3 rules for good bowel function


3 rules for good bowel function

1️⃣ Start the bowels. In the morning, wake up, drink a glass of plain water, and after 15 minutes, drink a cup of herbal or green tea. Have breakfast after 10-15 minutes.

2️⃣ Choose a meal time. Never eat when you have no appetite (e.g. when you are sick). In this case, the intestinal vessels are in spasm and cannot digest food normally. Also, if you are nervous and very tired, do not eat. Stress hormones do not allow food to be fully digested.

3️⃣ Chew food well and then swallow. The process of digestion begins in the mouth, and if we swallow food in small pieces, there will be no problems with digestion. This is especially important for fatty and heavy foods.

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