Baby colic (gas, flatulence)


Baby colic (gas, flatulence)

Breathing in and out is normal for a growing child. But increased gas in the stomach can cause difficulties for a small child. If gases accumulate in the child's body, there are ways to release them.

✅ Let's follow the following rules to ensure that air enters the child's body less:

- If you are breastfeeding, make sure that the baby has a good grip on your breast with his lips. Not only the nipple, but the entire areola should enter the child's mouth.

- If you are feeding from a bottle, make sure that the baby's lips are on the thick part of the bottle nipple, not on the tip.

— During bottle feeding, hold the bottle at an angle of 30-45 degrees so that the air escapes to the bottom (base) of the bottle.

— If you are breastfeeding, remove products that cause flatulence in the child from the composition of the products you eat. Cabbage, pears, and some juices often cause flatulence in children. Be careful if you start giving extra food.

- Feed the child in smaller amounts more often than giving a lot at one sitting.

- During breastfeeding and for 30 minutes after breastfeeding, hold the baby vertically at 45 degrees.

- Don't let him suck the empty bottle.

- Wash the baby quickly when he cries.

❓What should be done to expel more air from the body?

- First of all, burp the baby during and after breastfeeding.

- Gently rub the baby's belly in a clockwise direction.

- Hold the child.

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