8 essential products to improve thyroid function
According to statistics, thyroid diseases are very common, and according to WHO data, they are second only to diabetes.
In many cases, disorders of the endocrine system are associated with a lack of vitamins and essential elements in the human body.
Malnutrition, a varied menu, and a lack of fruits and vegetables in the diet can all lead to thyroid dysfunction.
To reduce the risk of thyroid pathology, the following products should be included in the diet:
1. Sea kale
2. Seafood
3. Red fish (fish in general)
4. Nuts
5. Dates (or dates)
6. Don't
7. Spinach
8. Berries (blueberries, cranberries)
It is recommended to take iodine for prophylaxis. Adults 200 mg (18 mg under 100 years of age) with meals once a day, duration 6 months. Then 6 months without drinking and you can start again.
The iodine element is well absorbed in the presence of zinc ( and selenium (