Here are 3 important reasons to put babies to bed on their tummy


3 Important Reasons to Put Babies to Belly 🤱🏻

Improved mobility ✅
Researchers at the University of Australia have found that lying on a baby's stomach affects his development. The experiment involved 4237 children and their development was assessed by several parameters.

♻️ It turns out that children who lie on their stomachs for more than half an hour during the day are better able to control their movements, are active. Also, children lying on their stomachs have learned to crawl faster than children lying on their stomachs. According to Tatyana Goryacheva, director of the Center for Psychodiagnostics and Psychocorrection, the muscles of the arms and legs for crawling should be ready for this process. A child lying facing the sky does not move and his muscles are not ready to move. This causes the baby to turn from the abdomen to the back and begin to crawl while sitting.

The skull develops properly ✅
To prevent sudden death syndrome in children, the child is also placed facing the sky and the child will have to sleep in this position. Some mothers are so afraid of this syndrome that they are afraid to put the baby to bed on their stomach at other times as well. But if the child is just lying down, the skull may not develop well or properly. If it is often laid with the side head, the lying side may become flat.

His heart will be strong ✅
Another piece of information found by Australian scientists: a child who sleeps a lot in the womb will gain better weight and the cardiovascular system will be stronger. Because this condition is the best cardio for a child and it has a good effect on heart development. If practiced every day, the child's coordination of movements will improve, the limbs will move better, and the spine will be strengthened. This not only affects the physical development but also the mental development. The risk of developing a hernia is also prevented due to the strengthening of the press muscles in the process. If the baby is laid on his stomach before feeding, this will reduce the pain of stabbing the abdomen.

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