minutes
Student assessment
5 minutes
Homework assignment
Organizational part: Greeting students, checking the readiness of the classroom for the lesson, determining attendance.
Spiritual moment: Organize a short conversation with students about the important economic, socio-political, spiritual, educational, moral and educational news of the day, listen to the independent approach of students to them, organize a discussion.
  Repetition of the previous topic: Repetition of the knowledge gained in the previous lesson with students on the basis of oral or handout materials - question-answer. Students will be asked to complete homework assignments.
     New topic statement: Students will be introduced to the following concepts on a new topic:
"I got up..."
I can't stand it, but I'm a slave.
 Kelturan amvojga bahri talotum Turdiman.
Forty, a hundred, a thousand relatives made mandin nufur,
What a misfortune, I'm so happy.
A thousand ovens like a ring, and a spring of water,
Bovujudi attention chashmi mardum Turdiman.
Turdi is known as a writer who raised the humorous direction of Uzbek literature to a very high level. His eyes, which see the flaws in socio-political, domestic, cultural life, are extremely sharp.
Turdi’s poems are in harmony with real life scenes. Most of them have autobiographical content. The ghazal with the radifan "Turdiman" also belongs to this line:
I can't stand it, but I'm a slave.
Kelturan amvojga bahri talotum Turdiman.
Can you imagine the power and might of a drop of water? True, he may not pose any danger or danger, nor may he frighten anyone. But it should not be forgotten that its "seed slave" belongs to the sea. The lyrical protagonist points to this. After all, the accumulation of droplets - even in the sea without a total territory - can form ports. The point is that it is not right to think that I am the only ignorant person, if all those like me come together and unite to overthrow the world like the sea, that is, this world, the existing life. which means that it will also be able to send. In the next paragraph, another important event in Turdi's life can be identified:
Forty, a hundred, a thousand relatives made mandin nufur,
What a misfortune, I'm so happy.
That is, (now) the chiefs of the Forty, One Hundred, and Thousand Seeds are turning their backs on me, look at this, how lucky I am to be a black and lowly man.
This means that he had a much higher prestige and prestige in the eyes of those whom he had previously counted. He lived his life contented and grateful. Only recently has the situation changed. This situation forced the poet to use the qualities of "happiness", "bad luck".
Life has faced thousands of trials and tribulations for the poet. Now it has reached a point where it can even pass through a needle hole:
A thousand ovens like a ring, and a spring of water,
Bovujudi attention chashmi mardum Turdiman.
This can be interpreted in different ways:
It was so emaciated that it now looked like a thread running through the hole of a needle. The hardships of life have matured him to such an extent that he is able to overcome even the obstacles and hardships of life.
It should be noted that in Turdi's time the situation in social life was extremely difficult, unsuitable and inappropriate for man. What shook his heart was that the cause of this unhealthy way of life was not strangers, but the mutual disunity of members of the same ethnic community, the arrogance of the leaders, and the great and noble work of uniting the heads of many. was a failure. The poet's muhammad in the classroom will also be explained to the students. Students will also be given a theoretical understanding of tajahil ul-arif from the series of poetic arts, examples will be given and written. A general repetition on the topic is then performed. In this case, general conclusions on the topic are made.
Strengthening: In this part of the lesson, students will answer the following tasks and questions at the end of the lesson:
  1. Why was the radif "I got up" chosen for the poem?
  2. Find the main image tools in each byte and explain its essence.
  3. What connections and differences did you feel between the ghazals and the muhammas? Express your comments based on the texts.
  4. Is it possible to divide the muhammas into components such as introduction, main part and conclusion?
  5. Identify the irony and omissions in the muhammad, explain how they are expressed.
  6. What can you say about Turdi Faragi's observation, in which expressions were these qualities most vividly expressed?
  7. Why are the memories of "Remember the Good Times" quoted in Muhammad?
  8. In Muhammas, poetic arts such as allegory, tazad, tashbih, and tadid were widely used. Explain them based on relevant examples.
  9. Tell us about the enlightenment and educational significance of Turdi's work for our time.
Student assessment: Students will be assessed on the basis of the assessment criteria set for their participation in the lesson. Grades are reflected in students ’diaries and class journals. Works with students who did not actively participate in the lesson.
Homework: students will be given a homework assignment to study the topic, find additional materials, and enrich their understanding.
MMIBDO '___________
Date: “__” __________ 201 __. .Teacher:
TOPIC 6: Padarkush drama
to give students new knowledge about the drama "Padarkush", its ideological and artistic significance;
further formation of respect for parents in students;.to teach students to develop themselves, to understand the peculiarities of the depiction of universal and national values ​​reflected in the literature, to be able to apply their knowledge on the topic in real life situations.
Competencies to be formed on the topic:
Competence in analyzing a work of art
expressively reads examples of artistic creation (prose, poetry, dramatic work), understands, comprehends and comprehends their social and artistic-aesthetic content;
Self-development competence:
increase their knowledge independently, follow the rules of language in everyday activities and correctly apply the knowledge acquired in the speech process;
Competences in FC science
FK1- Literary-speaking competencies (listening comprehension, oral presentation, reading, written expression)
FK2- Competence to analyze a work of art
Type of training: a new concept, a formative of knowledge.
Training style: traditional.
Training equipment: training, dictionary of literary terms, scientific literature on the subject, slides, booklets, handouts, a set of visual aids (audio, video, photographs, tables).
An integral part of the lesson
Allocated time (regulations)
Organizational part
5 minutes
A moment of spirituality
Repetition of the previous topic
5 minutes
Explain the new topic
25 minutes
5 minutes
Student assessment
5 minutes
Homework assignment
Organizational part: Greeting students, checking the readiness of the classroom for the lesson, determining attendance.
Spiritual moment: Organize a short conversation with students about the important economic, socio-political, spiritual, educational, moral and educational news of the day, listen to the independent approach of students to them, organize a discussion.
  Repetition of the previous topic: Repetition of the knowledge gained in the previous lesson with students on the basis of oral or handout materials - question-answer. Students will be asked to complete homework assignments.
  New topic statement: Students will be given the following insights on a new topic. Mahmudhoja Behbudi's drama "Padarkush" was written in 1911 and published two years later, in 1913, as a book. Behbudi was one of the first in the history of Uzbek literature to write a dramatic work, which was shown in all cities of Turkestan. With this, Behbudi laid the foundation stone of the Uzbek theater. The drama glorifies ignorance, ignorance, enlightenment against ignorance. The author aims to describe the "state of the uneducated child" and its tragic consequences. Behbudi places the social and family environment at the heart of the drama "Padarkush" in the education and development of young people. In it, the words of one of the heroes are as follows: "It is rudeness and ignorance that destroys us and makes us homeless, homelessness, homelessness, complicity, poverty, necessity and humiliation - all the fruits and results of ignorance and ignorance." explains.
Remember: the word ‘padarkush’ literally means ‘father killer’.
The drama features Boy, his son Tashmurad, a new-minded teacher, Ziyoli, who studied in Russian, Khairullo, the rich man's mirza, Tangrikul, the rich man's killer, and others.
If you pay attention, the Teacher will enter the presence of the Boy first. Boy emphasizes knowledge and the need to educate his son. His command is good and he forbids evil, that is, he calls for good and forbids evil. Therefore, when he leaves, he will say, "Rich man, I have enjoined on you the command, and I have renounced what I have been required by the Shari'ah." He then appears in the presence of the Intelligent Boy. The rich don't like him either. That is why he mutters, "We will get rid of the snow and face the rain." Ziyoli also emphasizes the views expressed by the teacher. While describing the participants, the author describes Ziyali as a “nationalist Muslim”. At this point, the word "nationalist" should be understood as "nationalist." Because the nature of the intelligentsia includes both Islam and nationalism. Behbudi wants to show people who love their nation and remember their religion, and at the same time love their religion and do not forget their nation. In an interview with Rich, the intellectual enumerates one by one the "religious scholar" - the theologian and the "modern scholar" - the sciences that must be acquired in order to become a modern scholar.
In the drama, Domla and Ziyoli’s guidance in marriage are close to each other. They contrast with the characters in the play, such as Boy, Tashmurad, Tangrikul, Artun. It is this contradiction that drives the events of the dramatic work. Giving this contradiction a social meaning, it would be appropriate to understand it in the form of a struggle between the enlightened and the ignorant, the learned and the ignorant, the conscious and the indifferent.
Tashmurad does not care who is a friend and who is an enemy. As a result, he agrees to go to Tangrikul's house to steal. He plans ways to steal his father’s property in a box with his life-long partners. When he leads them to his house, his father notices; They kill the boy and take his money.
Note that Boy's son-in-law, your peer Tashmurad, is an uneducated thief and a thief older than him, so he joins the defendants. The thieves also try to use Tashmurad's simplicity to start the introduction of the master class in his own house. That is, he led the young man to steal from his house and shouted, “Bless you! It's as if you've stolen before. ” The main reason why Tashmurad became acquainted with such nonsensical, bad people around him, gave in to life, went into perverted ways, and eventually became a father killer - a patriarch - was illiterate. His mother said to Tashmurad, “Hey, young Tashmurad! Blood vomit! I wish you were gone! Wow, padarkush! Toshmurod! ” He is forced to curse. Tashmurad was not educated by his father; as a result, both the father and the son became the “victim of ignorance” - the victim of ignorance. At the end of the drama, the intelligent author expresses the idea that “this is the consequence of children without knowledge and upbringing. If his father had taught them, this crime and patriarchy would not have happened to them, and they would not have drunk alcohol. The people who have advanced to the world will develop through science.
Consider that science has been necessary and important for all time. Scientists serve as a spiritual foundation for the development of society. In this regard, the views on science expressed in the drama "Padarkush" and the need to follow the path of enlightenment against ignorance are still important today. Although this drama was written in the early twentieth century, it is still closely associated with the present. Because at its core lies the spiritual, educational meaning. Education is an issue that will never become obsolete and will be difficult to find a complete solution. A person should be brought up from a young age. The writer skillfully describes his spiritual world, the value of knowledge and enlightenment through a very short play. Because of his knowledge of religious sciences, his protagonists give hadiths such as "Knowledge is obligatory for all men and women," "Seek knowledge from the cradle to the grave," or "Ask for knowledge even if you go to China." In short, the drama "Padarkush" has a great educational value in terms of propagating and propagating such knowledge. This is followed by a general review of the topic. In this case, general conclusions on the topic are made.
Strengthening: In this part of the lesson, students will answer the following tasks and questions at the end of the lesson:
  1. Read the work in parts.
  2. Which hero did you participate in as you read the drama? How did that make an impression on you?
  3. Describe the main characters in the drama.
  4. Find the speeches of Ziyoli and Domla in the play and comment on them.
  5. Read the text of the drama again, make a list of words that you do not understand, and write a comment on them.
  6. Explain the drama "Padarkush" in connection with today's events.
  7. Create a creative text on the theme “Enlightenment against ignorance” based on the drama “Padarkush”.
Student assessment: Students will be assessed on the basis of the assessment criteria set for their participation in the lesson. Grades are reflected in students ’diaries and class journals. Works with students who did not actively participate in the lesson.
Homework: students will be given a homework assignment to study the topic, find additional materials, and enrich their understanding.
Date: “__” __________ 201 __. .Teacher:
TOPIC 7: Poetry of Hamid Olimjon
to give students new knowledge about the poetry of Hamid Olimjon; further formation of students' views on the motherland, the feeling of feeling and loving it;.to be able to evaluate students' content of oral and written texts, to apply their knowledge on the topic to real-life situations.
Competencies to be formed on the topic:
Literary-speaking competencies (listening comprehension, oral expression of thought, reading, written expression of thought).
Can expressively read examples of artistic creation (prose, poetry, drama), understand, comprehend and comprehend their social and artistic-aesthetic content;
Competence in working with information:                             
to use the available sources of information (books, mass media, the Internet, dictionaries, reference books (audio-video recordings), computers, e-mails, etc.) for educational purposes and to express a conscious attitude to the materials in them, draw conclusions, learn from them and apply them in their work;
Competences in FC science
FK1- Literary-speaking competencies (listening comprehension, oral presentation, reading, written expression)
FK2- Competence to analyze a work of art
Type of training: developing students ’knowledge, skills and competencies.
Training style: traditional.
Training equipment: training, dictionary of literary terms, scientific literature on the subject, slides, booklets, handouts, visual aids.
An integral part of the lesson
Allocated time (regulations)
Organizational part
5 minutes
A moment of spirituality
Repetition of the previous topic
5 minutes
Explain the new topic
25 minutes
5 minutes
Student assessment
5 minutes
Homework assignment
Organizational part: Greeting students, checking the readiness of the classroom for the lesson, determining attendance.
Spiritual moment: Organize a short conversation with students about the important economic, socio-political, spiritual, educational, moral and educational news of the day, listen to the independent approach of students to them, organize a discussion.
  Repetition of the previous topic: Repetition of the knowledge gained in the previous lesson with students on the basis of oral or handout materials - question-answer. Students will be asked to complete homework assignments.
 New topic statement: Students will be given the following insights on a new topic:
A young woman walking in the mountains,
She combs my hair in the breeze.
The sky is close to me today,
A herd on top of the clouds.
The shining snow of the Qashqa mountain,
Like an ant on the slope -
I crawl and grow
The folder of this case opens:
In this case, the most original of the flower,
Velvet carpet, blue floor,
Seasons of nature:
Spring and summer are ahead of me.
Century epic on the rocks,
White, eternal snow in the valleys.
Fever cancer on the peaks,
Slopes purple spring.
An inexhaustible fountain of beauty,
Waterfall playing in the wind.
Spring walks, mountain-to-mountain migration,
A bowl of tulips in their hands.
Blue lakes on my way
Clear and beige as a mirror.
Flowers I have never seen in my life…
Man is powerless to name.
It's beautiful, it's amazing,
It is both wild and peaceful.
The language of the poet lol,
In the water when the wind blows and plays?
My childhood caught on and once,
I lay down on the fountain and stretched
And without hurting the art,
I drank a handful of water and bled.
In this poem, the poet from Chimgan paints a mountain landscape like an artist. It seems to the climber that if the sky is close, if he reaches for the clear sky at night, he will reach the stars. When you look at the sky, powerful hands make different shapes out of clouds. Especially in the heat of summer, white streaked lines can be seen in the distance in the mountain gorges. Yes, they are snow that falls in the winter. Then you will enjoy both summer and winter, and spring blossoms with blooming flowers. The poet says, "Spring and summer are before me." In the eyes of the poet, all the seasons of nature appear at the same time. Usually, poets are more inspired by spring. The beauty of spring gives wings to the poet's words and talent, and as a result:
Spring moves from mountain to mountain,
He writes poems that no one can imagine, such as a tulip bowl in his hands. The poet describes these bowls as if they were in the hands of a spring. The mountain is decorated with tulips. The poet encounters the lakes on his way. These lakes look like mirrors. Yes, maybe in these mirrors each season shows its reflection. At the base lie a variety of plants and flowers. But some have never been encountered, so it is impossible to name them. The visible landscape is contradictory: wild and peaceful. The poet is amazed, the poet's language is lol. Then he becomes a child immaculate in nature:
My childhood caught on and once,
I lay down on the spring
And without hurting the art,
I drank a handful of water and bled. The poet approaches nature. His lyrical protagonist appreciates art, beauty. He wants the unparalleled work of art that appears before his eyes - the beauty of nature - not to be violated. In such situations, it is necessary to understand how much nature poets love nature and how much their hearts are acquainted with beauty.
If only I could breathe on your cheek,
My lips dripped with leaves, as if I were a drop of honey.
He lands on your branch and sings like a nightingale,
When I am the morning wind to kiss and open the bud.
If I spread my neck and make the world drunk, I will be drunk,
I am amazed at my own art after all.
I'm alone in this drunken world lol,
I can't even find myself, let alone dream.
If you are unhappy with me for being a flower in your garden,
I agree to your castle a thousand times, even if I am a duval.
If my head never comes out, well, you slandered me with reproach,
I am jealous of my rivals.
When I travel through the deserts and valleys,
I sacrificed my life for you, well, I'll be fine.
Hamid Olimjon's poetry enjoyed the pure source of creativity of Uzbek classical writers. This romantic ghazal is dedicated to the praise of a friend, and the lover wants to reach his lover, to gain his attention and recognition. As you can imagine, my friend is very beautiful. The lover agrees to all the measures to achieve his vision. Being a hol, a drop of bol, a nightingale and a wind is a lover’s dream. It is also possible to spread the flower-like sides in different directions. The lyrical protagonist is not afraid to face opponents either. At the end of:
When I travel through the deserts and valleys,
I have sacrificed my life for you, I wish I could say goodbye, - he said, just like the lovers of classical literature. Typically, in oriental literature, the ghazal genre is written in a certain sea of ​​dream weight. This ghazal of Hamid Alimjan is written in a healthy weight. The columns and sketch of the gazelle are as follows:
V - - - / V - - - / V - - - / V - - -
benefit / benefit / benefit / benefit
This is followed by a general review of the topic. In this case, general conclusions on the topic are made.
Strengthening: In this part of the lesson, students will answer the following tasks and questions at the end of the lesson:
  1. In the poem "Memories of Chimgan" Hamid Olimjon's observation is especially expressed in which verses? What about the poem “When the Apricot Blossoms”?
  2. What does the poet mean in the verse "And hurt without giving to art"?
  3. Read the poet's "Ghazal" expressively and explain the feelings of the lyrical hero based on the text?
  4. How does the poet's ghazal differ from the classic Uzbek ghazals?
  5. What other songs do you know that are sung with the poems of Hamid Alimjan? Listen to them and respond. Memorize one of the poet’s poems and evaluate the poet’s artistic skill in it.
Student assessment: Students will be assessed on the basis of the assessment criteria set for their participation in the lesson. Grades are reflected in students ’diaries and class journals. Works with students who did not actively participate in the lesson.
Homework: students will be given a homework assignment to study the topic, find additional materials, and enrich their understanding.
MMIBDO '___________ A.Azizov
Date: “__” __________ 201 __. .Teacher:
TOPIC 8: The story of "Black Eyed Peas"
to give students new knowledge about the story "Karakoz Majnun" and its art;
to teach students to believe in our universal and national values; to teach students to understand the peculiarities of the depiction of universal and national values ​​reflected in the literature, to apply their knowledge on the subject in real life situations.
Competencies to be formed on the topic:
Competence in analyzing a work of art
expressively reads examples of artistic creation (prose, poetry, dramatic work), understands, comprehends and comprehends their social and artistic-aesthetic content;
Self-development competence:
increase their knowledge independently, follow the rules of language in everyday activities and correctly apply the knowledge acquired in the speech process;
Competences in FC science
FK1- Literary-speaking competencies (listening comprehension, oral presentation, reading, written expression)
FK2- Competence to analyze a work of art
Type of training: shaping students ’knowledge, skills and competencies.
Training style: traditional.
Training equipment: training, dictionary of literary terms, scientific literature on the subject, slides, booklets, handouts, a set of visual aids (audio, video, photographs, tables).
An integral part of the lesson
Allocated time (regulations)
Organizational part
5 minutes
A moment of spirituality
Repetition of the previous topic
5 minutes
Explain the new topic
25 minutes
5 minutes
Student assessment
5 minutes
Homework assignment
Organizational part: Greeting students, checking the readiness of the classroom for the lesson, determining attendance.
Spiritual moment: Organize a short conversation with students about the important economic, socio-political, spiritual, educational, moral and educational news of the day, listen to the independent approach of students to them, organize a discussion.
  Repetition of the previous topic: Repetition of the knowledge gained in the previous lesson with students on the basis of oral or handout materials - question-answer. Students will be asked to complete homework assignments.
  New topic statement: Students will be given the following insights on a new topic. The look of an artist-writer is different from that of ordinary people. He sees very clearly the subtle aspects of human nature, not only human but also animal characteristics. If you remember, you were introduced to the excerpt from the writer Said Ahmad’s “Horizon” trilogy in previous classes. The piece was called "The Fugitive." Which aspect of that piece is similar to this “Black Eyed Peas” story you’re reading. The mother-child relationship, the roots of kindness between them. If these human qualities and roots dry up, the intimacy between them will also disappear. "Black Eyed Peas" is one of the best stories written by Said Ahmad during the years of independence. The story of the story is not very complicated. Elderly Saodat Aya has been in the military for decades, getting married in those parts and waiting for her son Borikhan, who has children. He remembers it in the morning prayer on the day God gave him.
In the nature of Saodat Aya, there is such a thoughtfulness as thinking about this world and the world of Uzbeks, which is typical of true Muslim grandmothers. The old woman who heard the news of her son from her grandson Anwar becomes mulzam. The writer describes this change in the old woman as follows: "The horn of the old woman, who did not give her word to anyone, was broken, and she sat at home without stepping on the threshold."
One day, Saodat goes with her dog Karakoz to her daughter's house. Pay attention to the process of their departure and arrival. Along the way, the writer tells the dog that his every move, his actions, his jumps, his wind-blown, joy-and-sadness, are, for example, "masculine with one ear and one with a slap," and "chasing the cats" jumping to the music in the trees. ” The old woman respects the dog as a member of her home. That is why he looked at his dog and said, “Shall we go to Abdumalik akang's or Dilbar's opang's? Dilbar opang stands in the dom. Hazara from the dog. He won't let you into his house. What do we do now? Well, let's get to that. We can't sleep. You play with the children in the yard until I go out, ”he said. Along the way, Saodat talks to the old dog in the same way and returns to the trail talking. When he returns, a strange news awaits him at home. Borikhan came, that is, the old woman's "disappearance is now." This news was to dispel the "dust that has been lingering in the heart of the Blessed Virgin for years," and to awaken "the dreams that have been pressing from her chest like a mountain." But the reality is different. Mother-child meeting… Interestingly, in the process, the dog is somehow disturbed, he feels something; therefore, "he roars incessantly at the stranger." In his mother's womb, Borikhan looks like a stranger. Because "it smelled of a house with vodka and candles." The happy mother doesn’t notice it at first. Gradually, it became clear that his son Borikhan had converted from Islam, which his ancestors believed in, to another religion. For the mother, religion, national-religious values, patriotism prevail over everything. So Borikhan is disappointed, handing him over to nothingness; he turns away from her as he leaves. Now the mother does not remember her son in the morning prayer.
The story tells the story of Saodat Aya's beautiful youth, the birth of Borikhan and the unpleasant deeds of her mother, who saddened her when she traveled to other lands. Even at the time of his death, Saodat Aya's natural understanding of the meaning of life, the phenomenon of coming and going in this world, is evident in her testament to her children and grandchildren. Of course, as you read the story, you learned what Karakoz Madness in the title is. Yes, this is the one that the author affectionately describes as "small, with two belts at the waist - one with a black stripe and one with a brown stripe", "two black eyes with a beak, one black He has a blunt eyebrow on top. If you notice, from the beginning to the end of the story, the writer describes Karakoz as a constant companion to the old woman Saodat. Faithful dog Saodat is in almost the same mood as the old woman: sad when she is sad, happy when she is happy, when the old woman is meditating, she also breathes a sigh of relief. Even though he misses the old woman, Borikhan is more of a stranger to Saodat than a dog.
In the story, after the death of the old woman Saodat, the writer also draws two drops of tears on her black eyes with a sharp pencil in order to convey the spirit of Karakoz to you readers. The death of the Karakoz madman at the end of the story saddens the reader. At the beginning of the story, a verse from Surat al-Baqara is quoted as an epigraph. It is easy to see that these excerpts refer to the image of Borikhan in the story. The hadith about the Companions of the Cave, of course, refers to the Karakoz madman, who is described in the story as a conscious and intelligent man. The story has a lot of meaning. The value of Uzbek traditions is emphasized by showing the deeds of an unworthy child. It is true that the fidelity of a dog is always glorified when it stands in higher spiritual ranks than when a son destroys the heart of a mother.
This is followed by a general review of the topic. In this case, general conclusions on the topic are made.
Strengthening: In this part of the lesson, students will answer the following tasks and questions at the end of the lesson:
  1. Why is the story called “Black Eyed Peas”?
  2. Describe the image of Saodat aya in the story. How is his youth described? Why does the old woman not mention her son in her prayers?
  3. Describe the image of Borikhan in the story. Why did Borikhan not look like an Uzbek? What gap do you think there is in his faith?
  4. Why does Saodat aya set Burikhan's baby clothes on fire?
  5. Notice the saying in the story, “… The old woman died easily without melting the ice inside with that smile”. Why did Saodat aya die without melting the ice inside?
  6. Compare the image of the mother in the story with the images of the mother in other works. Tell the different sides.
  7. Who is to blame for the dog’s death?
  8. What strange things about the animal world have amazed you? Remember one. Talk about human and animal nature.
  9. What other works of art do you know that are similar to this story? Compare their similarities and differences.
Student assessment: Students will be assessed on the basis of the assessment criteria set for their participation in the lesson. Grades are reflected in students ’diaries and class journals. Works with students who did not actively participate in the lesson.
Homework: students will be given a homework assignment to study the topic, find additional materials, and enrich their understanding.
                                                                      MMIBDO '______________
Date: “__” __________ 201 __. .Teacher:
TOPIC 9: Poetry of Abdulla Aripov
to give students new knowledge about Abdulla Aripov's poetry, its artistic and aesthetic significance;
to educate students to be loyal to our Motherland;.to encourage students to take an active part in activities, to be polite to people around them, to be able to apply their knowledge of the topic to real-life situations.
Competencies to be formed on the topic:
Literary-speaking competencies (listening comprehension, oral expression of thought, reading, written expression of thought).
Can expressively read examples of artistic creation (prose, poetry, drama), understand, comprehend and comprehend their social and artistic-aesthetic content;
Competence in working with information:                             
to use the available sources of information (books, mass media, the Internet, dictionaries, reference books (audio-video recordings), computers, e-mails, etc.) for educational purposes and to express a conscious attitude to the materials in them, draw conclusions, learn from them and apply them in their work;
Competences in FC science
FK1- Literary-speaking competencies (listening comprehension, oral presentation, reading, written expression)
FK2- Competence to analyze a work of art
Type of training: knowledge-enhancing.
Training style: traditional.
Training equipment: training, dictionary of literary terms, scientific literature on the subject, slides, booklets, handouts, a set of visual aids (audio, video, photographs, tables).
An integral part of the lesson
Allocated time (regulations)
Organizational part
5 minutes
A moment of spirituality
Repetition of the previous topic
5 minutes
Explain the new topic
25 minutes
5 minutes
Student assessment
5 minutes
Homework assignment
Organizational part: Greeting students, checking the readiness of the classroom for the lesson, determining attendance.
Spiritual moment: Organize a short conversation with students about the important economic, socio-political, spiritual, educational, moral and educational news of the day, listen to the independent approach of students to them, organize a discussion.
  Repetition of the previous topic: Repetition of the knowledge gained in the previous lesson with students on the basis of oral or handout materials - question-answer. Students will be asked to complete homework assignments.
    New topic statement: Students will be given the following insights on a new topic:
Hazrat Alisher Navoi's words "Let there be no sign of the fire of love in the sense, Let there be no mind, no soul in the body", that is, if the word is about love There is a wise verse in the sense that if you do not, consider it a lifeless body.
Abdulla Aripov's poem "My First Love" expresses the feeling of being a priceless spiritual ore in the human heart. It is marked by the "fire of love", which is one of the most artistically mature, impressive, lively and lively works of the poet.
The poem reflects the inner pain and experiences of the lyrical protagonist, who is in a state of ignorance and indifference to the feeling of love. This mood is expressed in the style of imagining, remembering. The moon in the sky, the twinkling star reminds the disappointed lyrical hero of his first love. A person loses his most precious possessions in a state of ignorance. Loss leads to regret. The sadness and remorse of the lyrical protagonist are also evident in this poem; he writes, "Why didn't I know before?" In re-perceiving a reality that has been neglected in time, any person can draw very important life conclusions for himself and others.
Gone are the days of youth, sometimes with turmoil,
Sometimes with good, sometimes with bad.
The first of these two verses in the poetic text contains two qualities characteristic of youth: "pleasure" and "tumult." It is relatively easy for you to understand this feeling. But confronting the good and the bad is the destiny of people with long life experiences. The purpose of the poetic verse is to remind the ignorant man of his love.
The poem describes the mystery of the world, the "tower without holes", the feeling of love as the backbone of human life, the light that illuminates its path. These are all lessons that are written on a person’s forehead and learned from life. In the fifth verse of the poem, after three repetitions of "relying on love," the whole body of the reader is shaken by the sighs and groans of the heart in the verse "Whom shall I lean on, my first love?" At the end of the poem, the poet clearly writes that his dreamy love is the “ahi in the heart”. The last verse, "Only God is mine, my first love," reveals another virtuous aspect of the poem. The expression of the concept of love for Allah allows the poet to connect with his predecessors, that is, with the aesthetic world of classical Uzbek poets.
In general, this unique poem by Abdulla Aripov "My First Love" reminds a person of "always captivated by one feeling"; no one can ever be indifferent to such a beautiful feeling.
Abdulla Aripov glorifies human qualities in his poems; draws conclusions by comparing natural phenomena with human nature. Usually, special reserves are set up to prevent the extinction of the most rare animal, bird and plant species. Such shelters will have guarded owners. They protect the reserve animals from evil people. The poet’s goal is not to report on the reserve. He puts a well-known and well-known title in his poem, “The Reserve,” and after giving a brief description of it, he talks about something even more important - human values ​​and qualities. The first is a pure heart. It has always been difficult to find someone with pure intentions, a pure heart. The poet emphasizes that a person with a pure heart must be protected. Honesty is also a very important quality for human relations. "Let honesty not be lost" - the intention is so noble. Kindness and consequence must also be preserved.
Keep the faith, it is always alone,
There is a human motif embodied in it.
Generations will not seek,
Make him look like some Snowman.
Particular attention should be paid to this paragraph, which is written about faith. Because faith embodies all human qualities. A very great truth, such as belief in God, angels, divine books, prophets, the Day of Judgment, and the resurrection after death, is expressed in the concept of "faith." Preserving the faith means preserving the world and the hereafter. The poet also emphasizes the need for protection of conscience, "noble, delicate feelings."
Evil attitudes, evil ones erode society. Justice is necessary for a peaceful life. The poem gives the impression of a warning to protect both the world and the human heart from evil. In the reading of the poem "Reserve" spiritual concepts are described side by side with the material world. Such philosophical observations arising from life experiences are one of the peculiarities of Abdulla Aripov's poetry.
This is followed by a general review of the topic. In this case, general conclusions on the topic are made.
Strengthening: In this part of the lesson, students will answer the following tasks and questions at the end of the lesson:
  1. When does a person rely on love? Why?
  2. Which verses from Abdulla Aripov's poem "My First Love" are close to your heart?
  3. What does the poet mean by "reserve"?
  4. In an age of globalization, what do you actually think we need to be able to protect. Justify your statement with clear evidence.
  5. When will the world be beautiful? Express your opinion on this question by summarizing all the poems of Abdulla Aripov.
  6. Listen to the songs sung by Abdulla Aripov and create a creative text on the theme "Song magic".
Student assessment: Students will be assessed on the basis of the assessment criteria set for their participation in the lesson. Grades are reflected in students ’diaries and class journals. Works with students who did not actively participate in the lesson.
Homework: students will be given a homework assignment to study the topic, find additional materials, and enrich their understanding.
                                                                              MMIBDO '___________
Date: “__” __________ 201 __. .Teacher:
TOPIC 10: The story of "Love for Life"
to give students new knowledge about Jack London's story "Love of Life", its artistic and aesthetic significance; to teach students to prevent the emergence of ideological gaps;
to teach students to develop themselves, to be able to apply the knowledge gained on the topic in real-life situations.
Competencies to be formed on the topic:
Competence in analyzing a work of art
expressively reads examples of artistic creation (prose, poetry, dramatic work), understands, comprehends and comprehends their social and artistic-aesthetic content;
Self-development competence:
increase their knowledge independently, follow the rules of language in everyday activities and correctly apply the knowledge acquired in the speech process;
Competences in FC science
FK1- Literary-speaking competencies (listening comprehension, oral presentation, reading, written expression)
FK2- Competence to analyze a work of art
Type of training: shaping students ’knowledge, skills and competencies.
Training style: traditional.
Training equipment: training, dictionary of literary terms, scientific literature on the subject, slides, booklets, handouts, a set of visual aids (audio, video, photographs, tables).
An integral part of the lesson
Allocated time (regulations)
Organizational part
5 minutes
A moment of spirituality
Repetition of the previous topic
5 minutes
Explain the new topic
25 minutes
5 minutes
Student assessment
5 minutes
Homework assignment
Organizational part: Greeting students, checking the readiness of the classroom for the lesson, determining attendance.
Spiritual moment: Organize a short conversation with students about the important economic, socio-political, spiritual, educational, moral and educational news of the day, listen to the independent approach of students to them, organize a discussion.
  Repetition of the previous topic: Repetition of the knowledge gained in the previous lesson with students on the basis of oral or handout materials - question-answer. Students will be asked to complete homework assignments.
 New topic statement: Students will be given the following insights on a new topic. Jack London in his story “Love for Life” depicts man side by side with the forces of nature, step by step. Emphasizes human resilience and hope. The protagonist’s love of life triumphs over death. The story has a unique plot structure. It describes the situation of two passengers who set out at the beginning, more precisely, returning to the trail from the path they were on. One of them is Bill leaving his crippled partner. After that, only one hero remains in the vast expanses. Their hardships along the way, their hunger to starve, their taste of various blessings of nature, their attempts to catch and eat the animals and birds around them, and so on, are very impressively and vividly described.
For some reason, Jack London doesn’t name the passenger behind him. He can simply call himself a "man." What did the writer mean by that? Maybe the author wanted to show the perseverance and endurance of all mankind in this single example? Typically, Jack London’s works tell the story of gold diggers, the fate of people who have faced various hardships and adventures on their way to winning gold. The two protagonists of the story "Love for Life" are two people who have reached the right place and put gold in their bags as much as they can carry. These two people are tested with gold.
The content of the story embodies the idea that something more important to man in this world than gold, that is, the importance of survival, living happily and constantly striving to achieve their goals.
Involuntarily separated from Bill, the passenger throws half of the gold before the bell he brings, and all of it next time. A loaf of bread to eat in a deserted place, gold has no value at all for a man who has no hand to lend a helping hand. Gold does not benefit anyone who is hungry and struggling for life.
When the passenger arrives at an destination, he is confronted by his abandoned partner, Bill, with a gold-plated bag and bones that the wolves have cleaned up. The reader sees the tragic consequences that await a man who has left his companion alone and has fallen in love with gold, and meditates on such precious human feelings as honesty, loyalty, and honesty.
To emphasize the value of life, the writer confronts the protagonist ‘caught in the clutches of death’ with various obstacles; lonely desert, water, pond, bear, wolf - these serve as a vehicle to increase the passenger’s love of life. As the passenger continues on his way and encounters obstacles, you also feel as if you are with him. Sometimes you feel reluctant when vapors run past you, and sometimes you feel as if you are standing in front of a huge grizzly bear; the fact that the passenger turns his face to eat the sour, sour marsh fruits will also involuntarily affect you. This is a testament to Jack London’s unique pen-shaking style, a unique writer of world literature.
“He was very tired, but he didn’t want to die at all. That is why he used to gather fruit from the meadow, fish for coins, boil water and drink, and watch the sick wolf. As he continues on his way, his whole mind is occupied with survival. A sick wolf, whose life is dying, is following the man, who is coughing incessantly. The sick wolf is exhausted, unable to attack. The wolf waits for the man to remain motionless, to die. The writer allows the reader to compare a wolf with a man walking on the brink of death and life. The man is ready to eat the wolf, and the wolf is ready to eat the man. But neither is tired. And man has hope to live. So he tries to reach the sea and the ship in it, which is visible to the naked eye from a short distance. Once his eyes are closed, the hungry, sick wolf begins to sink his teeth into his hands. The man clings to the wolf's jaw, and when he realizes that he is not strong enough, he clings to the wolf's throat with his teeth. The man wins. At the end of the story, it is said that the members of the scientific expedition hunting whales saved the "strange creature" from death.
You will be glad that the protagonist of the story escaped death; you believe that this man, who told the sailors his experiences, who knew the value of a blessing like a clean meal, would live a happy life in the future. Lek London’s mastery is that the moving protagonist in the story depicts very realistically the state of the person who tastes everything — objects, animate and inanimate objects, various plants to eat, tiny fish, and insects.
It’s natural for everyone to put themselves in the shoes of the protagonist of this story. In this sense, this work by Jack London makes the reader think of a peaceful life; helps to strengthen the noble feelings in the heart.
Dear reader, it is natural that this story will make a great impression on you. If the story instills in you a sense of gratitude for the blessings of God, loyalty to a friend and, most importantly, love for life, the writer will certainly have fulfilled his literary duty to his fans.
This is followed by a general review of the topic. In this case, general conclusions on the topic are made.
Strengthening: In this part of the lesson, students will answer the following tasks and questions at the end of the lesson:
  1. Re-read the episodes in the text that describe the relationship between man and nature, and comment on them.
  2. When, where, and why did Bill leave his companion? Find and read that exact place in the text and rate Bill?
  3. Why did the passenger give up the gold in his bag?
  4. What hardships does the protagonist of the story experience in the grief of feeding his stomach along the way?
  5. Why did the writer include the image of a sick wolf in his story?
  6. Compare and comment on the condition of the passenger with the sick wolf.
  7. How did the protagonist of the story survive?
  8. Explain the educational value of this work.
  9. Have you seen any films based on the works of Jack London?
  10. If you have watched a film close to the content of this story, compare the artwork and the specifics of the film.
Student assessment: Students will be assessed on the basis of the assessment criteria set for their participation in the lesson. Grades are reflected in students ’diaries and class journals. Works with students who did not actively participate in the lesson.
Homework: students will be given a homework assignment to study the topic, find additional materials, and enrich their understanding.
MMIBDO '___________
Date: “__” __________ 201 __. .Teacher:
TOPIC 11: The story of "The Last Lesson."
to give students new knowledge about Alfonso Dode's story "The Last Lesson", its artistic and aesthetic significance; .teaching students to take precautions to avoid exposure to popular culture;.to enable students to emulate beauty and goodness, to hate evil, to apply their knowledge of the subject to real-life situations.
Competencies to be formed on the topic:
Literary-speaking competencies (listening comprehension, oral expression of thought, reading, written expression of thought).
Can expressively read examples of artistic creation (prose, poetry, drama), understand, comprehend and comprehend their social and artistic-aesthetic content;
Competence in working with information:                             
to use the available sources of information (books, mass media, the Internet, dictionaries, reference books (audio-video recordings), computers, e-mails, etc.) for educational purposes and to express a conscious attitude to the materials in them, draw conclusions, learn from them and apply them in their work;
Competences in FC science
FK1- Literary-speaking competencies (listening comprehension, oral presentation, reading, written expression)
FK2- Competence to analyze a work of art
Type of training: developing students ’knowledge, skills and competencies.
Training style: traditional.
Training equipment: training, dictionary of literary terms, scientific literature on the subject, slides, booklets, handouts, visual aids.
An integral part of the lesson
Allocated time (regulations)
Organizational part
5 minutes
A moment of spirituality
Repetition of the previous topic
5 minutes
Explain the new topic
25 minutes
5 minutes
Student assessment
5 minutes
Homework assignment
Organizational part: Greeting students, checking the readiness of the classroom for the lesson, determining attendance.
Spiritual moment: Organize a short conversation with students about the important economic, socio-political, spiritual, educational, moral and educational news of the day, listen to the independent approach of students to them, organize a discussion.
  Repetition of the previous topic: Repetition of the knowledge gained in the previous lesson with students on the basis of oral or handout materials - question-answer. Students will be asked to complete homework assignments.
 New topic statement: Students will be given the following insights on a new topic. This story of a French writer is told in the language of a young child. His name is Frans. The writer takes a look at a seemingly small national-cultural phenomenon from France’s point of view; evaluates. In particular, the story shows the sadness and determination of the French teacher Mosie Amel, who loves her mother tongue and country with all her heart. To understand the story, it is necessary to know the history of nineteenth-century France, as well as information about which country it belonged to for a certain period of time. The story points out that the French territories of Alsace and Lorraine were once occupied by the Germans. The sentence, "German line-up," also tells the teacher, "Guys, this is our last class with you today." An order came from Berlin to teach only German in Alsace and Lorraine schools. The new teacher is coming tomorrow. Today is our last lesson in French. Please be more careful! ” “I heard pigeons roaring on the roof of the school. I thought, "Do we still have to force them to sing in German?" This is also evidenced by his objection.
In the story, the classroom, each object in it is clearly described one by one. It describes in detail the top of the teacher who came to the lesson dressed differently from each day. She is dressed as if she were on a holiday. This, of course, shows the writer’s artistic skill. The saying in the story, “we French always postpone reading,” also makes everyone think. If we give an objective assessment of the modern world, not only the French, but also young people all over the world often lazily postpone reading and learning. According to the statement in the story, Mosie Amel wants her lesson to be remembered by the students and other listeners in a high pathos, while the words “Long live France” will be imprinted on their imagination for the rest of their lives. The teacher's opinion that "French is the most wonderful language in the world" and that it should be preserved, "because the colonial people can come to light only with the help of their mother tongue" is directly related to the recent fate of the Uzbek language. of course. The French writer Alphonse Dode wrote such an impressive story about the fate of the national language, which has a unique place for every nation. This is followed by a general review of the topic. In this case, general conclusions on the topic are made.
Strengthening: In this part of the lesson, students will answer the following tasks and questions at the end of the lesson:
  1. React to the period described in the story?
  2. Describe Mosye Amel.
  3. Why did Franz begin to understand all of the teacher’s feedback in the last lesson?
  4. "Should they still be forced to sing in German?" Explain
  5. Is it possible to connect the events of the story in any way with the recent fate of the Uzbek language?
  6. Create a creative text on the theme "Mother tongue, you go…".
Student assessment: Students will be assessed on the basis of the assessment criteria set for their participation in the lesson. Grades are reflected in students ’diaries and class journals. Works with students who did not actively participate in the lesson.
Homework: students will be given a homework assignment to study the topic, find additional materials, and enrich their understanding.
                                          MMIBDO '___________
Date: “__” ___________ 201 __. .Teacher:
TOPIC 12: The epic "Birth of Gorogly"
to provide students with new knowledge about literature, its importance as a means of spiritual growth; to form in students the ability to express a personal attitude to the changes taking place in our country; to teach students to differentiate between the poetic arts, to be able to apply their knowledge on the subject in real life situations.
Competencies to be formed on the topic:
Competence in analyzing a work of art
expressively reads examples of artistic creation (prose, poetry, dramatic work), understands, comprehends and comprehends their social and artistic-aesthetic content;
Self-development competence:
increase their knowledge independently, follow the rules of language in everyday activities and correctly apply the knowledge acquired in the speech process;
Competences in FC science
FK1- Literary-speaking competencies (listening comprehension, oral presentation, reading, written expression)
FK2- Competence to analyze a work of art
Type of training: a new concept, a formative of knowledge.
Training style: traditional.
Training equipment: training, dictionary of literary terms, scientific literature on the subject, slides, booklets, handouts, a set of visual aids (audio, video, photographs, tables).
An integral part of the lesson
Allocated time (regulations)
Organizational part
5 minutes
A moment of spirituality
Repetition of the previous topic
5 minutes
Explain the new topic
25 minutes
5 minutes
Student assessment
5 minutes
Homework assignment
Organizational part: Greeting students, checking the readiness of the classroom for the lesson, determining attendance.
Spiritual moment: Organize a short conversation with students about the important economic, socio-political, spiritual, educational, moral and educational news of the day, listen to the independent approach of students to them, organize a discussion.
Repetition of the previous topic: Students will be asked to review the knowledge gained in the lower grades on the basis of oral or handout materials - questions and answers. Students will be asked to complete assignments for independent reading.
New topic statement:Students will be given the following insights on a new topic.
The various genres of folk oral art are, at the same time, the history and mirror of the people's imagination, socio-spiritual thinking, worldview, customs and traditions, national and spiritual values. Especially in epics such opportunities are great. In the Uzbek folk epic "Gorogly" is included in the series. So far, it contains more than sixty epics. They reflect the history, destiny, past life, socio-political, economic, religious, moral and spiritual views of the people in a unique way. "The birth of Gorogly" - this is it. The first epic of the series. It was performed by many poets. The version of the poet Polkan (1874–1941), son of Muhammad Jamurat, is given in the lesson. It reflects the artistic and aesthetic views of the people in ancient times. That is why some of the facts, images, and their interpretations are very different from what we have today.
The events of the epic develop with the invasion of the king of the land of jewelers, Shahdarkhan, to the land of Yovmit. Here the peculiarities of the kings of the two states, namely Gorogly's grandfather Odilkhan and Shahdorkhan, are described. Contrary to the human qualities of King Odilkhan, the flaws of Shahdarkhan stand out. Shahdorkhan's reckless decision-making and short-sightedness lead to the untimely death of many people and a change in their destiny. Because this is a war
As a result, Gorogly's parents, Ravshan and Bibi Hilolham, went into exile as jewelers in their childhood. intelligent
a sign of perfection as the owner. His cheerfulness towards his peers and his aggression towards his elders are the artistic features of his alpine characters.
There are different approaches to the interpretation of the name "Gorogly". At the same time, there is a tendency to emphasize that he is a “child of a blind father”. In particular, the influence of both views on the Polish poet's variant is obvious.
Strengthening: In this part of the lesson, students will answer the following tasks and questions at the end of the lesson:
  1. Read the paragraph that begins with the words, "When Goroglybek opened his eyes, he saw a big city." Tell us your thoughts about Shushahar.
  2. Do you know the meaning of the words sal, ship, boat? Identify them by looking in dictionaries.
  3. The poetic part of the epic often comes in the form of four-line verses. With the intensity of the flow of thought, the power of emotion, they may have some changes.Find such places and try to interpret them.
  4. Have you noticed how the interconnection of individual events takes place? Find and explain some of them.
Student assessment: Students will be assessed on the basis of the assessment criteria set for their participation in the lesson. Grades are reflected in students ’diaries and class journals. Works with students who did not actively participate in the lesson.
Homework: students will be given a homework assignment to study the topic, find additional materials, and enrich their understanding.
MMIBDO '___________
Date: “__” ___________ 201 __. .Teacher:
TOPIC 13: “Go'rog'li's family'work on the text of the epic
to students “Go'rog'li's family'to give new knowledge about the art of the epic "Ilishi", the system of images in the work; to teach students to effectively use examples of folklore; to teach students to develop themselves, to be able to apply their knowledge on the topic in real-life situations.
Competencies to be formed on the topic:
Literary-speaking competencies (listening comprehension, oral expression of thought, reading, written expression of thought).
Can expressively read examples of artistic creation (prose, poetry, drama), understand, comprehend and comprehend their social and artistic-aesthetic content;
Competence in working with information:                             
to use the available sources of information (books, mass media, the Internet, dictionaries, reference books (audio-video recordings), computers, e-mails, etc.) for educational purposes and to express a conscious attitude to the materials in them, draw conclusions, learn from them and apply them in their work;
Competences in FC science
FK1- Literary-speaking competencies (listening comprehension, oral presentation, reading, written expression)
FK2- Competence to analyze a work of art
Type of training: a new concept, a formative of knowledge.
Training style: traditional.
Training equipment: training, dictionary of literary terms, scientific literature on the subject, slides, booklets, handouts, a set of visual aids (audio, video, photographs, tables).
An integral part of the lesson
Allocated time (regulations)
Organizational part
5 minutes
A moment of spirituality
Repetition of the previous topic
5 minutes
Explain the new topic
25 minutes
5 minutes
Student assessment
5 minutes
Homework assignment
Organizational part: Greeting students, checking the readiness of the classroom for the lesson, determining attendance.
Spiritual moment: Organize a short conversation with students about the important economic, socio-political, spiritual, educational, moral and educational news of the day, listen to the independent approach of students to them, organize a discussion.
Repetition of the previous topic: Students will be asked to review the knowledge gained in the lower grades on the basis of oral or handout materials - questions and answers. Students will be asked to complete assignments for independent reading.
New topic statement:Students will be given the following insights on a new topic.
. The epics of the Gorogly series are very popular among many peoples, and in some nations they are still sung by bakhshis. These epics form a unique series in the epic works of the Uzbek, Tajik, Turkmen, Azerbaijani, Turkish, Kazakh, Karakalpak, Armenian, Georgian, Kurdish peoples. Gorogly is one of the favorite epic heroes of Siberian Tatars, Bulgar Turks, Iranian Azerbaijanis, Stavropol Turkmen, and Afghan Uzbeks. Some plates of the category were also recorded from the Arabs of Central Asia (Bukhara).
    Folklore is the basis and component of folk art culture. As well as being the historical foundation and ground of spirituality, it is also a source of infinite possibilities that further enrich and develop its present state. Because in the conditions of independence, the role and importance of artistic culture, including folklore, in ensuring the maturity of society, the depth of social consciousness and the richness of the human spiritual world is growing. Because folklore works embody the living connection and inheritance of ancestors and generations, because they are directly connected with the social life of the people, it allows everyone to feel connected with their people, its history and future, their dreams and aspirations. in practice, it helps to build on high ethical ideals.
Everything - life, people's life, historical reality, the heroes of the present time - are embodied in lofty romantic colors, in the vast ideal of artistic imagination, in the whirlpool of endless images. It is this boundless idealism and boundless romance that have made these epics more real, vital, close to the people and in harmony with our time. The Uzbek "Gorogly" differs from the "Gorogly" of other peoples by the size (monumentality) and diversity of the epics united into a series, based on the complex aspects of classification. In Uzbek epics, Gorogly is a nobleman of Turkmen and Uzbeks, a legitimate ruler, a wise coach who cares for his people and homeland and protects it from the invasion of various enemies, who has brought up many national heroes. described as
Strengthening: In this part of the lesson, students will answer the following tasks and questions at the end of the lesson:
  1. How is the image of a horse described in the epic? Explain it with the help of examples.
  2. Many proverbs are also used in the epic. Find them and explain the function they perform in the text.
Student assessment: Students will be assessed on the basis of the assessment criteria set for their participation in the lesson. Grades are reflected in students ’diaries and class journals. Works with students who did not actively participate in the lesson.
Homework: students will be given a homework assignment to study the topic, find additional materials, and enrich their understanding.
MMIBDO '___________
Date: “__” ___________ 201 __. .Teacher:
TOPIC 14: Mahmoud Kashgari. The work "Devonu lug'otit-turk".
Life and work of Mahmud Kashgari. Information about Mahmud Kashgari is reflected in "Devonu lug'otit-turk".
To inform students about the life and work of Mahmud Kashgari, to inform them about the work "Devonu lug'otit-turk"; to teach students to preserve our national cultural heritage and pass it on to future generations; to teach students to develop themselves, to be able to apply the knowledge gained on the subject to real-life situations.
Competencies to be formed on the topic:
Competence in analyzing a work of art
expressively reads examples of artistic creation (prose, poetry, dramatic work), understands, comprehends and comprehends their social and artistic-aesthetic content;
Self-development competence:
increase their knowledge independently, follow the rules of language in everyday activities and correctly apply the knowledge acquired in the speech process;
Competences in FC science
FK1- Literary-speaking competencies (listening comprehension, oral presentation, reading, written expression)
FK2- Competence to analyze a work of art
Type of training: a new concept, a formative of knowledge.
Training style: traditional.
Training equipment: training, dictionary of literary terms, scientific literature on the subject, slides, booklets, handouts, a set of visual aids (audio, video, photographs, tables).
An integral part of the lesson
Allocated time (regulations)
Organizational part
5 minutes
A moment of spirituality
Repetition of the previous topic
5 minutes
Explain the new topic
25 minutes
5 minutes
Student assessment
5 minutes
Homework assignment
Organizational part: Greeting students, checking the readiness of the classroom for the lesson, determining attendance.
Spiritual moment: Organize a short conversation with students about the important economic, socio-political, spiritual, educational, moral and educational news of the day, listen to the independent approach of students to them, organize a discussion.
Repetition of the previous topic: Students will be asked to review the knowledge gained in the lower grades on the basis of oral or handout materials - questions and answers. Students will be asked to complete assignments for independent reading.
New topic statement:Students will be given the following insights on a new topic.
Mahmud Kashgari was born in the city of Bolasogun. His full name is Mahmud ibn Husayn ibn Muhammad. In modern Kyrgyzstan, the river and pass named after Barskan.
have They are located around Issyk-Kul. This is where the city of Barskon was. "Barsgan is the name of the son of Afrosiab. He built the city of Barsgan. Mahmoud's father is from Shushahar, ”the Devon author wrote. His grandfather
He was the first linguist to develop the grammar of the Turkic language and to create the first example of Turkish-Arabic dictionary. "Devonu lug'at at-turk" is an invaluable legacy left by Mahmud Kashgari and for the Turkic peoples. In this play, the scholar explains the meaning of words in Turkish in Arabic. As an example, it refers to the examples available in the vernacular. The author writes: “I have decorated this book in a special alphabetical order with wise sayings, saj (rhyming prose), proverbs, rajaz (a type of poetry with relatively long verses) and literary passages called vanasr ida I have quoted from his poems, wise sayings and proverbs used in the days of joy and mourning. ”
Devonu lug'at at-turk was written in 1072. However, the materials included in it were collected for 15-20 years. Mahmud Kashgari himself said: "I have traveled for many years in the cities, villages and pastures of the Turks, Turkmens, Oguzs, Chigils, Yagmaks, Kyrgyz, and collected their dictionaries." Mahmud Kashgari is a valiant propagandist of the Turkish language. He skillfully demonstrates its distinctive features, raising to the skies "the Arabic language and the Turkish language, in which two young goats compete equally."
Strengthening: In this part of the lesson, students will answer the following tasks and questions at the end of the lesson:
  1. What do you know about the country of birth of Mahmoud Kashgari?
  2. Why is "Devonu lug'at at-turk" an encyclopedic work?
  3. Mahmud Kashgari compared Turkish and Arabic
find a place and explain it.
  1. What are the great services of Mahmoud Kashgari
do you think
Student assessment: Students will be assessed on the basis of the assessment criteria set for their participation in the lesson. Grades are reflected in students ’diaries and class journals. Works with students who did not actively participate in the lesson.
Homework: students will be given a homework assignment to study the topic, find additional materials, and enrich their understanding.
MMIBDO '___________
Date: “__” ___________ 201 __. .Teacher:
TOPIC 15: Devonu lug'otit-turk ”- as an annotated dictionary and encyclopedia.
Devonu lug'otit-turk ”- to explain and explain the explanatory dictionary and encyclopedia to the students; to teach the students to preserve our national cultural heritage and pass it on to the next generation;.to teach students to develop themselves, to be able to apply the knowledge gained on the topic in real-life situations.
Competencies to be formed on the topic:
Literary-speaking competencies (listening comprehension, oral expression of thought, reading, written expression of thought).
Can expressively read examples of artistic creation (prose, poetry, drama), understand, comprehend and comprehend their social and artistic-aesthetic content;
Competence in working with information:                             
to use the available sources of information (books, mass media, the Internet, dictionaries, reference books (audio-video recordings), computers, e-mails, etc.) for educational purposes and to express a conscious attitude to the materials in them, draw conclusions, learn from them and apply them in their work;
Competences in FC science
FK1- Literary-speaking competencies (listening comprehension, oral presentation, reading, written expression)
FK2- Competence to analyze a work of art
Type of training: a new concept, a formative of knowledge.
Training style: traditional.
Training equipment: training, dictionary of literary terms, scientific literature on the subject, slides, booklets, handouts, a set of visual aids (audio, video, photographs, tables).
An integral part of the lesson
Allocated time (regulations)
Organizational part
5 minutes
A moment of spirituality
Repetition of the previous topic
5 minutes
Explain the new topic
25 minutes
5 minutes
Student assessment
5 minutes
Homework assignment
Organizational part: Greeting students, checking the readiness of the classroom for the lesson, determining attendance.
Spiritual moment: Organize a short conversation with students about the important economic, socio-political, spiritual, educational, moral and educational news of the day, listen to the independent approach of students to them, organize a discussion.
Repetition of the previous topic: Students will be asked to review the knowledge gained in the lower grades on the basis of oral or handout materials - questions and answers. Students will be asked to complete assignments for independent reading.
New topic statement:Students will be given the following insights on a new topic.
Although the Devonu lug'at at-turk was written in the 1th century, the artistic fragments contained in it appeared in the most ancient periods of the literature of the Turkic peoples. They are the most ancient examples of folklore. They have a lot of art pieces that are connected with the traditions, beliefs and ceremonies of the Turkic peoples. Some of them are directly dedicated to historical themes. Alp Er TongaXNUMX marsiya, "Golden Blood" legend, Yabogu These include legends about battles with the Tanguts, as well as legends about certain personalities and places. This monument provides information about a number of genres and features of the artistic image in the literature of the XI century. The main part of the literary forms included in the Devonian are quartets. It is known that in the literature developed poetic genres (quartet, rubai, tuyuk, murabba) based on the form of quartet. Mahmud Kashgari called them mainly songs or poems. The main themes of the work are love for the motherland, pride in the heroes who fought for the people, beauty of natural landscapes, hard work, interpretation of various human experiences. Many of the songs in "At at-Turk" were written in connection with hunting and animal husbandry - the way of life of the Turkic peoples. The term song was first mentioned by Mahmud Kashgari. The author described it as a poem, a poem. Folk songs cover all spheres of social life. It can depict joys and sorrows, joys and sorrows, ups and downs, various ceremonies: weddings, child rearing (alla), remembrance of the past. is a leading theme. Another series of songs directly from children and, in general,
Strengthening: In this part of the lesson, students will answer the following tasks and questions at the end of the lesson:
  1. What period do the pieces in Devon belong to? Try to base your answer.
  2. Describe the themes of the poems from Devon and explain them with examples.
  3. Is it really natural to make tears look like a fountain? Share your thoughts with your friends about this.
  4. What are the peculiarities of the depiction of natural landscapes? Pay attention to the artistic details in them.
  5. Tell us about the enlightening significance of the poems about science and ethics in Devon.
  6. Try to identify the genres of poems in Devon.
Student assessment: Students will be assessed on the basis of the assessment criteria set for their participation in the lesson. Grades are reflected in students ’diaries and class journals. Works with students who did not actively participate in the lesson.
Homework: students will be given a homework assignment to study the topic, find additional materials, and enrich their understanding.
MMIBDO '___________
Date: “__” ___________ 201 __. .Teacher:
TOPIC 16: Life and work of Yusuf Khas Hajib. That Yusuf Khas Hajib was the founder of didactic epics
To give information about the life and work of Yusuf Khas Hajib and his works; To explain the essence of his work "Qutadg'u bilig"; to teach students to believe in our universal and national values; to teach students to develop themselves, to be able to apply their knowledge of the subject in real life situations.
Competencies to be formed on the topic:
Competence in analyzing a work of art
expressively reads examples of artistic creation (prose, poetry, dramatic work), understands, comprehends and comprehends their social and artistic-aesthetic content;
Self-development competence:
increase their knowledge independently, follow the rules of language in everyday activities and correctly apply the knowledge acquired in the speech process;
Competences in FC science
FK1- Literary-speaking competencies (listening comprehension, oral presentation, reading, written expression)
FK2- Competence to analyze a work of art
Type of training: a new concept, a formative of knowledge.
Training style: traditional.
Training equipment: training, dictionary of literary terms, scientific literature on the subject, slides, booklets, handouts, a set of visual aids (audio, video, photographs, tables).
An integral part of the lesson
Allocated time (regulations)
Organizational part
5 minutes
A moment of spirituality
Repetition of the previous topic
5 minutes
Explain the new topic
25 minutes
5 minutes
Student assessment
5 minutes
Homework assignment
Organizational part: Greeting students, checking the readiness of the classroom for the lesson, determining attendance.
Spiritual moment: Organize a short conversation with students about the important economic, socio-political, spiritual, educational, moral and educational news of the day, listen to the independent approach of students to them, organize a discussion.
Repetition of the previous topic: Students will be asked to review the knowledge gained in the lower grades on the basis of oral or handout materials - questions and answers. Students will be asked to complete assignments for independent reading.
New topic statement:Students will be given the following insights on a new topic.
Yusuf Khas Hajib is one of the world's greatest writers, who has made a worthy contribution to the history and development of socio-political, artistic and aesthetic thinking in the world. The result of the writer's unique talent is "Kutadgubilig" not only in the XI century, but in the whole world. is also the most rare and brilliant artistic gem in the history of Turkish literature. Uyozma is the first example of a great work in the history of our literature. In this way, the writer raised the Turkish teaching-didactic direction to a very high level. Information about the writer is mainly preserved in the epic itself. He indicated his birthplace as the Kuz Ordu. This address is the center of the ancient Seventies - Bolosogun.
is one of many names. Its ruins are preserved near the present-day city of Tokmak in Kyrgyzstan.
The writer moved from Bolosog to Kashgar. Dostonnishu finished on the ground. At the end of the epic, the writer was over fifty years old ("I was fifty years old"). In any case, he claims that "(black) raven tusiteg my head (my hair) was a swan (swan)." In another place, there is a note that says, "Fifty (young) returned what they had collected, and what would they do if sixty (young) touched it?" The poems added at the end of the book also contain interesting information. For example, the period in which the work was written ("I said this word in eighteen months"), the date of its completion ("Sixty years or four hundred years"), as well as the citation ("O Yusuf, it is necessary) "Speak your mind"
that is, "O Joseph, speak the truth." The fact that a total of more than six thousand six hundred bytes was written in a year and a half is a testament to the writer's vast experience and great skill. The work will be completed in Kashgar and the country's ruler Tavgach will be presented to the great Bukhara. In return, he will be rewarded with a special pilgrimage. These are reflected in the century-old introduction to the play.
Strengthening: In this part of the lesson, students will answer the following tasks and questions at the end of the lesson:
  1. Tell us your thoughts about the writer.
  2. What facts and events in the author's biography were interesting to you?
  3. Do you know any of the famous artists who were contemporaries of Yusuf Khas Hajib?
  4. How is it possible to understand the words of the writer: "My head (my hair) was like a swan's (black) raven's color"?
  5. Why did the great Bugrakhan give the writer the title of "Khas Hajib"?
  6. What is the meaning of "knowledge"? Why did the author give the work such a name?
7. Explain how some actions and symbols (not sitting in the place shown, ball, closing eyes, turning face, etc.) are interpreted in Aitoldy's speech?
Student assessment: Students will be assessed on the basis of the assessment criteria set for their participation in the lesson. Grades are reflected in students ’diaries and class journals. Works with students who did not actively participate in the lesson.
Homework: students will be given a homework assignment to study the topic, find additional materials, and enrich their understanding.
                                                                                                   MMIBDO '_____________
Date: “__” ___________ 201 __. .Teacher:
TOPIC 17: The work "Kutadg'u bilig". Peculiarities of the epic
To give information about the epic; To provide information about the work "Kutadg'u bilig"; to teach students to believe in our universal and national values; to teach students to develop themselves, to apply their knowledge on the topic in real life situations. Achieving llay knowledge.
Competencies to be formed on the topic:
Literary-speaking competencies (listening comprehension, oral expression of thought, reading, written expression of thought).
Can expressively read examples of artistic creation (prose, poetry, drama), understand, comprehend and comprehend their social and artistic-aesthetic content;
Competence in working with information:                             
to use the available sources of information (books, mass media, the Internet, dictionaries, reference books (audio-video recordings), computers, e-mails, etc.) for educational purposes and to express a conscious attitude to the materials in them, draw conclusions, learn from them and apply them in their work;
Competences in FC science
FK1- Literary-speaking competencies (listening comprehension, oral presentation, reading, written expression)
FK2- Competence to analyze a work of art
Type of training: a new concept, a formative of knowledge.
Training style: traditional.
Training equipment: training, dictionary of literary terms, scientific literature on the subject, slides, booklets, handouts, a set of visual aids (audio, video, photographs, tables).
An integral part of the lesson
Allocated time (regulations)
Organizational part
5 minutes
A moment of spirituality
Repetition of the previous topic
5 minutes
Explain the new topic
25 minutes
5 minutes
Student assessment
5 minutes
Homework assignment
Organizational part: Greeting students, checking the readiness of the classroom for the lesson, determining attendance.
Spiritual moment: Organize a short conversation with students about the important economic, socio-political, spiritual, educational, moral and educational news of the day, listen to the independent approach of students to them, organize a discussion.
Repetition of the previous topic: Students will be asked to review the knowledge gained in the lower grades on the basis of oral or handout materials - questions and answers. Students will be asked to complete assignments for independent reading.
New topic statement:Students will be given the following insights on a new topic.
"Kutadg'u bilig" means knowledge that brings kut (happiness, bliss). The emergence of this work is associated with an extremely strong vital necessity and spiritual need. The collapse of Arab rule in the socio-political arena and the establishment of independent states required the renewal and strengthening of its spiritual foundations. It appeared as a philosophical and moral guide of the Karakhanid state at that time. In the author's work, he was able to show the strength and power of the artistic and aesthetic thinking of the Turkish people. The events of the work are not so complicated. They are based on the life of the symbolic heroes and their dialogue. The inviolability of the country, its prosperity depends only on the whole. What the people look like depends on the head of state. In "Qutadg'u bilig" the head of the country - the ruler is called "elig" or "bek". It should be noted that in the ancient Turks the concept of homeland was imagined together with the native people. represented by It's just a word
it represents not only the people, but also the country, the province, the state (sultanate), the country. Its combination with the word "day" corresponds to the concepts of "people", "country", "country", "homeland". There are four main characters in the play:
Kuntugdi - elig (ruler) - a symbol of justice.
Aituldi - Minister - Symbol of the State.
The son is the son of the minister (the minister after the death of his father) - the embodiment of the Mind.
Yusuf Khas Hajib symbolically expressed the idea that the state should be governed by Justice and Wisdom. The questions and answers of Ogdulmish and Ozgurmish sometimes reach the level of sharp debate. The son then conspires, thinks rationally, and as a result is able to persuade others to change. According to him:
God gave the slave two eyes, an ear,
Look at the world and the hereafter with them.
He gave me two more hands to hold,
One is the way to the world, the other is the way to the hereafter.
He gave two feet to walk again,
One is that side, one is to stand on it.
Strengthening: In this part of the lesson, students will answer the following tasks and questions at the end of the lesson:
  1. Why does the poet liken the Turkish word to a mountain deer? Explain the reason.
  2. Yusuf Khas Hajib likens both beys and tongues to lions? Why?
  3. In what ways is the influence of folklore in the play more vivid?
  4. How is the idea of ​​a perfect human being solved in Qutb al-Bilig? Explain with examples.
  5. Identify the poetic arts used by Yusuf Khas Hajib. Explain the tasks they perform.
  6. Find the motivations used in the mutual appeals of the heroes of "Kutadgu Bilig". Try to evaluate them from the point of view of speech etiquette.
Student assessment: Students will be assessed on the basis of the assessment criteria set for their participation in the lesson. Grades are reflected in students ’diaries and class journals. Works with students who did not actively participate in the lesson.
Homework: students will be given a homework assignment to study the topic, find additional materials, and enrich their understanding.
MMIBDO '___________
Date: “__” ___________ 201 __. .Teacher:
TOPIC 18: "The Story of the Grapes", "Solomon's Question to the Ant", "The Snake and the Swallow". Composition of short stories and narratives in the play.
to inform students about the story; to explain the content of the stories; to educate students in the spirit of patriotism; to teach students to develop themselves, to be able to apply their knowledge on real life situations.
Competencies to be formed on the topic:
Competence in analyzing a work of art
expressively reads examples of artistic creation (prose, poetry, dramatic work), understands, comprehends and comprehends their social and artistic-aesthetic content;
Self-development competence:
increase their knowledge independently, follow the rules of language in everyday activities and correctly apply the knowledge acquired in the speech process;
Competences in FC science
FK1- Literary-speaking competencies (listening comprehension, oral presentation, reading, written expression)
FK2- Competence to analyze a work of art
Type of training: a new concept, a formative of knowledge.
Training style: traditional.
Training equipment: training, dictionary of literary terms, scientific literature on the subject, slides, booklets, handouts, a set of visual aids (audio, video, photographs, tables).
An integral part of the lesson
Allocated time (regulations)
Organizational part
5 minutes
A moment of spirituality
Repetition of the previous topic
5 minutes
Explain the new topic
25 minutes
5 minutes
Student assessment
5 minutes
Homework assignment
Organizational part: Greeting students, checking the readiness of the classroom for the lesson, determining attendance.
Spiritual moment: Organize a short conversation with students about the important economic, socio-political, spiritual, educational, moral and educational news of the day, listen to the independent approach of students to them, organize a discussion.
Repetition of the previous topic: Students will be asked to review the knowledge gained in the lower grades on the basis of oral or handout materials - questions and answers. Students will be asked to complete assignments for independent reading.
New topic statement:Students will be given the following insights on a new topic.
Rabguzi's stories and narratives are dominated by the expression of moral and educational views. Almost every narrator reflected such views. This is also the case in the story of Solomon talking to an ant. Solomon is the twelfth son of the prophet David. He, like his other brothers, was a "scholar, jurist, wise man." He inherited the kingdom of David. But like his father, he did not give up his profession. He reached the level of blacksmith craftsmanship. This led to the spread of the profession. Among the prophets in Uzbek literature are David and Solomon
The name is common. In particular, the phrase "Solomon the throne" is widely used. Rabguzi writes, “The throne was in a gathering place. He made his throne with gold and silver. ”Solomon's Conversation with the King of Ants
and has ethical and educational significance. In it, he talks about some of the flaws and shortcomings inherent in human society. In the story, Solomon plays a major role,
arrogant, arrogant, self-interested ruler. On the contrary, the ant-king is seen as a wise, enterprising, caring ruler, enlightener, scientist, sage. the greatness of the ants was lame), for which the intellectual qualities in it must prevail.The story belongs to the epic genre. In it, the description of certain events is taken, and the sequence of events is led to reflect the peculiarities of the heroes in them. The stories are large in size. This magnitude is explained not only in terms of volume, but also by the scale of the events described, the number of participants in them.
The stories are a great example of Uzbek prose. In them the appearance of the people of that period was manifested in all its richness, splendor, strength, power, let alone its present state. The occasional occurrence of poetic passages in the stories enriched its content and increased its impact. The work consists of 72 stories. The stories are about the prophets (Noah, Moses, Jesus, Jacob, Solomon, David, Muhammad, etc.). In one story, there are other stories, narrations, stories that complement its content.
Strengthening: In this part of the lesson, students will answer the following tasks and questions at the end of the lesson:
  1. What are the peculiarities of the language of stories? What are their differences in lexical, word form and style?
  2. Divide the story of "Solomon spoke to the ant" into parts. Find captions for each section.
  3. The story is based on questions and answers. What qualities do Solomon and the vulture display in this conversation?
  4. Notice the use of words in the story. Tell me, which sentence patterns are different from our modern language?
  5. Read the dialogues in the stories again. Define their function.
  6. Which words in the work are not actively used in our modern literary language?
Student assessment: Students will be assessed on the basis of the assessment criteria set for their participation in the lesson. Grades are reflected in students ’diaries and class journals. Works with students who did not actively participate in the lesson.
Homework: students will be given a homework assignment to study the topic, find additional materials, and enrich their understanding.
MMIBDO '___________
Date: “__” ___________ 201 __. .Teacher:
TOPIC 19: Life and creative activity of Alisher Navoi
to provide students with new knowledge about the life and work of Navoi; Explain the essence of the epic "Saddi Iskandariy"; Teach students to be beautiful, meaningful, polite speech;.to teach students to develop themselves, to be able to apply the knowledge gained on the topic in real-life situations.
Competencies to be formed on the topic:
Literary-speaking competencies (listening comprehension, oral expression of thought, reading, written expression of thought).
Can expressively read examples of artistic creation (prose, poetry, drama), understand, comprehend and comprehend their social and artistic-aesthetic content;
Competence in working with information:                             
to use the available sources of information (books, mass media, the Internet, dictionaries, reference books (audio-video recordings), computers, e-mails, etc.) for educational purposes and to express a conscious attitude to the materials in them, draw conclusions, learn from them and apply them in their work;
Competences in FC science
FK1- Literary-speaking competencies (listening comprehension, oral presentation, reading, written expression)
FK2- Competence to analyze a work of art
Type of training: a new concept, a formative of knowledge.
Training style: traditional.
Training equipment: training, dictionary of literary terms, scientific literature on the subject, slides, booklets, handouts, a set of visual aids (audio, video, photographs, tables).
An integral part of the lesson
Allocated time (regulations)
Organizational part
5 minutes
A moment of spirituality
Repetition of the previous topic
5 minutes
Explain the new topic
25 minutes
5 minutes
Student assessment
5 minutes
Homework assignment
Organizational part: Greeting students, checking the readiness of the classroom for the lesson, determining attendance.
Spiritual moment: Organize a short conversation with students about the important economic, socio-political, spiritual, educational, moral and educational news of the day, listen to the independent approach of students to them, organize a discussion.
Repetition of the previous topic: Students will be asked to review the knowledge gained in the lower grades on the basis of oral or handout materials - questions and answers. Students will be asked to complete assignments for independent reading.
New topic statement:Students will be given the following insights on a new topic.
His real name is Nizomiddin Mir Alisher. He was born in Herat and spent most of his life there. Navoi's father, Giyosiddin Bahodir, was close to the Timurid dynasty. The pleasure and talent of poetry awoke early. As a child, he memorized Farididdin Attor's Mantiqut-tayr, was noticed by Sharafiddin Ali Yazdi, Mawlana Lutfi praised the young poet's talent, and was recognized by Kamol Turbati. He was educated by Sayyid Hasan Ardasher, Pahlavon Muhammad, and collaborated with Abdurahman Jami. Until 1469, Navoi lived far from Herat due to internal conflicts between the Timurids. After the accession of Hussein Boykaro to the throne of Khorasan (1469), a new stage in the life and work of Navoi began, he was appointed seal (1469), ministry (1472) and khokimiyat of Astrobod (1487). Between 1480 and 1500, he built several madrasas, 40 rabots (passenger stops), 17 mosques, 10 khanaqahs, 9 baths, 9 bridges, and 20 swimming pools at his own expense. Hussein Boykaro gave Alisher Navoi the title of "muqarrabi hazrati sultoniy" ("the closest person to the sultan"). According to him, Navoi could interfere in all affairs of the state. Alisher Navoi's biography is reflected in the works of historians and statesmen such as Khandamir, Wasifi, Hussein Boykaro, and Babur. Uzbek scientists Ozod Sharafiddinov, V.Mahmud, Oybek, Yahyo Gulomov, Izzat Sultan, A.Zohidov, V.Abdullaev, A.Kayumov, S.Ganieva and others have created works about the life of Navoi. Alisher Navoi's literary and scientific heritage is divided into 4 chapters. can be: 1. Devons. 2. Epics. 3. Poetic heritage in Persian. 4. Scientific-philological, prose and historical works. Alisher Navoi's poetic heritage in the Uzbek language is mainly concentrated in the "Khazayn ul-Maoniy" divan. The work consists of 4 parts. The first part of the Devon is called "Gharaib us-sig'ar" ("Childhood's Gharibibotlari"), the second part is called "Navodir ush-shabab" ("The Nobles of Youth"), the third part is called "Badoe 'ul-vasat" ("O' rta young badialari ») and finally the fourth part was given the name‘ Fawaid ul-kibar ’(‘ Benefits of old age ’). "Khazayn ul-Maoniy" is a complex of thousands of poems and dozens of types of poems related to the complex and sublime thinking and innumerable emotions of the human child, and is a unique event in the history of Oriental literature. . This complex was built only by Amir Khisrav Dehlavi before Alisher Navoi. Alisher Navoi wrote thousands of poems throughout his life in different circumstances and for different reasons, and they are connected with the life of the poet and the period in which he lived through countless threads. Before "Khazayn ul-maoniy" Alisher Navoi created "Ilk devon", "Badoe 'ul-bidoya", "Navodir un-nihoya" devons. "Khazayn ul-Maoniy" was included in these three divans and was formed on the basis of poems written after the composition of "Navodir ul-nihoya".
"SADDI ISKANDARIY" ("Alexander's Wall") - the final epic of "Hamsa" (Navoi) (1485). The work consists of 89 chapters and 7215 bytes, and is the largest epic work in Navoi's work. The epic was written in Turkish at the time of the dream. The great representatives of Hamsanavism: Nizami Ganjavi, Hisrav Dehlavi, Abdurahmon Jami and Alisher Navoi wrote a epic about Alexander and included it in their Hamsa. Originally known in the Muslim world as Surat al-Kahf, the ruler Dhu'l-Qarnayn (two horns, 18 suras, 83-98) and the Greek general and statesman Alexandria were known as one person and was known in the East as Alexander the Great. Alexander's work in the person of Alexander is the subject of these Iskandarnoma. However, in the works, the image of Alexander became more and more out of touch with history and became an artistic image. Each co-author tried to interpret his ideals in the person of Alexander.
Navoi writes that at the beginning of his work, unlike his predecessors, he relied more on history and more on history books. Navoi suggested that the sequence of chapters on Alexander in his work was consistent with the verses about Dhu'l-Qarnayn in the Qur'an and the work of the historical figure Alexander. The fact that the epic is called "SI" also suggests that the Qur'an was the primary source for Navoi.
In Navoi's interpretation, Alexander the Righteous King marched against the peoples in order to cleanse the world of blasphemy and ignorance, to introduce justice throughout the world, and to harmonize the human order with the order of the larger world. This is a Sufi interpretation, and the predominance of the poet's mystical views can be seen in the introductory chapters of the epic, in the chapters in which Alexander's events are told, and in the chapters attached to it. So Alexander made a glass box, went down to the bottom of the sea, saw the wonders and returned to his homeland. When he died, he asked that one of his hands be removed from the coffin. In the play, Navoi urges man not to indulge in the lusts of this mortal world, and points out that although Alexander was a warrior who conquered the world, he went to the afterlife with nothing.
The epic led to the writing of many poems in Turkish literature (Abay, Iskandar, 19th century; Shaykhzoda, Iskandar Zulqarnayn, 20th century, etc.). The image of Alexander has become a traditional image in poetry.
Strengthening: In this part of the lesson, students will answer the following tasks and questions at the end of the lesson:
  1. What can you say about the personality of Alisher Navoi described in Makorim ul-Akhlaq?
  2. Tell us about the similarities and differences between the image of Khandamir and the image of Navoi in your imagination.
  3. How Navoi's attitude to education is described.
  4. Why is the madrasah built in Merv called "Khusraviya"? Explain based on the text.
  5. Find and explain what the text says about the historical, scientific and practical significance of the buildings built by Navoi.
  6. What does the play say about Navoi's artistic skills and creative potential? Read and explain them.
Student assessment: Students will be assessed on the basis of the assessment criteria set for their participation in the lesson. Grades are reflected in students ’diaries and class journals. Works with students who did not actively participate in the lesson.
Homework: students will be given a homework assignment to study the topic, find additional materials, and enrich their understanding.
MMIBDO '___________
Date: “__” ___________ 201 __. .Teacher:
TOPIC 20: Epic works of Alisher Navoi. Hamsa and Saddi Iskandariy in it as a large work
Explain to students that the epic "Khamsa" is one of the greatest works of Turkish literature and give new knowledge about the epic; to form in students the ability to make a personal contribution to the development of the country, the future and the development of the country. to teach them to develop, to be able to apply the knowledge they have acquired on the subject to real-life situations.
Competencies to be formed on the topic:
Competence in analyzing a work of art
expressively reads examples of artistic creation (prose, poetry, dramatic work), understands, comprehends and comprehends their social and artistic-aesthetic content;
Self-development competence:
increase their knowledge independently, follow the rules of language in everyday activities and correctly apply the knowledge acquired in the speech process;
Competences in FC science
FK1- Literary-speaking competencies (listening comprehension, oral presentation, reading, written expression)
FK2- Competence to analyze a work of art
Type of training: a new concept, a formative of knowledge.
Training style: traditional.
Training equipment: training, dictionary of literary terms, scientific literature on the subject, slides, booklets, handouts, a set of visual aids (audio, video, photographs, tables).
An integral part of the lesson
Allocated time (regulations)
Organizational part
5 minutes
A moment of spirituality
Repetition of the previous topic
5 minutes
Explain the new topic
25 minutes
5 minutes
Student assessment
5 minutes
Homework assignment
Organizational part: Greeting students, checking the readiness of the classroom for the lesson, determining attendance.
Spiritual moment: Organize a short conversation with students about the important economic, socio-political, spiritual, educational, moral and educational news of the day, listen to the independent approach of students to them, organize a discussion.
Repetition of the previous topic: Students will be asked to review the knowledge gained in the lower grades on the basis of oral or handout materials - questions and answers. Students will be asked to complete assignments for independent reading.
New topic statement:Students will be given the following insights on a new topic.
Hamsa is a historical, very complex literary genre of classical literature of the peoples of the Near and Middle East, consisting of 5 epics. Derived from the word "khamsa" (Arabic: kẖmsẗ), which means "five". Usually, all of Hamsa's epics are written in poetic form.
The great Azerbaijani poet and thinker Nizami Ganjavi started his work in the Hamsa genre. Ganjavi created his hamsa between 1141-1201, which he did not originally intended to write five. In 1173-1179, Nizami wrote a treatise entitled "Mahzan-ul-asror" ("Treasure of Secrets") dedicated to the governor of Arzin Fakhriddin Bahromshah. In 1180-1181, at the request of the Iraqi ruler Turgul II, he created the epic "Khusrav and Shirin". In 1188, Astakhan I ordered Nizami to write "Layli and Majnun". In 1196, by order of the ruler Allovudin Kopra Arslan, "Haft paykar" ("Seven beauties") was written about King Bahrom. In 1196-1201, the "Iskandarnoma" was created. Thus the five epics see the world face to face. Ganjavi compiled these epics under one name, Panj ganj ("Five Treasures"), and founded the Hamsa genre. One hundred years after Nizami, Husrav Dehlavi (1253-), a native of the Shahrisabz Turkic dynasty, 1325) completed his Hamsa in 1299-1301. He wrote the epics Matla 'ul-Anwar (The Beginning of the Light), Shirin and Husrav, Layli and Majnun, Hasht Behisht (Eight Paradises), and Oynayi Iskandariy (The Mirror of Alexander). Nizami continued his work, and as a result a tradition of sympathy emerged in literary criticism.
A collection of epics called "Khamsa" will be on the following topics:
1) The first epic is a moral-educational, socio-philosophical epic in the form of exhortation;
2) A saga dedicated to the relationship between Husrav and Shirin;
3) A love story about Layla and Majnun's love affair;
4) A love-adventure epic about King Bahrom;
5) A heroic epic about Alexander.
The following are some of the great achievements in Hamsa:
Husrav Dehlavi (1253-1325)
Abdurahman Jami (1414-1492)
Alisher Navoi (1441-1501) [1]
Hamsa plays an important role in literature, as well as historically and educationally.
Strengthening: In this part of the lesson, students will answer the following tasks and questions at the end of the lesson:
  1. Remember the symbols used by Yusuf Khas Hajib during his conversations with Kuntugdi and Aituldi. With them, you imagined the similarities and differences between the symbols in Saddi Iskandariy. Talk about it.
  2. Alexander is happy with the outcome of the sparrow incident. Can you explain why?
Student assessment: Students will be assessed on the basis of the assessment criteria set for their participation in the lesson. Grades are reflected in students ’diaries and class journals. Works with students who did not actively participate in the lesson.
Homework: students will be given a homework assignment to study the topic, find additional materials, and enrich their understanding.
MMIBDO '___________
Date: “__” ___________ 201 __. .Teacher:
TOPIC 21: Information about the life and work of Zahiriddin Muhammad Babur
to give students new knowledge about Bobur's life and career; to teach students to take measures not to fall under the influence of popular culture;.to teach students to develop themselves, to be able to apply the knowledge gained on the topic in real-life situations.
Competencies to be formed on the topic:
Literary-speaking competencies (listening comprehension, oral expression of thought, reading, written expression of thought).
Can expressively read examples of artistic creation (prose, poetry, drama), understand, comprehend and comprehend their social and artistic-aesthetic content;
Competence in working with information:                             
to use the available sources of information (books, mass media, the Internet, dictionaries, reference books (audio-video recordings), computers, e-mails, etc.) for educational purposes and to express a conscious attitude to the materials in them, draw conclusions, learn from them and apply them in their work;
Competences in FC science
FK1- Literary-speaking competencies (listening comprehension, oral presentation, reading, written expression)
FK2- Competence to analyze a work of art
Type of training: a new concept, a formative of knowledge.
Training style: traditional.
Training equipment: training, dictionary of literary terms, scientific literature on the subject, slides, booklets, handouts, a set of visual aids (audio, video, photographs, tables).
An integral part of the lesson
Allocated time (regulations)
Organizational part
5 minutes
A moment of spirituality
Repetition of the previous topic
5 minutes
Explain the new topic
25 minutes
5 minutes
Student assessment
5 minutes
Homework assignment
Organizational part: Greeting students, checking the readiness of the classroom for the lesson, determining attendance.
Spiritual moment: Organize a short conversation with students about the important economic, socio-political, spiritual, educational, moral and educational news of the day, listen to the independent approach of students to them, organize a discussion.
Repetition of the previous topic: Students will be asked to review the knowledge gained in the lower grades on the basis of oral or handout materials - questions and answers. Students will be asked to complete assignments for independent reading.
New topic statement:Students will be given the following insights on a new topic.
“It is said that Babur was a very brave soldier and a talented genius. He was still pushing for some reforms during his time in Afghanistan, but he realized that the results would not end well. Because some of the requirements of the customs and traditions inherent in my tribal system could lead to unintended consequences. In India, Babur lived for three or eight months after the battle of Panipat. It was during this period that he initially began to suppress the movement of internal opposition forces. After all, the rest of the population was in danger. Therefore, it was urgent to establish peace among the people.… To carry out this urgent task - to carry out the current local socio-economic situation and reforms, of course, required knowledge of all local customs and traditions. , the population still remembers the bitter consequences of the previous reforms of Aloviddin Khilji and Muhammadbin Toglak, which did not take into account the situation. In addition, Babur was a true foreigner here, and the best course of action for the ruler in such a situation was to know the Indian rules and to treat them appropriately. ”Babur was second only to Alisher Navoi in Turkish poetry. He arranged the devon in pure and delicate turkey. In the field of poetry, he created a work called "Mubayyin", thereby becoming the author of the doctrine of Islamic jurisprudence, which was considered useful by many, as well as wrote a unique treatise on the weight of aruz in Turkish and translated "Risalai volidiya". He also has a unique work, "Vaqoye" or "Tarixiturkiy", written in a unique style. He had a keen sense of music and other arts
Strengthening: In this part of the lesson, students will answer the following tasks and questions at the end of the lesson:
  1. What do you know about Bobur's life and work?
  2. Note the opinions expressed about Babur. What aspects of Bobur's personality can be seen in them?
  3. Read the paragraph that begins, "Measures taken in this way." Explain the uniqueness of Babur's personality that is reflected in it.
  4. Based on the text, tell us about Babur's views on religion and believers.
  5. What news did the above information add to your imagination?
Student assessment: Students will be assessed on the basis of the assessment criteria set for their participation in the lesson. Grades are reflected in students ’diaries and class journals. Works with students who did not actively participate in the lesson.
Homework: students will be given a homework assignment to study the topic, find additional materials, and enrich their understanding.
MMIBDO '___________
Date: “__” ___________ 201 __. .Teacher:
TOPIC 22: Babur's devons, literary genres in them. "I have not found another faithful soul", "Goodness", "The sale of hair has fallen", "I asked for a new leaf of a hazon leaf", "Lola", "Ghazals".
to provide students with new knowledge about Boburdevon and its scientific, social and artistic significance;
to teach students to preserve our national cultural heritage and pass it on to future generations;
to teach students to develop themselves, to be able to apply the knowledge gained on the topic in real-life situations.
Competencies to be formed on the topic:
Competence in analyzing a work of art
expressively reads examples of artistic creation (prose, poetry, dramatic work), understands, comprehends and comprehends their social and artistic-aesthetic content;
Self-development competence:
increase their knowledge independently, follow the rules of language in everyday activities and correctly apply the knowledge acquired in the speech process;
Competences in FC science
FK1- Literary-speaking competencies (listening comprehension, oral presentation, reading, written expression)
FK2- Competence to analyze a work of art
Type of training: a new concept, a formative of knowledge.
Training style: traditional.
Training equipment: training, dictionary of literary terms, scientific literature on the subject, slides, booklets, handouts, a set of visual aids (audio, video, photographs, tables).
An integral part of the lesson
Allocated time (regulations)
Organizational part
5 minutes
A moment of spirituality
Repetition of the previous topic
5 minutes
Explain the new topic
25 minutes
5 minutes
Student assessment
5 minutes
Homework assignment
Organizational part: Greeting students, checking the readiness of the classroom for the lesson, determining attendance.
Spiritual moment: Organize a short conversation with students about the important economic, socio-political, spiritual, educational, moral and educational news of the day, listen to the independent approach of students to them, organize a discussion.
Repetition of the previous topic: Students will be asked to review the knowledge gained in the lower grades on the basis of oral or handout materials - questions and answers. Students will be asked to complete assignments for independent reading.
New topic statement:Students will be given the following insights on a new topic.
The poem "Khazon yaprogi yanglig" is one of the best examples of Babur's poetry. The art in it was manifested in an extremely beautiful and impressive form. There is a very beautiful and bright example of Sherdatanosub's art. In the first byte there are distinctive features of the autumn landscape. Hazon leaf is a unique symbol of autumn. Not Bubejiz. We are talking about separation. In our classical poetry, joy is often associated with spring. Accordingly, it is no coincidence that Bobur connects the moments of separation with autumn. That's why the hamster says, "I'm yellow." Its yellowing resembles a hazel leaf. There is another landscape that looks special with a special emphasis on the fall landscape. These are landscapes associated with the Yor. In the view of the Yor, there is absolutely no proximity to autumn. He is a flower face. This state of affairs is once again emphasized. Referring to him (ey lolarux) reveals this situation. The main emphasis here is not on description, but on the expression of the lover's own psyche, so the lyrical protagonist draws attention to his appearance - his "yellow face - yellow face"
reminds. This attention is further strengthened by a special appeal (see and feel sorry for him). Although in some of Bobur's poems the spirit of urging oneself to live in peace and relaxation prevails, in practice these are Babur's dreams. It is well known that his life was spent only in hardships, difficulties, wars, dangers and troubles. However, in the poetry of the writer the spirit of love for life, the spirit of complete confidence in the future prevails. He does not want to be submissive and mute to the poet. He does not believe in drawing sharp conclusions.
Strengthening: In this part of the lesson, students will answer the following tasks and questions at the end of the lesson:
  1. Have you heard the song composed for the song "Lola"? Do you know the singer? How did he impress you?
  2. What qualities of Babur's personality are most clearly expressed in the poem? Prove your point with concrete examples.
  3. What can you say about the scope of the poem?
  4. Why do we call it a gazelle?
  5. Identify the poetic arts used in the poem. Try to define their artistic-aesthetic function in the text of the poem.
  6. What is Ghazala? Why is this word used in poetry?
Student assessment: Students will be assessed on the basis of the assessment criteria set for their participation in the lesson. Grades are reflected in students ’diaries and class journals. Works with students who did not actively participate in the lesson.
Homework: students will be given a homework assignment to study the topic, find additional materials, and enrich their understanding.
MMIBDO '___________
Date: “__” ___________ 201 __. .Teacher:
TOPIC 23: Mashrab's life and work. Mashrab lyrics. Mystical tones in Mashrab poetry
to give students new knowledge about the life and career of Mashrab; to further develop the quality of respect for parents in students; to teach students to develop themselves, to be able to apply the knowledge gained on the subject in real-life situations.
Competencies to be formed on the topic:
Literary-speaking competencies (listening comprehension, oral expression of thought, reading, written expression of thought).
Can expressively read examples of artistic creation (prose, poetry, drama), understand, comprehend and comprehend their social and artistic-aesthetic content;
Competence in working with information:                             
to use the available sources of information (books, mass media, the Internet, dictionaries, reference books (audio-video recordings), computers, e-mails, etc.) for educational purposes and to express a conscious attitude to the materials in them, draw conclusions, learn from them and apply them in their work;
Competences in FC science
FK1- Literary-speaking competencies (listening comprehension, oral presentation, reading, written expression)
FK2- Competence to analyze a work of art
Type of training: a new concept, a formative of knowledge.
Training style: traditional.
Training equipment: training, dictionary of literary terms, scientific literature on the subject, slides, booklets, handouts, a set of visual aids (audio, video, photographs, tables).
An integral part of the lesson
Allocated time (regulations)
Organizational part
5 minutes
A moment of spirituality
Repetition of the previous topic
5 minutes
Explain the new topic
25 minutes
5 minutes
Student assessment
5 minutes
Homework assignment
Organizational part: Greeting students, checking the readiness of the classroom for the lesson, determining attendance.
Spiritual moment: Organize a short conversation with students about the important economic, socio-political, spiritual, educational, moral and educational news of the day, listen to the independent approach of students to them, organize a discussion.
Repetition of the previous topic: Students will be asked to review the knowledge gained in the lower grades on the basis of oral or handout materials - questions and answers. Students will be asked to complete assignments for independent reading.
New topic statement:Students will be given the following insights on a new topic.
Babarahim Mulla Vali oglu Mashrab was born in Namangan in the family of a carpenter. He became famous as a "fire-breathing poet." The poet's name was very popular among the people. Just like the Shahnameh, the Rumi, the Bedil, the Navoi, the mashrabkhan continued. His works have been published in part in various bayaz vatazkiras, mainly in the form of manuscripts and lithographs under the names "Devoni Mashrab", "Devonayi Mashrab", "Eshoni Mashrab", "Hazrati Shah Mashrab". Some information about his way of life is preserved in such books in a mixture of truth and fabric. Mashrab's father died very early. His mother, Bibi Salimaip, shakes the family by spinning. Mashrab receives a school education despite financial difficulties. Sufi Eshan learns the history of religion and philosophy, Persian language in the hands of Mullah Bazar Akhund.
Then (from about 1665) for 7-8 years Kashgar's Hidoyatullo Ofoq Khoja taught a school of murid under Eshan. Mashrab wrote in such genres of poetry as mulamma, mustazad, muhammas, musaddas, musabba. Ammo
his fame was enhanced, especially by his ghazals and murabbas. Although their main focus was love, social tones also played a major role.
Mashrab has taken Uzbek mystical literature to a new level. His works are characterized by the simplicity and vitality of the language, the natural and sincere tone of Uzbek words, the richness of folk expressions, especially proverbs and sayings. Most of them are brilliant examples of coastal mumtane art. In them, even the most difficult and difficult problems of mysticism are described in relatively easy and convenient forms. It is these qualities that make his poems popular among the people and are quickly memorized and memorized
Strengthening: In this part of the lesson, students will answer the following tasks and questions at the end of the lesson:
  1. What can you say about Mashrab’s way of life?
  2. What do you know about the period and environment in which Mashrab lived?
  3. What kind of person do you imagine Mashrab to be by nature?
  4. Tell us about the genres that Mashrab created.
  5. How did Mashrab's works reach us?
  6. What songs do you know that are sung with mashrab poems?
What did you like about them?
Student assessment: Students will be assessed on the basis of the assessment criteria set for their participation in the lesson. Grades are reflected in students ’diaries and class journals. Works with students who did not actively participate in the lesson.
Homework: students will be given a homework assignment to study the topic, find additional materials, and enrich their understanding.
MMIBDO '___________
Date: “__” ___________ 201 __. .Teacher:
TOPIC 24:. Anbar Otin's life and work. From the work "Risolayi falsafayi siyohon" (Philosophy of Black).
to give students new knowledge about the life and career of Anbar Otin; to form in students the ability to express a personal attitude to the changes taking place in our country;
to teach students to develop themselves, to be able to apply the knowledge gained on the topic in real-life situations.
Competencies to be formed on the topic:
Competence in analyzing a work of art
expressively reads examples of artistic creation (prose, poetry, dramatic work), understands, comprehends and comprehends their social and artistic-aesthetic content;
Self-development competence:
increase their knowledge independently, follow the rules of language in everyday activities and correctly apply the knowledge acquired in the speech process;
Competences in FC science
FK1- Literary-speaking competencies (listening comprehension, oral presentation, reading, written expression)
FK2- Competence to analyze a work of art
Type of training: a new concept, a formative of knowledge.
Training style: traditional.
Training equipment: training, dictionary of literary terms, scientific literature on the subject, slides, booklets, handouts, a set of visual aids (audio, video, photographs, tables).
An integral part of the lesson
Allocated time (regulations)
Organizational part
5 minutes
A moment of spirituality
Repetition of the previous topic
5 minutes
Explain the new topic
25 minutes
5 minutes
Student assessment
5 minutes
Homework assignment
Organizational part: Greeting students, checking the readiness of the classroom for the lesson, determining attendance.
Spiritual moment: Organize a short conversation with students about the important economic, socio-political, spiritual, educational, moral and educational news of the day, listen to the independent approach of students to them, organize a discussion.
Repetition of the previous topic: Students will be asked to review the knowledge gained in the lower grades on the basis of oral or handout materials - questions and answers. Students will be asked to complete assignments for independent reading.
New topic statement:Students will be given the following insights on a new topic.
The second half of the XIX century - the beginning of the XX century has a special place in the Uzbek literature. Anbar Otin was one of them. The poet says in his work "Tarjimayi hol", in particular: My father is Farmonquli Margilani, My mother is Ashurbibi Kokani. They are bozchi, more precisely, engaged in belt-making. The family lived very poor. The future poet Dilshod studied at the horse school. Dilshod Barno wrote about it: “Anbaroybugdoyrang, with sunbul hair, ohu eyes, moon face, morality and respect for manners. Despite being an eight-year-old girl, she is very interested in studying Navoi's ghazals. I hope that this girl will become a great poet. ”Anbar Otin wrote in Uzbek and Tajik. The influence of Uvaysi is felt in his poems. After all, he mentions Uvaysi in one of his poems as "grandmother" and tells his father that Uvaysi is an aunt. He mentions Navoi as the greatest of teachers:
If you are looking for a master, Anbar Otin,
You should always read Navoi's teachings.
"Philosophy of Blacks" is the most beautiful literary discovery in the work of Anbar Atin. He is a beautiful example of social courage and perseverance, mature potential and creative perfection in the personality of the poet. For the first time in the history of our literature, Anbar Atin created in the philosophical and journalistic direction. Preserved in history as the "Treatise on Philosophy" ("Treatise on the Philosophy of Black"), this work provides a wealth of information about the worldview and imagination of Anbar Atin. It turns out that he is a scholar of history, philosophy, ethics and the history of our culture. Winson points out that the colors in his body do not have an absolute social significance, that he may have different aspects in relation to the universe and man, rather than where he lives and what language he speaks.
Strengthening: In this part of the lesson, students will answer the following tasks and questions at the end of the lesson:
  1. Tell us about the most important events in the life of Anbar Otin.
  2. Which artists did he interact with?
  3. Tell us about the literary genres created by Anbar Otin.
  4. Read Dilshod Barno's notes about the future poet and express your opinion to him.
  5. How is the word “in darkness” pronounced and written in our modern literary language? Compare them, explain their essence.
  6. What differences and similarities did Anbar Otin show between white and black people? What does he mean by that?
  7. Find the analogy associated with the pot in the game. Explain what it was used for.
  8. Find the places where the word "black" is associated with the concepts of enlightenment and beauty, and explain them.
Student assessment: Students will be assessed on the basis of the assessment criteria set for their participation in the lesson. Grades are reflected in students ’diaries and class journals. Works with students who did not actively participate in the lesson.
Homework: students will be given a homework assignment to study the topic, find additional materials, and enrich their understanding.
MMIBDO '___________
Date: “__” ___________ 201 __. .Teacher:
TOPIC 25: The content and essence of the "philosophy of blacks"
to provide students with new knowledge about the content of the "Philosophy of Black" and its ideological and artistic significance; to further develop in students the quality of respect for parents; to teach students to develop themselves, to apply their knowledge on the topic to be able to apply to situations.
Competencies to be formed on the topic:
Literary-speaking competencies (listening comprehension, oral expression of thought, reading, written expression of thought).
Can expressively read examples of artistic creation (prose, poetry, drama), understand, comprehend and comprehend their social and artistic-aesthetic content;
Competence in working with information:                             
to use the available sources of information (books, mass media, the Internet, dictionaries, reference books (audio-video recordings), computers, e-mails, etc.) for educational purposes and to express a conscious attitude to the materials in them, draw conclusions, learn from them and apply them in their work;
Competences in FC science
FK1- Literary-speaking competencies (listening comprehension, oral presentation, reading, written expression)
FK2- Competence to analyze a work of art
Type of training: a new concept, a formative of knowledge.
Training style: traditional.
Training equipment: training, dictionary of literary terms, scientific literature on the subject, slides, booklets, handouts, a set of visual aids (audio, video, photographs, tables).
An integral part of the lesson
Allocated time (regulations)
Organizational part
5 minutes
A moment of spirituality
Repetition of the previous topic
5 minutes
Explain the new topic
25 minutes
5 minutes
Student assessment
5 minutes
Homework assignment
Organizational part: Greeting students, checking the readiness of the classroom for the lesson, determining attendance.
Spiritual moment: Organize a short conversation with students about the important economic, socio-political, spiritual, educational, moral and educational news of the day, listen to the independent approach of students to them, organize a discussion.
Repetition of the previous topic: Students will be asked to review the knowledge gained in the lower grades on the basis of oral or handout materials - questions and answers. Students will be asked to complete assignments for independent reading.
New topic statement:Students will be given the following insights on a new topic.
Although Anbar Otin did not live long, he spent most of his life crucified in bed. But he also has a strong will along with a strong talent
He wrote: “Falakijomakabud1 dastidin yuz dodki,” he writes. - In one meeting, when I was a child and was kicked out of the stairs, I fell asleep. My young life was full of sorrow and my color was saffron. All I could do was read books and recite ghazals. ”“ Philosophy of Blacks ”Anbar Atin's most beautiful literary work
is a discovery. He is a beautiful example of social courage and perseverance, mature potential and creative perfection in the personality of the poet. For the first time in the history of our literature, Anbar Atin created in the philosophical and journalistic direction. Preserved in history as the "Treatise on Philosophy" ("Treatise on the Philosophy of Black"), this work provides a wealth of information about the worldview and imagination of Anbar Atin. Its history, philosophy, ethics and
is known to be a scholar of the history of our culture. The fact that the colors in Winson's body have absolutely no social significance, not where he lives and what language he speaks, but differences in his attitude to the world and man
Explaining the different meanings of the word black, the poet emphasizes the social life, the inequality in it. Of social justice
Anbar Atin's observations about women and their role and importance in social and spiritual life have not lost their social and artistic-aesthetic relevance today.
Strengthening: In this part of the lesson, students will answer the following tasks and questions at the end of the lesson:
Adiba mentions the names of many great scholars. What was the purpose of that blood day?
  1. How did Anbar Atin interpret the phrase "black happiness"? In his opinion, who is the real black happiness?
  2. Try to create a modern Uzbek translation of some paragraphs in the first and second parts.
  3. Compete in retelling the text of “The Philosophy of Black”.
Student assessment: Students will be assessed on the basis of the assessment criteria set for their participation in the lesson. Grades are reflected in students ’diaries and class journals. Works with students who did not actively participate in the lesson.
Homework: students will be given a homework assignment to study the topic, find additional materials, and enrich their understanding.
MMIBDO '___________
Date: “__” ___________ 201 __. .Teacher:
TOPIC 26: Life and creative activity of Abdurauf Fitrat. Abulfayzkhan is the first Uzbek realistic drama.
to give students new knowledge about the life and creative path of Abdurauf Fitrat, his rich literary heritage;
to teach students to dress regularly; to teach students to develop themselves, to be able to apply the knowledge gained on the subject in real-life situations.
Competencies to be formed on the topic:
Competence in analyzing a work of art
expressively reads examples of artistic creation (prose, poetry, dramatic work), understands, comprehends and comprehends their social and artistic-aesthetic content;
Self-development competence:
increase their knowledge independently, follow the rules of language in everyday activities and correctly apply the knowledge acquired in the speech process;
Competences in FC science
FK1- Literary-speaking competencies (listening comprehension, oral presentation, reading, written expression)
FK2- Competence to analyze a work of art
Type of training: a new concept, a formative of knowledge.
Training style: traditional.
Training equipment: training, dictionary of literary terms, scientific literature on the subject, slides, booklets, handouts, a set of visual aids (audio, video, photographs, tables).
An integral part of the lesson
Allocated time (regulations)
Organizational part
5 minutes
A moment of spirituality
Repetition of the previous topic
5 minutes
Explain the new topic
25 minutes
5 minutes
Student assessment
5 minutes
Homework assignment
Organizational part: Greeting students, checking the readiness of the classroom for the lesson, determining attendance.
Spiritual moment: Organize a short conversation with students about the important economic, socio-political, spiritual, educational, moral and educational news of the day, listen to the independent approach of students to them, organize a discussion.
Repetition of the previous topic: Students will be asked to review the knowledge gained in the lower grades on the basis of oral or handout materials - questions and answers. Students will be asked to complete assignments for independent reading.
New topic statement:Students will be given the following insights on a new topic.
Abdurauf Abdurahim oglu Fitrat was born in 1886 in the city of Bukhara. He first studied at the old school, then at the Mirarab Madrasa, in Istanbul in the early twentieth century. There he took the creation seriously. At that time, prose works such as "Debate", "Statement of an Indian Traveler" and a collection of poems "Sayha" ("Chorlov") were published. From April 1917 to March 1918 he was the editor of the newspaper "Hurriyat" published in Samarkand. In 1918, Fitrat came to Tashkent and was mainly engaged in literary, scientific and educational work. In 1921 he was invited to Bukhara. During this period, on the initiative of Fitrat, 70 talented young people from Turkestan were sent to study in Germany. Fitrat lived in Moscow and Leningrad in 1923–1924 and worked at the Institute of Oriental Languages. There he taught Turkish, Arabic, Persian languages ​​and literature. He became a professor of Leningrad medicine. During these years he wrote such works as "Abulfayzkhan", "Bedil", "Qiyamat", "Satan's rebellion against God". Fitrat taught "Rules of Literature" for schoolchildren, as a linguist on the rules of the Uzbek language. He wrote the books Sarf and Nahv. He also wrote works on musicology, such as "Shashmaqom", "History of Uzbek classical music", "Oriental music". In 1937 he was unjustifiably arrested on charges of "enemy of the people" and on October 1938, 4 in Tashkent's present-day Yunusabad. During the independence period, the work of Abdurauf Fitrat was widely disseminated. Some scientific treatises have been written about his life and work.
Strengthening: In this part of the lesson, students will answer the following tasks and questions at the end of the lesson:
  1. Learn more about Fitrat’s life and work.
  2. Read the drama in roles.
  3. What do you know about the historical period on which the tragedy was based?
  4. Comment on Ulfat's opinion that "the kingdom is a brook watered with blood."
  5. Explain Hakimbi's relationship with Nadirshah with examples from the text.
Student assessment: Students will be assessed on the basis of the assessment criteria set for their participation in the lesson. Grades are reflected in students ’diaries and class journals. Works with students who did not actively participate in the lesson.
Homework: students will be given a homework assignment to study the topic, find additional materials, and enrich their understanding.
MMIBDO '___________
Date: “__” ___________ 201 __. .Teacher:
TOPIC 27: Work on the text of the drama "Abulfayzkhan"
-o 'to give students new knowledge about the drama "Abulfayzkhan", its ideological and artistic significance;
to educate students to be kind to people; to teach students to develop themselves, to be able to apply the knowledge gained on the subject in real life situations.
Competencies to be formed on the topic:
Literary-speaking competencies (listening comprehension, oral expression of thought, reading, written expression of thought).
Can expressively read examples of artistic creation (prose, poetry, drama), understand, comprehend and comprehend their social and artistic-aesthetic content;
Competence in working with information:                             
to use the available sources of information (books, mass media, the Internet, dictionaries, reference books (audio-video recordings), computers, e-mails, etc.) for educational purposes and to express a conscious attitude to the materials in them, draw conclusions, learn from them and apply them in their work;
Competences in FC science
FK1- Literary-speaking competencies (listening comprehension, oral presentation, reading, written expression)
FK2- Competence to analyze a work of art
Type of training: a new concept, a formative of knowledge.
Training style: traditional.
Training equipment: training, dictionary of literary terms, scientific literature on the subject, slides, booklets, handouts, a set of visual aids (audio, video, photographs, tables).
An integral part of the lesson
Allocated time (regulations)
Organizational part
5 minutes
A moment of spirituality
Repetition of the previous topic
5 minutes
Explain the new topic
25 minutes
5 minutes
Student assessment
5 minutes
Homework assignment
Organizational part: Greeting students, checking the readiness of the classroom for the lesson, determining attendance.
Spiritual moment: Organize a short conversation with students about the important economic, socio-political, spiritual, educational, moral and educational news of the day, listen to the independent approach of students to them, organize a discussion.
Repetition of the previous topic: Students will be asked to review the knowledge gained in the lower grades on the basis of oral or handout materials - questions and answers. Students will be asked to complete assignments for independent reading.
New topic statement:Students will be given the following insights on a new topic.
A certain part of Abdurauf Fitrat's work consists of dramatic works. Among them is the tragedy "Abulfayzkhan", published in 1924. The tragedy of Abdurauf Fitrat "Abulfayzkhan" is one of the works that depicts a number of extreme events. It can be said that it is built on the basis of Because the dream of a crown can blind the eyes and weaken the souls. This is evidenced by a number of events in the work. In particular, according to historical evidence, Abulfayzkhan passed through the sea of ​​his brother to ascend the throne. Around Khan
he is defeated because of the hypocritical traitors, and also because of his extreme shortsightedness. The rest of the work is also aimed at emphasizing that the system based on oppression will eventually collapse.
As the days passed, Abulfayzkhan began to be disturbed by the spirits of the dead: he had nightmares. The khan becomes more and more full of traitors. After all, it was only his fault. Even one of his most trusted men, Hakimbi, befriends King Nadirshah of Iran. He secretly sends his son to Nadirshah. Although Hakimbi seems to be in favor of non-war, his surrender of his country to the enemy, his secret collusion with the enemy, and the eventual capture of Bukhara by the king of Iran are not justified in terms of nationalism and patriotism. In the image of Hakimbi, there is a man who did not unite with Abulfayzkhan, who handed over his country to the enemy. Hakimbiy was summoned by Abulfayzkhan through Ulfat. Hakimbi refuses to go and chooses a place to negotiate, saying, "Let them go and settle in the houses of Hodja Kalon, let them call the elders of the people." In the following pages of the tragedy, the khan's regrets, cries and lamentations are given. Rahimbi, who took over the presidency, kept Abulfayzkhan under house arrest. At this point, Fitrat meets Abulfayzkhan and Rahimbi. In this episode, the convicted khan Rahimbiyva counts the good deeds he did for his relatives. Rahimbiyesa criticizes the khan's ignorant policy, saying, "You have destroyed the great, great peaks of our state with your own hands." Everyone seems to be right in their opinion… Later Ulfat comes to the khan digging lahm. Honesa does not dare to flee.
Strengthening: In this part of the lesson, students will answer the following tasks and questions at the end of the lesson:
  1. How would you describe the crisis of the Abulfayzkhan kingdom?
  2. Compare the images of Rahimbi and Abulfayzkhan.
  3. What is the image of Gurbangul in the play?
  4. Why does the imagination call itself Siyavush? Explain the reason.
  5. Write a creative essay on "Fiction and History."
Student assessment: Students will be assessed on the basis of the assessment criteria set for their participation in the lesson. Grades are reflected in students ’diaries and class journals. Works with students who did not actively participate in the lesson.
Homework: students will be given a homework assignment to study the topic, find additional materials, and enrich their understanding.
MMIBDO '___________
Date: “__” ___________ 201 __. .Teacher:
TOPIC 28: Cholpon's life and work. The novel "Night and Day".
to give students new knowledge about the life and work of Abdulhanid oglu Cholpon, his rich literary heritage; to form in students the ability to express a personal attitude to the changes taking place in our country; to teach students to develop themselves, to be able to apply the knowledge gained on the topic in real-life situations.
Competencies to be formed on the topic:
Competence in analyzing a work of art
expressively reads examples of artistic creation (prose, poetry, dramatic work), understands, comprehends and comprehends their social and artistic-aesthetic content;
Self-development competence:
increase their knowledge independently, follow the rules of language in everyday activities and correctly apply the knowledge acquired in the speech process;
Competences in FC science
FK1- Literary-speaking competencies (listening comprehension, oral presentation, reading, written expression)
FK2- Competence to analyze a work of art
Type of training: a new concept, a formative of knowledge.
Training style: traditional.
Training equipment: training, dictionary of literary terms, scientific literature on the subject, slides, booklets, handouts, a set of visual aids (audio, video, photographs, tables).
An integral part of the lesson
Allocated time (regulations)
Organizational part
5 minutes
A moment of spirituality
Repetition of the previous topic
5 minutes
Explain the new topic
25 minutes
5 minutes
Student assessment
5 minutes
Homework assignment
Organizational part: Greeting students, checking the readiness of the classroom for the lesson, determining attendance.
Spiritual moment: Organize a short conversation with students about the important economic, socio-political, spiritual, educational, moral and educational news of the day, listen to the independent approach of students to them, organize a discussion.
Repetition of the previous topic: Students will be asked to review the knowledge gained in the lower grades on the basis of oral or handout materials - questions and answers. Students will be asked to complete assignments for independent reading.
New topic statement:Students will be given the following insights on a new topic.
Cholpon (pseudonym; real name Abdulhamid Sulaymon oglu Yunusov) (1897, Andijan - April 1938.4.10, 1908, Tashkent) - poet, writer, playwright, translator, critic and public figure. He first studied at a madrasah (12-1912) and then at the Rustuzem school (14-1914). He increased his literary and socio-political knowledge by reading the works of classical Eastern poets and observing the modern press. Arrived in Tashkent in 1920, Sadoi Turkiston gas. collaborated with. Literary worker in the newspaper "Yangi Sharq", "Ishtirokiyun" ("Red Flag" since 1922, "Turkistan" since 1919), Scientific Council under the People's Commissariat of Education (Regional Uzbek Education Board since 23, Scientific Council since 1921 chairman (1922-1920), editor of the Bukhara Akhbori newspaper (23-1921), director of the Turon Theater (22; 1921-1922), Mushtum jur. and technical editor, literary worker (23-1922), Uzbek Drama Studio (Moscow, 23-1924) and literary assistant at the Uzbek State Drama Theater (27), translator at the USSR Central Committee and the Central Publishing House of the Oriental Peoples (Moscow, 192731-1931), literary worker in the magazines "Mushtum" and "Guliston" and in the newspaper "Theater" (on a public basis, 34-1935).
His literary career began in 1913-14 with reports on the social and cultural life of Andijan. 1914 y. Acquaintance with M.Abdurashidkhonov and U.Khojayev in Tashkent was an important factor in the formation of Cholpon as a representative of the national revival movement. Cholpon published his first poem "To our Turkestan brothers", stories "Victim of ignorance", "Doctor Muhammadyor" and "What is literature?" In "Sadoi Turkiston" newspaper. He published his article (1914) and became one of the leading figures in the literature of this period. Cholpon, who saw the main reason for the economic, social and cultural backwardness of the Turkestan people in the Russian colonial policy, along with other Jadids, began to raise the cultural and educational level of the people with his works.
Cholpon's poetry is included in the collections "Uzbek Young Poets", "Awakening" (1922), "Springs" (1923), "Secrets of Dawn" (1926) and "Word" (1935), as well as various gases. and jur.larda eion qshshngan. They are divided into two groups according to their ideological and thematic direction: pure lyric and socio-political lyric. In his poems depicting romantic experiences and landscapes, Cholpon rose to the level of a classic representative of world lyrical poetry. His poems skillfully reflected the rich and beautiful spiritual world of the lyrical hero, the landscape and the processes taking place in nature. "Beautiful", "Intuition", "Mysteries", "Am I a poet?" He brought the new Uzbek poetry, based on the weight of his fingers, to a high level of development. Finger weight became the mainstay of new Uzbek poetry in the early 2s with the creative explorations of Cholpon and Fitrat. Cholpon's first research in the field of drama dates back to 20. In the same year he wrote small plays, such as "The Blacksmith," "Sin," and "The Rebellion of the Maid." In the early 1919s, Ch .'s plays "Bright", "Khalil Farang", "Killer" (20), "Love and Kingdom", and "Shepherd's Love" (1921) appeared (many of these works have not survived). During his years as director of the Turon Theater, Cholpon mastered the "secrets" of performing arts and drama, as well as the Russian language. He was sent to work as a literary collaborator at the Uzbek Drama Studio in Moscow. In addition to translating lectures by famous Moscow artists and directors for his compatriots who did not yet speak Russian, he also staged plays for studios ("Bright", "I'm getting married again", "Sleep of the Guard" (in collaboration with L. Sverdlin), "Long-eared grandfather". ) and translated plays by Russian and European playwrights (K. Gotssi, "Malikai Turondot", NVGogol, "Investigator", VN Bill Belotserkovsky, "Labbay", Moliere, "Greed"). Cholpon worked as a literary collaborator of the Uzbek State Sample Troupe (Uzbek State Theater since 1922) in 1924 on the basis of participants from Moscow and Baku drama studios. During this period, his plays such as "Mushtumzor", "Attack" (in collaboration with V.Yan, 1927), "Comrade Karshibaev" (1929), which satirized the shortcomings of people and society, appeared on the stage. Cholpon also worked as a theatrical translator, including K. Goldoni's "A Look at Two Rich Men", Lope de Vega's "The Lamb", W. Shakespeare's "Hamlet", F. Schiller's "Printers", Bill Belotserkovsky's "Portana", S. Levitina's "Judgment", A. Fayko's "Man with a Portfolio", V. Tret'yakov's "Pull the Crow, China!", Etc. He translated Ivanov's plays "Armored Train No. 1928-1929" into Uzbek. As a literary collaborator, playwright and translator, Cholpon, along with M. Uygur, laid the foundation stone of the professional Uzbek theater.
Although Cholpon's work on literature and the arts consists of short articles, some of them are of programmatic importance. Cholpon wrote "What is literature?", Written in 1914-15. and in his articles "To our esteemed writers" clearly defined the role of literature and art before the people and society, its educational significance. He is a representative of Uzbek and foreign literature ("The Late Tavfiq Fikrat", "Two Loses", "Rizo Tavfiqbek", "Tagore and Tagore Studies", "The Great Indian", "George Dandon", "The Great School Owner", "Uvaysi", "Master's Qualities", theater and music ("Abo Muslim", "Iblis", "Sheikh San'an", "Aydin", "Malikai Turondot", "Meyerhold Theater", "Tursunoy on the stage", "Ashulaga ishkiboz", " Interests »,« Otabola san'atkor »,« Bazmcholgu todasi »,« Ukraina bandurachilar »), language (Turkish translation of" Shohnoma "," Development of our language ") and translation (" Jindak about translation "," Word, word, word " ) contributed to the emergence and formation of literary criticism, art criticism, linguistics and translation studies in the 20s.
Strengthening: In this part of the lesson, students will answer the following tasks and questions at the end of the lesson:
  1. Briefly comment on Cholpon's work and his prose works.
  2. What period events are described in the novel "Night and Day"?
  3. How does Cholpon describe the first spring? Evaluate the writer’s artistic skill.
  4. Describe the family environment in which Zebi was raised.
Student assessment: Students will be assessed on the basis of the assessment criteria set for their participation in the lesson. Grades are reflected in students ’diaries and class journals. Works with students who did not actively participate in the lesson.
Homework: students will be given a homework assignment to study the topic, find additional materials, and enrich their understanding.
MMIBDO '___________
Date: “__” ___________ 201 __. .Teacher:
TOPIC 29: Work on the text of the novel "Night and Day"
to give students new knowledge about the novel "Night and Day", its ideological and artistic significance;
to teach students to believe in our universal and national values;
.to teach students to develop themselves, to be able to apply the knowledge gained on the topic in real-life situations.
Competencies to be formed on the topic:
Literary-speaking competencies (listening comprehension, oral expression of thought, reading, written expression of thought).
Can expressively read examples of artistic creation (prose, poetry, drama), understand, comprehend and comprehend their social and artistic-aesthetic content;
Competence in working with information:                             
to use the available sources of information (books, mass media, the Internet, dictionaries, reference books (audio-video recordings), computers, e-mails, etc.) for educational purposes and to express a conscious attitude to the materials in them, draw conclusions, learn from them and apply them in their work;
Competences in FC science
FK1- Literary-speaking competencies (listening comprehension, oral presentation, reading, written expression)
FK2- Competence to analyze a work of art
Type of training: a new concept, a formative of knowledge.
Training style: traditional.
Training equipment: training, dictionary of literary terms, scientific literature on the subject, slides, booklets, handouts, a set of visual aids (audio, video, photographs, tables).
An integral part of the lesson
Allocated time (regulations)
Organizational part
5 minutes
A moment of spirituality
Repetition of the previous topic
5 minutes
Explain the new topic
25 minutes
5 minutes
Student assessment
5 minutes
Homework assignment
Organizational part: Greeting students, checking the readiness of the classroom for the lesson, determining attendance.
Spiritual moment: Organize a short conversation with students about the important economic, socio-political, spiritual, educational, moral and educational news of the day, listen to the independent approach of students to them, organize a discussion.
Repetition of the previous topic: Students will be asked to review the knowledge gained in the lower grades on the basis of oral or handout materials - questions and answers. Students will be asked to complete assignments for independent reading.
New topic statement:Students will be given the following insights on a new topic.
The novel "Night and Day" has a special place in the creative biography of Cholpon, as well as in the history of Uzbek novels, because this play summarizes the knowledge and experience of Cholpon in life, his artistic skills in the field of poetry and drama. Therefore, when reading the novel, it is written by a passionate writer, and in many places the lyrical mood of the writer is clearly felt. As a nationalist writer, the author skillfully describes the socio-political, spiritual and educational changes that began in the life of the Uzbek people, the problems of life that touched his heart. The image of the spiritual environment of the ordinary brother at the beginning of the work is gradually reconciled with the realities of the fate of the nation, such as identity and understanding of the world, enlightenment and freedom, based on the artistic essence of the novel. In prose works, the author's point of view on the events described is important. the bird is very well versed in a number of distinctive artistic heroes. Their attitudes, the contradictions between them, their assessment of the realities of the period are very convincingly interpreted artistically. In particular, the novel shows the selfishness of the commander Akbarali, the process of social and spiritual dynamics of Miryokubepaka. Eventually, the tragic fate of an innocent girl, Zebi, shakes the reader's heart. The image is based on the desires of young Zebi, who is now fifteen years old and begins to open in accordance with the spring season. Zebi, like everyone else, dreams of playing and laughing, of going out into the fields. When he knocked on the door and entered the courtyard, Sultanat's heart was in the same mood as Zebi's - pure as the breath of spring. Zebi is very pleased with her friend's offer. The writer writes in poetic terms: "Heart, dream, love, joy - all these fly to Salti, are thrown to him, surround him, turn him around and embrace him!" However, Zebi's father, Razzaq, is a Sufi, and his snow-covered eyebrows attract the reader's attention from the very first pages of the novel.
Strengthening: In this part of the lesson, students will answer the following tasks and questions at the end of the lesson:
  1. What figurative expressions describe the features of the nature of Razzaq Sufi?
  2. Compare the qualities of Zebi's parents. Explain your ideas with examples from the text.
  3. Describe the image of Enaxon in the work.
  4. Comment on how you understand the immortal looking at the moon in the sky and thinking of the “moon” on earth.
Student assessment: Students will be assessed on the basis of the assessment criteria set for their participation in the lesson. Grades are reflected in students ’diaries and class journals. Works with students who did not actively participate in the lesson.
Homework: students will be given a homework assignment to study the topic, find additional materials, and enrich their understanding.
MMIBDO '___________
Date: “__” ___________ 201 __. .Teacher:
TOPIC 30: Erkin Vohidov. Poems and the epic "Rebellion of Spirits".
to provide students with new knowledge about the life and career of Erkin Vahidov, his rich literary heritage;
to form in students the ability to express a personal attitude to the changes taking place in our country; to teach students to develop themselves, to be able to apply the knowledge gained on the topic in real-life situations.
Competencies to be formed on the topic:
Competence in analyzing a work of art
expressively reads examples of artistic creation (prose, poetry, dramatic work), understands, comprehends and comprehends their social and artistic-aesthetic content;
Self-development competence:
increase their knowledge independently, follow the rules of language in everyday activities and correctly apply the knowledge acquired in the speech process;
Competences in FC science
FK1- Literary-speaking competencies (listening comprehension, oral presentation, reading, written expression)
FK2- Competence to analyze a work of art
Type of training: a new concept, a formative of knowledge.
Training style: traditional.
Training equipment: training, dictionary of literary terms, scientific literature on the subject, slides, booklets, handouts, a set of visual aids (audio, video, photographs, tables).
An integral part of the lesson
Allocated time (regulations)
Organizational part
5 minutes
A moment of spirituality
Repetition of the previous topic
5 minutes
Explain the new topic
25 minutes
5 minutes
Student assessment
5 minutes
Homework assignment
Organizational part: Greeting students, checking the readiness of the classroom for the lesson, determining attendance.
Spiritual moment: Organize a short conversation with students about the important economic, socio-political, spiritual, educational, moral and educational news of the day, listen to the independent approach of students to them, organize a discussion.
Repetition of the previous topic: Students will be asked to review the knowledge gained in the lower grades on the basis of oral or handout materials - questions and answers. Students will be asked to complete assignments for independent reading.
New topic statement:Students will be given the following insights on a new topic.
Erkin Vahidov was born on December 1936, 28 in Oltiariq district of Fergana region in the family of a teacher. His father was one of the educated, respectable men of Altiyarik. He taught history and then held various leadership positions. He went to the front in the early years of World War II, returned with a concussion and pneumonia, and died in 1945 at the age of thirty-three in a hospital in Almazar, Tashkent. A year later, the mother of the future poet also passed away. It is the only monument of two short lives and remains in the hands of Uncle Erkin. “When my father was at the front, my mother worked as a secretary in the village council, and we had a hard time. I will never forget my mother slapping me in the face and crying until the evening because I sucked the stalk of corn and spread my tongue, joined the children and ate kunjara. When I think about it, most of my childhood memories have been moved to poems and epics. "The poems 'Cry', 'Sunshine', 'Childhood', 'The Elder', and 'Childhood' were the fruits of those hard imaginations and early memories," the poet recalls. The brightest memories of his childhood and adolescence in Tashkent are connected with the circles organized by the poet Gayrati and literary conversations in the house of his very noble and well-educated uncle. Because these circles instilled in him a respect for the artistic word, taught the future poet to feel the beauty of the word. His first poem was published in Mushtum magazine when he was still a teenager, when he was a member of Ghayrati's circle. At the bottom of the poem was written "E. Vahidov, a student of 22" a "class of school 7. After graduating with a gold medal, Erkin Vahidov studied at the Faculty of Uzbek Philology of Tashkent State University. He then worked in various publishing houses and newspapers and magazines. He became the organizer of the first youth magazine of the republic "Yoshlik". In recent years, he served as head of the department of the Oliy Majlis of Uzbekistan. E. Vahidov's first book of poems was published in 1961 under the title "Breath of Dawn". After that he wrote "My songs to you", "Heart and mind", "My star", "Cry", "Lyrics", "Epic written in a tent", "Youth office", "Lamp", "Epics". "," Love "," Modern Youth "," Living Planets "," Suffering ". The Uzbekization of the poems of the great Russian poet Sergei Yesenin and the German poet Goethe's two-book tragedy Faust demonstrated another aspect of Erkin Vahidov's talent. His comedy "Golden Wall" was staged not only in our country, but also abroad. He is one of the artists who was awarded the title of People's Poet of Uzbekistan and Hero of Uzbekistan.
Member of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan of the UI and II convocation. He is currently the chairman of the committee. In recent years, he has served as chairman of the committee of the Oliy Majlis of Uzbekistan. His first book, Breath of Dawn, was published in 1961. He later wrote "My Songs to You" (1962), "Heart and Mind" (1963), "My Star" (1964), "Cry" (1964), "Lyrics" (1965), "Epic in a Tent" (1966). , "The Office of Youth" (1969), "The Lighthouse" (1970), "The Land of the Sun" (1972), "Living Planets" (1978), "The East Coast" (1981), "Letter to the Future" (1983), "Love ”(1984),“ Modern Youth ”(1986),“ Suffering ”(1991), and“ The Bitter Truth Is Good ”(1992). The poet vividly depicts the delicate and intricate landscapes of the human psyche. The desire to see a person as perfect is the basis of his poems
“Erkin Vahidov is an artist who has cheered the spirit of literary geniuses, received the blessings of the new Uzbek literary circles, and has penetrated deep into the hearts of his people. Such a poet will never perish. "
Abdugafur Rasulov, literary critic
“Erkin Vahidov's charming rubaby songs, the harmony of the century, the epics that have risen to the level of figs, as well as the subtlety, the meekness, the humor, the satire, the comedy, the sharp social pathos, Benazir's smile He is also honored for our people. "
Umarali Normatov, literary critic
Strengthening: In this part of the lesson, students will answer the following tasks and questions at the end of the lesson:
  1. Give a brief description of the work of Erkin Vahidov.
  2. What historical fact is dedicated to the epic "Rebellion of Spirits"? What do you know about the history of its writing?
  3. Read the full text of the epic, comment on the narrations. Think about their impact on the content of the work.
  4. When did the Indian people gain independence? Answer based on your knowledge of history.
  5. Describe the image of Nazrul Islam in the epic. What qualities do you value in him?
Student assessment: Students will be assessed on the basis of the assessment criteria set for their participation in the lesson. Grades are reflected in students ’diaries and class journals. Works with students who did not actively participate in the lesson.
Homework: students will be given a homework assignment to study the topic, find additional materials, and enrich their understanding.
MMIBDO '___________
Date: “__” ___________ 201 __. .Teacher:
TOPIC 31: A brief account of the life and work of Rauf Parfi. Peculiarities of the poet's poetry,
to provide students with new knowledge about literature, its importance as a means of spiritual growth; .to form in students the ability to express a personal attitude to the changes taking place in our country; .to teach students to develop themselves, to be able to apply the knowledge gained on the topic in real-life situations.
Competencies to be formed on the topic:
Literary-speaking competencies (listening comprehension, oral expression of thought, reading, written expression of thought).
Can expressively read examples of artistic creation (prose, poetry, drama), understand, comprehend and comprehend their social and artistic-aesthetic content;
Competence in working with information:                             
to use the available sources of information (books, mass media, the Internet, dictionaries, reference books (audio-video recordings), computers, e-mails, etc.) for educational purposes and to express a conscious attitude to the materials in them, draw conclusions, learn from them and apply them in their work;
Competences in FC science
FK1- Literary-speaking competencies (listening comprehension, oral presentation, reading, written expression)
FK2- Competence to analyze a work of art
Type of training: a new concept, a formative of knowledge.
Training style: traditional.
Training equipment: training, dictionary of literary terms, scientific literature on the subject, slides, booklets, handouts, a set of visual aids (audio, video, photographs, tables).
An integral part of the lesson
Allocated time (regulations)
Organizational part
5 minutes
A moment of spirituality
Repetition of the previous topic
5 minutes
Explain the new topic
25 minutes
5 minutes
Student assessment
5 minutes
Homework assignment
Organizational part: Greeting students, checking the readiness of the classroom for the lesson, determining attendance.
Spiritual moment: Organize a short conversation with students about the important economic, socio-political, spiritual, educational, moral and educational news of the day, listen to the independent approach of students to them, organize a discussion.
Repetition of the previous topic: Students will be asked to review the knowledge gained in the lower grades on the basis of oral or handout materials - questions and answers. Students will be asked to complete assignments for independent reading.
New topic statement:Students will be given the following insights on a new topic.
Rauf Parfi (Tursunali Parfiyev) was born on September 1943, 27 in the village of Shoralisoy, Yangiyul district, Tashkent region. He first studied in high school. Then he studied at the Faculty of Philology of Tashkent State University. After that, Rauf Parfi became actively involved in the literary process. He worked in the prestigious literary publishing houses of the republic, various newspapers and magazines. The first collection of poems of the poet "Caravan Road" was published in 1968. Then he wrote "Echo", "Picture", "Memory", "Eyes", "Return", "Tree of Patience", "Silence", "Repentance", "Last Farewell", "Sakina". As a translator he wrote Byron's "Manfred", Nazim Hikmat's "Landscapes of Man", Carlo Kaladze's "Imagination of the Sea", A. He translated Tvardovsky's "Olive Branch" and poems of other world writers into Uzbek. Rauf Parfi's contribution to Uzbek poetry was highly appreciated, and in 1999 he was awarded the title of "People's Poet of Uzbekistan." The poet died in Tashkent in 2005. The very phrase "Rauf Parfi's poetry" encourages reflection on the poet's literary heritage, beautiful poems, and the general pathos of his work. In the poems of the poet the themes of Motherland, mother, man, nature are leading. Dear reader! You have enjoyed part of the poet’s vast creative heritage. Poems such as "Dawn", "Rain", "Summer Night", "I'm back…", "Heart" This indicates that the flour was made in a harmonious form.
Strengthening: In this part of the lesson, students will answer the following tasks and questions at the end of the lesson:
  1. Try to fill the biography of Rauf Parfi with more evidence.
  2. Pay attention to the originality and national features of the poet's poems.
  3. Did you watch the dawn? Compare your observation with the morning scene described by the poet in the poem. What can you say about the poet's skill in this regard?
  4. What art was used in Rauf Parfi’s poems?
  5. Explain the role of nature's lyricism in the poet's poems and the style of expression on the basis of examples.
  6. Highlight the points where the human mental states are expressed in the poems.
Student assessment: Students will be assessed on the basis of the assessment criteria set for their participation in the lesson. Grades are reflected in students ’diaries and class journals. Works with students who did not actively participate in the lesson.
Homework: students will be given a homework assignment to study the topic, find additional materials, and enrich their understanding.
MMIBDO '___________
Date: “__” ___________ 201 __. .Teacher:
TOPIC 32: Independence period literature
to provide students with new knowledge about literature, its importance as a means of spiritual growth; to form in students the ability to express a personal attitude to the changes taking place in our country; to teach students to develop themselves, to be able to apply the knowledge gained on the topic in real-life situations.
Competencies to be formed on the topic:
Competence in analyzing a work of art
expressively reads examples of artistic creation (prose, poetry, dramatic work), understands, comprehends and comprehends their social and artistic-aesthetic content;
Self-development competence:
increase their knowledge independently, follow the rules of language in everyday activities and correctly apply the knowledge acquired in the speech process;
Competences in FC science
FK1- Literary-speaking competencies (listening comprehension, oral presentation, reading, written expression)
FK2- Competence to analyze a work of art
Type of training: a new concept, a formative of knowledge.
Training style: traditional.
Training equipment: training, dictionary of literary terms, scientific literature on the subject, slides, booklets, handouts, a set of visual aids (audio, video, photographs, tables).
An integral part of the lesson
Allocated time (regulations)
Organizational part
5 minutes
A moment of spirituality
Repetition of the previous topic
5 minutes
Explain the new topic
25 minutes
5 minutes
Student assessment
5 minutes
Homework assignment
Organizational part: Greeting students, checking the readiness of the classroom for the lesson, determining attendance.
Spiritual moment: Organize a short conversation with students about the important economic, socio-political, spiritual, educational, moral and educational news of the day, listen to the independent approach of students to them, organize a discussion.
Repetition of the previous topic: Students will be asked to review the knowledge gained in the lower grades on the basis of oral or handout materials - questions and answers. Students will be asked to complete assignments for independent reading.
New topic statement:Students will be given the following insights on a new topic.
The twentieth century is a special stage in the history of the rich culture and artistic thinking of the Uzbek people. During this period, the principle of realistic imagery led the development of Uzbek literature; Fiction has become closer to social life, to people's lives, the themes of the pen have been connected with modern, existing human problems. Most importantly, at the end of the twentieth century, an unforgettable historical event took place in Uzbekistan. 'zbekis ton gained independence. On the first day of the school year, a unique festive mood reigns in all schools. Therefore, it is natural that the literature of the post-independence period is called "Uzbek literature of the independence period." Every aspect of art - poetry, prose and drama - is rich in the themes of the independence period. This indicates the beginning of a new era in the history of Uzbek literature
Strengthening: In this part of the lesson, students will answer the following tasks and questions at the end of the lesson:
  1. Express your thoughts on the poetry, prose and drama of the independence period.
  2. What are the main features of the poetry of the independence period?
  3. List the most important themes of Uzbek poetry of the independence period.
Student assessment: Students will be assessed on the basis of the assessment criteria set for their participation in the lesson. Grades are reflected in students ’diaries and class journals. Works with students who did not actively participate in the lesson.
Homework: students will be given a homework assignment to study the topic, find additional materials, and enrich their understanding.
MMIBDO '___________
Date: “__” ___________ 201 __. .Teacher:
TOPIC 33: Prose during independence
to provide students with new knowledge about literature, its importance as a means of spiritual growth; .to form in students the ability to express a personal attitude to the changes taking place in our country; to teach students to develop themselves, to be able to apply their knowledge on the topic in real life situations.
Competencies to be formed on the topic:
Literary-speaking competencies (listening comprehension, oral expression of thought, reading, written expression of thought).
Can expressively read examples of artistic creation (prose, poetry, drama), understand, comprehend and comprehend their social and artistic-aesthetic content;
Competence in working with information:                             
to use the available sources of information (books, mass media, the Internet, dictionaries, reference books (audio-video recordings), computers, e-mails, etc.) for educational purposes and to express a conscious attitude to the materials in them, draw conclusions, learn from them and apply them in their work;
Competences in FC science
FK1- Literary-speaking competencies (listening comprehension, oral presentation, reading, written expression)
FK2- Competence to analyze a work of art
Type of training: a new concept, a formative of knowledge.
Training style: traditional.
Training equipment: training, dictionary of literary terms, scientific literature on the subject, slides, booklets, handouts, a set of visual aids (audio, video, photographs, tables).
An integral part of the lesson
Allocated time (regulations)
Organizational part
5 minutes
A moment of spirituality
Repetition of the previous topic
5 minutes
Explain the new topic
25 minutes
5 minutes
Student assessment
5 minutes
Homework assignment
Organizational part: Greeting students, checking the readiness of the classroom for the lesson, determining attendance.
Spiritual moment: Organize a short conversation with students about the important economic, socio-political, spiritual, educational, moral and educational news of the day, listen to the independent approach of students to them, organize a discussion.
Repetition of the previous topic: Students will be asked to review the knowledge gained in the lower grades on the basis of oral or handout materials - questions and answers. Students will be asked to complete assignments for independent reading.
New topic statement:Students will be given the following insights on a new topic.
In modern Uzbek literature, prose works are distinguished by their scale and ideological and artistic breadth of imagery. It is important for a prose work to reflect any event - whether it is big or small - according to the means of artistic imagery, figurative thinking, all the spiritual experiences of man. Reading epic novels or short stories, it is possible to imagine the socio-historical life of a certain period, the way of life of people, their thoughts, invaluable feelings such as love. At the same time, the work of art reflects the worldview, talent and personality of its author. Abdullah Qadiri: “It is possible to imagine a writer, even if he is not known, by reading his works and knowing what kind of person he is. Because in his works, he mainly describes his nature and spirit. ”During the independence period, some examples of Uzbek prose were introduced to the students of the lower grades through“ Literature ”classes. But in order to imagine it as a whole, they must be aware of the literary process that continues to this day.
Strengthening: In this part of the lesson, students will answer the following tasks and questions at the end of the lesson:
  1. In the passage from the fourth book of Muhammad Ali's epic "The Great Kingdom" entitled "Thoughts of Sahibkiran", what historical events took place during the reign of our great Sahibkiran Amir Temur?
  2. Based on your knowledge of history, share your thoughts on the artistic expression of historical truth in an epic passage.
Student assessment: Students will be assessed on the basis of the assessment criteria set for their participation in the lesson. Grades are reflected in students ’diaries and class journals. Works with students who did not actively participate in the lesson.
Homework: students will be given a homework assignment to study the topic, find additional materials, and enrich their understanding.
MMIBDO '___________
Date: “__” ___________ 201 __. .Teacher:
TOPIC 34: Dramaturgy of the Independence Period
to provide students with new knowledge about the literature of the independence period, the drama of the independence period;
teaching students to take precautions to avoid exposure to popular culture;
to teach students to develop themselves, to be able to apply the knowledge gained on the topic in real-life situations.
Competencies to be formed on the topic:
Competence in analyzing a work of art
expressively reads examples of artistic creation (prose, poetry, dramatic work), understands, comprehends and comprehends their social and artistic-aesthetic content;
Self-development competence:
increase their knowledge independently, follow the rules of language in everyday activities and correctly apply the knowledge acquired in the speech process;
Competences in FC science
FK1- Literary-speaking competencies (listening comprehension, oral presentation, reading, written expression)
FK2- Competence to analyze a work of art
Type of training: a new concept, a formative of knowledge.
Training style: traditional.
Training equipment: training, dictionary of literary terms, scientific literature on the subject, slides, booklets, handouts, a set of visual aids (audio, video, photographs, tables).
An integral part of the lesson
Allocated time (regulations)
Organizational part
5 minutes
A moment of spirituality
Repetition of the previous topic
5 minutes
Explain the new topic
25 minutes
5 minutes
Student assessment
5 minutes
Homework assignment
Organizational part: Greeting students, checking the readiness of the classroom for the lesson, determining attendance.
Spiritual moment: Organize a short conversation with students about the important economic, socio-political, spiritual, educational, moral and educational news of the day, listen to the independent approach of students to them, organize a discussion.
Repetition of the previous topic: Students will be asked to review the knowledge gained in the lower grades on the basis of oral or handout materials - questions and answers. Students will be asked to complete assignments for independent reading.
New topic statement:Students will be given the following insights on a new topic.
Dear reader! You have seen theatrical interpretations of the rarest dramatic works in the history of world literature, from many examples of Uzbek national dramas.
you need to be aware. In addition to the influence of Uzbek classical literature and folklore, the leading dramatic traditions of world literature also played an important role in the emergence of this literary genre. From the point of view of literary criticism, the appearance of works in accordance with the literary-theoretical rules of drama is, of course, connected with the Uzbek cultural environment of the early twentieth century. Theatrical performances serve as a beacon for the people, who are on the path of development in due time. Accordingly, modern Uzbek dramaturgy has its own long-standing common literary and aesthetic basis and a hundred-year history dating back to the beginning of the last century. Without the history of Uzbek drama, you have, of course, read some examples, such as "Padarkush" (Mahmudkhoja Behbudi), "Abulfayzkhan" (Fitrat), "Sahibkiron" (Abdulla Aripov). character, laughter and, accordingly, the artistic interpretation of the chosen event on the stage. In the genre of tragedy, the tragedy is the result of extremely strong contradictions between the protagonists, the existing socio-spiritual environment; the reader or because of this tragic situation
a feeling of pity arises in the heart of the spectator. It is noteworthy that in the history of Uzbek drama there is a tragicomedy "Iron Woman" (Sharof Boshbekov), which combines the features of the literary genre. A person who sees or reads sometimes laughs involuntarily at the characters in the play, and at the same time mourns the tragic condition of a person who has been crushed by hard work.
thinks deeply.
Strengthening: In this part of the lesson, students will answer the following tasks and questions at the end of the lesson:
  1. What dramatic works were written during the independence period? Which of them did you read or watch? Share your Taas photos.
  2. Read the drama in roles?
  3. Why did Erkin Azam call the drama “The Lonely Boat”?
  4. Explain the qualities of the protagonist of the drama - Aral Baba.
Student assessment: Students will be assessed on the basis of the assessment criteria set for their participation in the lesson. Grades are reflected in students ’diaries and class journals. Works with students who did not actively participate in the lesson.
Homework: students will be given a homework assignment to study the topic, find additional materials, and enrich their understanding.
MMIBDO '___________

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