Drawing is very important for a child!


Drawing is very important for a child!

According to pediatricians, a healthy child is a child who plays well, speaks well and draws well. Just like language and play, painting is a means of revealing a child’s inner world. Therefore, it is necessary to give the child the opportunity to draw so that he can express his inner experiences and feelings.

Through the picture, the child can express his joys and sorrows, fears and fantasies, his attitude to the environment. According to psychologists, there will be no child who does not draw, if the child does not want to draw, then he has a certain psychological stress.
What a child draws depends on his age.
Below are the average scores of drawing movements relative to the child's age. Of course, it is possible to retreat in one way or another.
12-18 months - various incomprehensible lines, circular shapes and meaningless zigzags;
2 years - vertical stripes;
2.5 years - horizontal stripes, spiral;
3 years - circle, sun;
3.5 years old - first person, crested;
4 years old - square, the child tries to draw things that are familiar to him;
5 years old - geometric shapes, a man in clothes;
6 years - moving animals and people, household appliances, kindergarten.
Experts divide the drawing period into 5 main stages:
Up to 2 years - aji-buji letter. This stage begins when the child is able to hold the pen (around 1 year of age). He observes the child's eyes draw, his hands clinging to the paper. Then his hand relaxes and he starts to move more freely.
From 2 to 3 years - to invent. The child unknowingly draws something, compares it with objects around him, and names his pictures.
From 3 to 4 years - new movements. The child begins to be able to describe what he knows without actually thinking about it.
From 4 to 10 years - imaginary drawing. The child draws not as he sees the object, but as he knows about it. That is, when he draws a house, he depicts not only the building of the house he sees, but also the people and objects inside the house.
After 10 years - the truth. At this stage, a child’s drawing is equivalent to an adult’s drawing. In it, he begins to depict objects and people as colors and shapes as they really are, using colors according to a certain rule.
Is a child’s drawing ability strong, will a child become a great artist? Unfortunately, it is not possible to assess a child’s ability to draw by looking at pictures, because, first, a child’s drawing is greatly influenced by the views of adults, which means that he or she does not express his or her views; second, the child's pictures can only be evaluated from a psychological point of view; thirdly, when a child draws, he does not want to create something wonderful, he simply expresses his inner feelings. But there are exceptions to this rule in life, and our child may be a little Picasso, but this is a very rare case.

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