Follow these tips and help your baby when he is resting:


📥👨‍🔬If your baby is resting, follow these tips and help him:
• Lay the baby on his stomach;
• warm the baby's abdomen with a warm film or your own body temperature;
• in severe cases, place a gas tube or enema;
• use a special bottle when giving additional mixture;
• Give the baby herbal syrups (dill, chamomile, mint, fennel) that improve air circulation in the intestines;
• give medication in severe cases (such as Espumizan, Bobotik);

Be sure to see your pediatrician before taking any medication you intend to give your child.

Swimming, gymnastics, abdominal massage, proper diet, proper feeding techniques prevent the child from relaxing the abdomen.

Remember, excess gas in a baby’s gut is usually a natural process, not a serious condition. All you need to do is not panic, but first eliminate the causes of excess gas, and then make it easier for them to pass out of the intestines.


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