How to get pregnant if the uterus is small


How to get pregnant if the uterus is small

If, in addition to pathology, other diseases of the reproductive system are detected, it is necessary to prepare for special planning of pregnancy. Often such preparations do not involve radical measures.

Gynecological massage and a number of physiotherapy methods can be prescribed to improve blood circulation, promote the growth of uterine epithelium. But most often hormonal therapy is used.

It should be noted that these measures are very effective and most women can become pregnant in the first and next near term after discontinuing oral contraceptives.

Hormone therapy in combination with other treatments can help increase the size of the reproductive organ. However, in hypoplasia, for example, it is permissible to conduct large-scale examinations, because the disease is often accompanied by other pathologies, which in turn is a contraindication to the use of hormonal agents.

Fertilization can be successful even after vitamin therapy. To do this, you need to take a complex of vitamins and minerals, balance the diet, change the agenda.

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