10 useful tips for young mothers


10 useful tips for young mothers??

Young mothers with babies in their arms do not have time to pamper themselves. Nevertheless, a woman should always strive to be beautiful.
1. Always keep your hair clean. Oily or, on the contrary, dry, frizzy hair does not allow a woman to be beautiful. ?‍♀️
2. Nails must be taken on time. ?
3. You may not have enough time to comb your long hair, but a beautifully combed hair will not break during the day and can make a young mother more beautiful. ?‍♀️
4. In order for the hair to look beautiful even without styling, beautiful abodoks, stone rubbers, decorative nevidimkas help.?
5. Some mothers with babies in their arms like to wear the oldest clothes in the house for fear of spills of milk, baby food or other hygiene products. You should be beautiful during this period too. Get used to wearing inexpensive, but comfortable and clean clothes. Discard clothes that are worn, ill-fitting, stained, torn or faded. You are a wonderful woman. ?
6. May not have time or need for makeup. But don't forget that the face needs nourishment and care after pregnancy. Do not stop using creams, lotions, facial cleansers. ?
7. A woman's beauty also depends on her clothes. It is difficult for a tired woman to look beautiful. When the child sleeps, it is important to put all your work aside and sleep together. Rest not only helps you to be beautiful, but also calms your nerves.?‍♀️
8. It is not necessary to eat everything because "the child needs milk". For example, foods such as chocolate, candy, cake do not help to increase milk, but they provide you with extra weight. ?
9. Find time for at least 30 minutes of light physical activity a day. Exercises you know or special video lessons will help you. Physical activity improves the physical condition and health of the mother after pregnancy. ?‍♀️
10. Always wear comfortable clothes. Sweaty, long, synthetic or rough clothes have a negative effect on the skin of a young mother who often sweats.?

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