A list of hotkeys used in Microsoft PowerPoint


List of hotkeys used in Microsoft PowerPoint ⌨️📋
If you have a lot of work to do in MS PowerPoint to create presentations and just watch them, then it is useful to get acquainted with the keyboard shortcuts to use them effectively.
F1 - Program Reference
CTRL + N - Create a new presentation
CTRL + M - Add a new one under the current slide
CTRL + C - Copy from slide
CTRL + V - Paste the copied slide
CTRL + X - Crop the selected text, object or slide
CTRL + Z - Cancel the last move
CTRL + S - Save the slide
ESC - Complete the slide show
CTRL + D - Create a copy of the object
CTRL + G - Group selected objects
CTRL + SHIFT + G - Separate selected objects from the group
CTRL + SHIFT + C - Copy the format used
CTRL + SHIFT + V - Apply the last copied format
CTRL + K - Add a hyperlink
CTRL + Y - Reapply the last action
CTRL + W - Close the document
CTRL + O - Open the document
CTRL + P - Print the document
TAB - Move from right to left along the fill elements on the slide
CTRL + UP ARROW - Move the slide up
CTRL + DOWN ARROW - Move the slide down
CTRL + SHIFT + UP ARROW - Convert a slide to the original slide
CTRL + SHIFT + DOWN ARROW - Convert a slide to the last slide
CTRL + F - Search
CTRL + H - Search and switch
F4 or CTRL + Y - Repeat the last action
Save as F12 -…
CTRL + F5 - Online presentation
CTRL + B - bold font
CTRL + I - italic font
CTRL + U - underlined font
Start / finish editing text in F2 form
CTRL + [- font reduction
CTRL +] - enlarge the font
CTRL + L - align the selected paragraph along the left edge of the slide
CTRL + R - align the selected paragraph along the right edge of the slide
CTRL + BACKSPACE - Delete the word to the left
CTRL + BACKSPACE - Delete the word to the right
CTRL + A - Select all
ALT + CTRL + Shift +> - High index
ALT + CTRL + Shift + <- Low index
F7 - Spell check
CTRL + E - place the paragraph flat in the middle of the slide
CTRL + J - place the paragraph aligned along both edges of the slide
CTRL + L - align the paragraph to the left edge of the slide
CTRL + R - align the paragraph to the right edge of the slide
SHIFT + F3 - change the case of the highlighted text / make uppercase and lowercase uppercase
F5 - Start the slide show from the first slide
SHIFT + F5 - Start the slide show from the current slide
N - go to the next slide
P - Go to the previous slide
B - Display the black screen / temporarily close the slide
W - Display white screen / temporarily close slide
CTRL + P - Select the pen
CTRL + E - Select an eraser
CTRL + A - Select the arrow as the pointer

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