55 keyboard combinations for efficient performance in Photoshop


🏞 55 keyboard combinations for efficient performance in Photoshop
Working through the tools and settings of Adobe Photoshop is definitely not for everyone. Fortunately, this graphics editor supports keyboard combinations to save us time and nerves.
‼ ️ Some of the listed keys and combinations may not work in older versions of the program.
🏷 Layers (Sloi)
1️⃣. Create a new layer (Create new layer): Shift + Ctrl + N.
2️⃣. Create a layer by copying method (Create layer by copy method): Ctrl + J.
3️⃣. Creating a layer by cutting method (Create layer by cutting method): Shift + Ctrl + J.
4️⃣. Merge visible layers (Combine visible layers): Shift + Ctrl + E.
5️⃣. Rotate the selected layer to the top (Delete vibrated layer): Shift + Ctrl +].
6️⃣. Rotate the selected layer to the bottom (Sdelat vibrannyy sloy samym nijnim): Shift + Ctrl + [.
7️⃣. Raise the selected layer one step up (Podnyat vыbrannыy sloy na odin uroven): Ctrl +].
8️⃣. Drop the selected layer one step down (Opustit vybrannyy sloy na odin uroven): Ctrl + [.
🏷 Correction of images (Image correction)
1️⃣. Open the "Level" window (Open the "Level" window): Ctrl + L.
2️⃣. Open the "Private" window (Open the "Private" window): Ctrl + M.
3️⃣. Open the "Color Balance" window (Open the window "Color Balance"): Ctrl + B.
4️⃣. Open the "Color tone / Saturation" window (Open the window "Tsvetovoy tone / Nasyshchennost"): Ctrl + U.
5️⃣. Open the "Image Size" window (Open the "Image Size" window): Ctrl + Alt + I.
6️⃣. Switch to free transformation mode (Go to free transformation mode): Ctrl + T.
7️⃣. Discolor the selected area or layer (Obestsvetit vыdelennuyu oblast ili sloy): Shift + Ctrl + U.
8️⃣. Using Autoton (Apply Autoton): Shift + Ctrl + L.
9️⃣. Using AutoContrast (Apply AutoContrast): Alt + Shift + Ctrl + L.
🔟. Using "Automatic color correction" (Apply "Automatic color correction"): Shift + Ctrl + B.
1️⃣1️⃣. Create or Cancel Obtravochnaya Mask (Clipping Mask): Ctrl + Alt + G.
🏷 Scale Management (Upravlenie scale)
1️⃣. View image at 100% scale (View image at 100% scale): Ctrl + Alt + 0.
2️⃣. Adjust the image scale to the window size (Adjust the image scale under the window size): Ctrl + 0.
3️⃣. Image zoom (Increase zoom image): Ctrl + "+".
4️⃣. Image zoom (Umenshit zoom image): Ctrl + «-».
🏷 Marking (Vydelenie)
1️⃣. Cancel the selection (Sbrosit vydelenie): Ctrl + D.
2️⃣. Reverse the setting, ie reassign (Vernut vydelenie): Shift + Ctrl + D.
3️⃣. Invert the selection: Shift + Ctrl + I.
4️⃣. Select all layers (Select all layers): Ctrl + Alt + A.
5️⃣. Select the top layer (Select Vertical Layer): Alt + «.».
6️⃣. Select the bottom layer (Select lower layer): Alt + «,».
7️⃣. Remove part of the selected area (Isklyuchit chast vыdelennoy area): Hold down the Alt key and select + zajataya key Alt + vydelenie.
8️⃣. Add a new field to the selected field (Добавить новую область к уже выделенной): Hold down the Alt key and select + zajataya key Shift + vydelenie.
9️⃣. Select a color in the image (Выбрат цвет на изображении): Hold down the Alt key + click (click) (zajataya key Alt + shchelchok instrument «Cyst»).
🏷 Brushes (Cyst)
1️⃣. Brush size reduction (Umenshit size cyst): [.
2️⃣. Enlarge brush size (Uvelichit size cyst):].
3️⃣. Reducing the stiffness of the brush (Umenshit jyostkost cyst): {.
4️⃣. Increase the stiffness of the brush (Uvelichit jyostkost cyst):}.
5️⃣. Go to the previous brush (Pereklyuchitsya na predydushchuyu cyst): «,».
6️⃣. Go to the next brush (Pereklyuchitsya na sleduyushchuyu cyst): «.».
7️⃣. Go to the first brush (Pereklyuchitsya na pervuyu cyst): «<».
8️⃣. Go to the last brush (Pereklyuchitsya na poslednyuyu cyst): «>».
9️⃣. Enable airbrush effects (Turn on airbrush effects): Shift + Alt + P.
🏷 Text editing (Text editing)
1️⃣. Align text to the center (Shift text to the center): Shift + Ctrl + C.
2️⃣. Align the text to the left (Rotate the text to the left): Shift + Ctrl + L.
3️⃣. Right-click the text (Shift the text to the right): Shift + Ctrl + R.
4️⃣. Enlarge text size (Increase text size): Shift + Ctrl + «>».
5️⃣. Decrease text size (Increase text size): Shift + Ctrl + «<».
6️⃣. Enlarge the space between letters (Increase the interval between letters): Alt + →.
7️⃣. Minimize the space between letters (Umenshit interval mejdu bukvami): Alt + ←.
8️⃣. Remove or display a text fragment selection (Remove or display text selection): Ctrl + H.
🏷 Others (Various)
1️⃣. Create a new document (Create a new document): Ctrl + N.
2️⃣. Open a document stored on the hard disk (Open document stored on a hard disk): Ctrl + O.
3️⃣. Save the document in PSD format (Save document in PSD format): Ctrl + S.
4️⃣. Open the "Save for Web" window (Open the "Save for Web"): Shift + Ctrl + Alt + S.
5️⃣. Close any dialog box (Otmenit lyuboe dialogovoe window): Esc (Escape).
6️⃣. Cancel the last action (Cancel the last action): Ctrl + Z.
⚠️ These are just the most popular hotkeys supported by Photoshop and their combinations. A complete list of them can be found on the official website of Adobe (https://helpx.adobe.com/ru/photoshop/using/default-keyboard-shortcuts.html).
👨🏻‍💻 @itspecuz

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