Magnesium is an important element for the body


✍🏻Magnesium is an important element for the body

‼ ️The importance of magnesium in the functioning of the human body is very high. Most of it is contained in bone tissue.

‼ ️This element is mainly ionized in blood plasma, erythrocytes and soft tissue. Also, much of it is bound to proteins, especially enzyme proteins. If animals are fed a diet that does not contain magnesium salts, their heart activity will be impaired and they will die. When large amounts of magnesium salts are released into the bloodstream, a person becomes dizzy, a condition known as magnesium anesthesia.

‼ ️This chemical element has the property of dilating blood vessels, improving bowel movements, increasing bile secretion. Magnesium compounds are used as a drug, such as magnesium sulfate, magnesium carbonate, magnesium thiosulfate. When magnesium is deficient in the walls of the intestines and blood vessels, the heart and bone muscles, an increase in calcium has been found in experiments.

‼ ️The human body's need for this substance is met mainly through food. The body's need for magnesium is especially strong in pregnant and lactating women.

‼ ️Adults 500 mg per day, pregnant women 925 mg, lactating women 1250 mg, children under 3 years 140 mg, adolescents 14-17 years 530 mg. should consume magnesium.

‼ ️Food is rich in magnesium in beans, mung beans, oats, buckwheat, peas and other legumes.