If a breastfeeding woman is pregnant…


If a breastfeeding woman is pregnant…
It is not for nothing that doctors insist that the period between two pregnancies should be at least three years. After all, during this period, the female body tries to restore itself and accumulate sufficient reserves of vitamins and minerals. It is clear to many that many mothers do not even think about avoiding pregnancy because they did not see the moon while breastfeeding. In fact, with the inclusion of additional nutrients in the baby's daily diet, the state of ovulation will be restored in the body, without a doubt. This means that you should avoid unexpected pregnancy.
The word is to the pediatrician‼️
When a woman becomes pregnant, the lactation process does not stop by itself - the mother is forced to breastfeed the baby in her arms in any situation. But there is a fact that the amount of lactose in the milk of a pregnant mother decreases due to hormonal changes. And sodium decreases, as a result, the taste of breast milk changes, that is, it becomes less sweet. When the baby does not like the new taste of milk, it refuses to suck and starts to fuss. In addition, 70% of women who become pregnant during lactation experience a decrease in the amount of breast milk. Therefore, in both cases, it is necessary to give the baby additional food and milk.
‼️Our recommendation is...
During pregnancy and breastfeeding, a woman's body undergoes physical, mental and hormonal changes. If a woman who is nursing a baby becomes pregnant, she should definitely be seen by a doctor and get proper advice on what to do next. We would also recommend not to overlook a number of dangerous situations. More precisely, when the baby is sucking, the mother's body starts to produce the hormone oxytocin. As this hormone causes the uterus to contract, there is a risk of miscarriage. In general, there are two opinions of gynecologists on this matter.
First, the oxytocin hormone does not affect the body of a pregnant woman until the fetus is 20 weeks old. The second is that it is dangerous for both the mother and the nursing child for a pregnant woman to continue breastfeeding her first child. In particular, those suffering from uterine fibroids and those who have previously experienced miscarriage should be careful. In short, it is better not to breastfeed the first child until the fetus is in the second trimester.
‼️We will eat for three people!
A lactating and at the same time pregnant woman now needs to eat for exactly three people. Just like those pregnant with twins, it is important to eat foods that are high in nutrients. It is recommended to be extremely careful, especially if toxicosis is observed in the first three months. The female organism, first of all, provides the fetus, then the nursing baby, and finally herself with medicines.
The lack of vitamin-rich foods in the menu is reflected in the growth of children. That is, there is an increased possibility of avitaminosis and diseases caused by it. A decrease in the amount of hemoglobin in a woman's body can cause iron deficiency and chronic hypoxia.
‼️Don't be mistaken when choosing additional food!
When you decide to wean your baby, you should do it gradually. We advise you to do this work at least two to three months before the expected birth of your second child. Because during this period, the baby forgets the mother's breast a little. At first, it is necessary to give up feeding during the day and give the child additional food.
Then morning and night feedings should be slowly limited. Naturally, some problems, such as diarrhea and allergies, can be observed when giving additional food to a child. Therefore, we recommend consulting a pediatrician when choosing food for a child.
As you reduce breastfeeding, the milk supply will decrease. If such a situation is not observed, we recommend using drugs that stop lactation, following the doctor's advice.

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