Abu Abdullah Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi


Abu Abdullah Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi
Date of birth: 783 years
Date of death: 850
Abu Abdullah Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi - (ca. 780-850) - famous
He is a Central Asian Turkic encyclopedic scholar.
He was born about 780 in Khorezm (now Khiva, Uzbekistan) and died in 850.
reached Al-Khwarizmi spent most of his life as a scholar at the Bayt ul-Hikma in Baghdad
His Algebra is the first book on the structural solution of linear and quadratic equations.
For this reason, he earned the title of ‘father of the science of algebra’, like Diophantus. His Indian
Latin translation of arithmetic on numbers in the 12th century.
introduced the concept of the system. After reviewing Al-Khwarizmi Batlimus's work "Geography",
updated, and he himself also created a number of works on astronomy and astrology.
Al-Khwarizmi made a great contribution not only to the field of mathematics, but also to languages
is a scientist. The word ‘algebra’, as noted in the scientist’s book, refers to the solution of a quadratic equation
is derived from the name of one of the 2 practices applied. The core of the word “algorithm” is Algorithm
which is derived from the Latinization of the scientist's name. Also Spanish guarismo and
the Portuguese word algarismo (both of which mean numbers) also comes from its name
There are other meanings of this term, see Khorezmian (meanings).
Khorezmi, Abu Ja`far (Abu Abdullah) Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi (783, Khiva - 850, Baghdad)
- One of the first encyclopedic scientists in the history of Central Asia, a great mathematician, astronomer, geographer. First
received his education in Khiva and was formed as a leading scientist. In this case, after the Arab invasion
the traditions of ancient Khorezmian science, which have been preserved to a certain extent, played a key role. Caliph Aaron
ar-Rashid's son and his governor in Khorasan were invited to al-Ma'mun - Marv. 819
Al-Ma'mun, who conquered Baghdad in XNUMX, was one of the Turkestan scholars of Khorezmi, Ahmad al-Farghani, and Habash.
al-Hasib Marwazi, Abul Abbas Jawhari and others with him, a unique scientific team
formed This community is considered to be the first official academy in the history of science -
It formed the core of the Bayt ul-Hikmat (House of Wisdom). This is Khorezmi in the academy
was a leading scientist and research supervisor. From that time on, he was in Baghdad al-Ma'mun (813-833),
He lived and worked during the caliphates of al-Mu'tasim (833) and al-Wasiq (842-842).
Dozens of Khorezmi's works have come down to us in full, in part or in parts. That's it
The works themselves show that Khorezmi is a scientist who made a great contribution to human civilization.
The American historian of science George Sarton called Khorezmi “the greatest mathematician of his time, if
one of the greatest mathematicians of all time, if all circumstances are taken into account. "
rated. This assessment is due to the unique role of Khorezmi in the history of mathematics.
Greek culture flourished from the 6th century BC to the 5th century AD by the 4th century
faced a crisis. In 415, the Library of Alexandria, a treasure trove of Greek science, was destroyed.
thousands of books were burned. As a result, science has stagnated and even achieved progress
also began to be forgotten. Consider the activities of some scholars in distant China and India in the 4th-8th centuries
except in Constantinople (Byzantium) and Gandishapur (present-day Khuzestan Province of Iran).
Greek scholars, some Syrians, Jews and Christian priests who survived
engaged in the preservation of books, translation, commentary, some due to religious needs
only astronomical observations were made.
In the ninth century, the Arab Caliphate grew stronger, and its capital, Baghdad, became a major economic and social center.
scientists began to flock here. Al-Hajjoj ibn Matar al-Kufiy, Abu Zakariyya Yahya ibn al-
Works of Batrak, Hunayn ibn Ishaq, Husta ibn Luke al-Baalbaki and other Greek scholars,
Muhammad al-Fazari, Ya'qub ibn Tariq and other scholars translated books from Hindi into Arabic
began, and the first commentaries were written in Arabic. But it is for science to reach new heights
had to rise to a new stage of development. In the words of science historian Adam Metz, “Muslim
This event in the history of science, called the "Renaissance", is primarily the name of Khorezm and his scientific courage
related to.
Khorezmi studies the achievements of Greek science in Baghdad, Indian and Iranian sources, even directly
Some facts from Babylon as well as Chinese sources are also familiar, making them important in their own right
enriches with his discoveries and creates fundamental works that have left an eternal mark on the history of science. Therefore
For Khorezm, it synthesized and enriched the unique heritage of civilization and spread it around the world
is a genius of science.
He founded the science of Khorezmian algebra, the term of which is "Kitab mukhtasar min hesab al-jabr valmuqobala"
(“A Brief Book on the Account of Al-Jabr Val-Muqabala”) is well derived from the title of the work
known. But sometimes Khorezm is only a linear and quadratic equation known before him
it is argued that the solution is systematic. This idea is based on the Khorezmian work
caused by the onset of However, Khorezmi's book is primarily algebraic
dedicated to the account. This is also evident from the fact that the name of the book has two important algebraic operations - al-jabr and
called al-muqabala. How to solve Khorezmian algebraic operations, equations first
explaining its application and then moving on to algebraic form substitutions. Otherwise of the book
it would be difficult to understand the purpose. Khorezmi's work dates back to the beginning of the 12th century.
Translated into Latin by Robert of Chester, the name is abbreviated to "algebra" (French, English
languages), became known as "algebra" (in German, Russian) and became the name of science.
Its preface describes the purpose for which the book was written: “I am a simple arithmetic and
Complete the Short Book on Algebraic Calculus, which covers complex issues
because in the distribution of inheritance, in the making of wills, in the distribution of goods, in the affairs of justice, in trade
and in any transaction, as well as in surveying, canal-laying, geometry, & c.
it is necessary for people to do different things like that. ”
The book consists of three parts (books). The first part of its 15 chapters "Kitab al-mukhtasar filjabr valmuqobala"
and is devoted to the statement of pure mathematical facts. In particular, it is Ancient
Methods for solving first- and second-order equations known from Babylon are described.
Since Khorezmi does not use negative numbers, he considers the equations as follows:
ax2 = bx, ax1 = c, bx = c, ax2 + bx = c, ax2 + c = bx, ax2 = bx + c. (They are the first and second in the language of modern science
positive numbers are canonical representations over half the area of ​​hierarchical equations).
In each case, Khorezmi gives the rules for solving the equations and their solid proofs. Proof
although apparently expressed in geometric language, it is essentially consistent with modern algebraic proofs
The next chapter of the book describes algebraic arithmetic, in particular the operations of al-jabr and mutation. This is it
the chapter introduces the concept of ‘irrationality’, the ‘rule of signs’. The next two of the book
chapter is a set of problems from algebra, which can be solved by al-jabr and alternative operations
For more complex examples, the "Measurement Chapter" is devoted to geometry. Of forms in it
the rules for measuring faces and volumes, the Pythagorean theorem, and other facts are explained. This is chapter size
although small in scope, it contained the information necessary for the practice of that period.
But as the author notes in the introduction, the main purpose of this chapter is geometry
not to describe, but to demonstrate its application in algebra geometry. Macalan,
the height of a triangle given three sides is shown to be found by algebra.
The other two parts of the book are entitled The Book of Testaments and On the Account of Destiny.
on Muslim jurisprudence, in particular, how to solve problems related to the distribution of inheritance by algebraic methods
Thus, the "Short Book on Algebraic Calculus" covers the basics of algebra and algebra.
was an excellent textbook devoted to practical application (again, the rule “Al-jabr val muqabala”).
It is clear how numbers and arithmetic play a role in the development of civilization, a society without buses
development is unimaginable. To the simplest element of universal culture today
write the converted numbers in decimal notation and perform arithmetic operations on them
The rules were introduced due to Khorezmi's work "Arithmetic".
Examples of algorithms (e.g., the Euclidean algorithm) are common in Greek mathematics. Khorezmi
correctly assessing the importance of algorithmic observation in describing difficult and complex topics,
he used it regularly in his works, turning it into a method of observation and narration. Medium
centuries ago, in Europe, first the rules of four operations, then arithmetic in general, from the 18th century
mathematical rules of any strict order, programs for computers from the 19th century
Began to be called an “algorithm”. In the mid-20th century, the concept of algorithm was at the heart of computer science
If at the end of the century it has become a concept, it is all out of the realm of mathematics and computer science
a necessary element of thinking in the natural sciences and technology - to the level of ability in algorithmic observation
reached. It is a historical fact that Khorezmi became a term of the relational algorithm.
Khorezmi's "Arithmetic" begins with general observations about the nature of numbers. Then desired
the method of writing the whole positive number by ten digits, i.e. the decimal number system and its advantages
explained. Then add, subtract, multiply, and divide the numbers written in this number system
The rules are explained and illustrated with examples. Then about the Khorezm fractional numbers
provides insight and performs arithmetic operations on them based on the sixty number system
says the rules.

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